Конспект уроку «Сучасні технології у нашому житті»

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Конспект уроку «Сучасні технології у нашому житті» Автор Пивоварова Олена Вікторівна,вчитель англійської мови
Перегляд файлу

Клас 10

ТЕМА: «Сучасні технології у нашому житті»

МЕТА :  Закріпити та автоматизувати вживання вивченої лексики та структур у знайомих та нових ситуаціях. Розвивати монологічне та діалогічне мовлення учнів.

Удосконалювати вміння та навички учнів у чотирьох видах мовленнєвої діяльності.

Розвивати пам’ять, мовну здогадку, логічне мислення учнів

Сприяти формуванню пізнавального інтересу учнів, розширювати кругозір.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручник Нерсинян-Пiроженко «Англійська мова 10 клас»,картки з завданнями,тематичні ілюстрації,проектор,вiдео та аудiо записи.


  1. Організаційний момент.

Т. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

Ps. Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you, too.

  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

-Today we have an unusual lesson . I hope that our cooperation will be successful .I want to ask you to be attentive and active. Don’t be afraid. And now guess the topic of our lesson after listening to recordering.

Our today’s  topic is “Science and inventions”. Today we’ll continue our talk about well- known inventions and discoveries, about famous scientists and inventions. We’l1 remember the words on the topic and  practise them in texts, games, dialogues and exercises

Do modern science and technology improve your life?

PI) Yes, they do. I use the Internet to search for information, to prepare my
homework, to play games.

P2) Yes, they do. I use the mobile phone to communicate with my parents
and my friends, to send messages, to listen to music, to play games.

P3) Yes, they do. I use television to watch films, news, cartoons, programs
for different tastes and interests.

Our today’s  topic is “Science and inventions”. Today we’ll continue our talk about well- known inventions and discoveries, about famous scientists and inventions. We’l1 remember the words on the topic and  practise them in texts, games, dialogues and exercises.

3.Мовна зарядка.

Інтерактивна вправа «Black box»

Children choose any card and describe the invention. Others try to guess what invention it is.




4.Oсновна частина уроку.

4.1.Game  ‘’Six thinking hats’’http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YenvfOi14DY/UA0ZNQRHroI/AAAAAAAAABI/j9fp4wP51jM/s1600/Six-Thinking-Hats-Process.png

4.2. Writing and Speaking

-Match the invention with it’s purpose.

1. A vacuum cleaner

1. To cook meals

2. A washing machine

2. To press clothes

3. A dishwasher

3. To clean the carpets

4. A microwave oven

4. To do the cooking

5. An iron

5. To wash clothes

6. A cooker

6. To find information

7. A computer

7. To wash up

8. A mobile phone

8. To watch films and news

9. A television

9. To communicate with people

Key: 1-3 2-5 3-7 4-1 5-2 6-4 7-6 8-9 9-8

Make up sentences using the structure!

  • A vacuum cleaner is used to clean the…

4.3.An interview.

Учні відповідають на запитання репортера

What is y our name?

  • How old are you?
  • Where are you from?
  • Have modern technologies changed your life?
  • What inventions make your life better and easier?
  • Can you imagine your life without mobile phone?
  • Do you use a computer?
  • Can you imagine your life without Internet?
  • Is television one of the best inventions of all time?
  •  Have you got a homepage in the social network Vkontakte“?
  • I can’t imagine my life without my favourite gadgets.  And what about you? Does they play an important role in your life?
  •  What devices do you use every day? – Nice to meet you!

4.4Listening  “Computers and technology in our lives”.

Now you will watch the video “Computers and technology in our lives” after listeting to the text you have to do a tasks on the cards you’ve received.

1.Why did they travel back in time?

2.What technologies make our life easier?

3.Why did humans create cave drawings?

4.Where did people write before the invention of paper?

5.Yow did people in past communicate?

6.What is a hardware?

4.5.Tele bridge.

Attention,we have received a video message  from Varvarivskyi lyceum. Let’s watch it.(pupils watch the video and answer the guestion)

4.6.Speaking task “Make a tree”

The last task for today is to make a tree.I’ll give