Конспект уроку"Sport in our life"

Про матеріал
Закріпити вивчені лексичні одиниці, формувати навички читання, усного мовлення, розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, тренувати учнів в утворенні розділових запитань,розвивати уяву, пам'ять, виховувати любов до спорту.
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Тема уроку :"Sport in our life" Мета уроку:

1)освітня:тренувати і закріпити у мові учнів лексичні лексиодиниці по темі; відпрацювати і закріпити граматичний матеріал, розширити словниковий запас учнів;

2)практична:активізація навичок вживання вивчених лексичних одиниць;

3)розвиваюча: розвивати навички монологічного і діалогічного мовлення; сприяти розвитку комунікативних здібностей; розши учніврити кругозір учнів за допомогою мультимедійних засобів,інформації з інтернету;розвивати уяву, пам'ять, мовну здогадку;

4)виховна: виховувати усвідомлення важливості занять спортом, сприяти збагаченню внутрішнього світу учнів і шанобливого ставлення до свого здоров'я.

Тип уроку:комбінований

Обладнання:підручник, індивідуальні завдання,картки для роботи в групах(НО1), картки з текстом для читання(НО2), картки для роботи в групах(НО1), картки з текстом для читання(НО2), ілюстрації до теми.

Хід уроку

I Введення в іншомовне мовлення

1. Greeting(привітання)

Good morning, children!

I'm glad to see you!

-Sit down,please.

-Before we'll start our lesson, say me what mood you are in. Pupils choose the best for them.

Excited:ecstatic, energetic, aroused, bouncy, nervous, enthusiastic, thrilled

Tender:intimate, loving, warm-hearted, sympathetic, touched, kind, soft

Scared:tense,nervous, anxious, frightened, jitlery,panic-stricken, terrified

Angry: irritated,upset, mad, furious, resentful ,raging

Sad:down,miserable, grieved, dejected, depressed, heartbroken, unhappy

Happy:fulfilled, contented, glad, complete, satisfied, optimistic, pleased.

T.I see most of you are full of energy and I'm sure you do sports and eager to work on the topic "Sport in our life.

1.3.Warming up(мовна розминка)

-What kinds of sport do you know?

-What is your favourite sport?

-Do you like sport?

-Dо you prefer going in for sport or watching it on TV?

-What kinds of sport are popular in Ukraine?

-What national English sports do you know?

-What can sport bring?

-Are you keen on playing chess?

-What is your favourite sportsman?

-Who is the best sportsman in your class?

T.Read a poem, name the words which are connected with our topic:

I like riding by bicycle

I'm fond of playing chess

My friend is good at judo

We are keen as you can guess

The proverb reads for everybody

"A sound minds in a sound body"

1.2.Phonetic drills(фонетична зарядка)

[w] wind, windsurfing, water, water skiing, weight, weight lifting

[s] sport, swimming, skiing, skating, sound, sound mind, sound body

1.          4.Checking hometask 1.Фронтальна перевірка

-What was your hometask?

P.We had to learn the words and speak about your favourite kind of sports.

T.Now let's check.

II.The main part of the lesson.(основна частина уроку)

2.          1.Aim of the lesson.(повідомлення теми та мети уроку)

Today we are going to have a very interesting lesson.Look at these pictures, think and answer:what is this lesson about?

You are right.We'll speak about sport in your life,about different kinds of sport and find out new information.

What words do you associate with the topic"SPORT"(Учні біля дошки складають"Mind- map")

P.1 energy

P. 8 prize

P.2 keep fit

P.9 victory

P.3 health

P.10 trainings

P.4 special equipment.

P.11 competitions

P.5 special places

P.12 achievement

P.6 champion

P.13 olympiads

P.7 to win/loose

P.14 team

2.2  Учитель демонструє картинки,учні називають вид спорту.

T.Match the words with their translations

1. diving

a)стрибки у воду

2. snowboarding

b)легка атлетика

3. athletics

c)кінний спорт

4. hiking


5. cycling

е)катання на ковзанах

6. skating


7. biathlon

g)піший туризм

8. archery

h)вітрильних спорт

9. cricket

і)стрільба з лука



11.horse riding



l)катання на сноуборді

2.3  Match the words and say:We need….for

1. Goalkeeper


2. Racket


3. Bicycle


4. Boat


5. Net


6. Mask


7. Helmet


8. Horse


9. Flippers




2.4  Say True or False:

     Goalkeeper has to run all the time

     Volleyball players can touch the net

     Ice hockey players don't have to wear helmets

     Marathon runners don't have to wear trainers

     Water polo players have to be great swimmers

     Football players can't touch the ball with their heads

     Footballers can be very short but they can't be slow

     Basketball players can be tall

     Marathon runners can't stop during the race

     Tennis players can touch the net with the racket

2.4 Guessing game

1.   Favourite sport in England(football)

2.   Another name for table tennis (ping pong)

3.   A game similar to tennis (badminton)

4.   Sport on two wheels (cycling) 5. The queen of sport (athletics)


A song"If you are happy and you know it clap your hands."

2.3 Розвиток навичок слухання.

T:Listen to the description of sports and answer the question.What kind of sport is it?

a)It's a game for two players.They have sixteen figures which they move on the board.They must trap the opponent's king to win(chess)

b)It's a game for two players.They need rackets, a small ball, a net and a court (tennis)

c)It's a team game.Men and women, boys and girls can play it.The players have a ball and play it with their hands.There are six players in each of two teams(volleyball).

d)To play this game we need sticks, a puck,a playground covered with the ice(hockey).

e)It's a very popular game in England and in Ukraine.Both men and women can play it now.The players kick the ball with their feet.They mustn't touch the ball with their feet.The game lasts 90 minutes and has two halves.The players try to score a goal (football).

2.4. Розвиток навичок читання.

Read the text "My attitude to Sport"and agree or disagree with the statements

Everybody knows that sport is very important to keep people fit.We all need exercises if we want to be healthy.Regular exercises give us more energy.If a person does daily exercises he feels refreshed and optimistic.Each man should do all possible to stay healthy.

Sport is very popular in my family.My dad goes jogging every morning in the park.I do morning exercises and ride a bike.My mother attends a tennis club twice a week.On Saturday afternoon we go to the swimming pool together.Swimming is the best sport activity to feel healthy and strong.

In spring and in summer I often play volleyball with my friends on the sportgrounds .It's very exciting.We have a lot of fun.


New Vocabulary

T.Look at the blackboard and guess the meaning of the word-combinations

1.   to keep feet

2.   to feel refreshed

3.   to attend a club

Make up sentences with the word combinations


Read the text and say what is your attitude to sport.

Choose the right variant:

2.5.Sport is very important to keep people:

a)strong and healthy



2.If a person does daily exercises he feels…

a)tired and thirsty

b)exhausted and hungry

c)refreshed and optimistic

3.Sport is very popular in my…

a)classmates' family


c)cousin's family

4…afternoon we go to the swimming pool together. a)On Sunday

b)On Tuesday

c)On Saturday

5.….is the best sport activity to feel healthy and strong.


b)riding a bike


6.In spring and in summer l often play…with my friends



c)football 7.It's very…




3)post- reading

2.6.T. Answer the questions:

1.Why sport is very important for everybody?

2.What do regular exercises give us?

3.What should each man do to stay healthy?

4.Is sport very popular in your family?

5.How often does your mother attend a tennis club?

6.When do you go to the swimming pool?

7.Whom do you play volleyball with?

8.Is it very exciting to do sport

2.7Grammar point:question tags Match the sentence with a question tag:

1.Lions are dangerous animals.           a)didn't I

2.They have a wonderful house.         b)aren't they

3.He bought an expensive car.           c)haven't they

4.You'll have a terrible stomachache. d)didn't he

5.It will be a useful lesson.                   e)won't you

6.I bought a nice present for my dad. f)won't it Answers:1-b;2-c;3-d;4-e;5-f;6-a.

III.Заключна частина уроку

1.Hometask.Домашнє завдання

     Your hometask will be to write a short story about your favourite kind of sports.

     Explain the proverb" to get 10 points.

2.Summing- up .Підсумки уроку

Do you like the today's lesson?What new words and word combinations have you learnt?

P1.:I can recognize different kinds of sports.

P.2.I can speak about my favourite kind of sports .

P.3.I have learned some new words about sports .

T.I'd like to say that you were perfect.We have done a lot and learnt a lot of interesting information and a lot of sports.Everybody of you deserves high marks.

See you on Tuesday.Good bye!

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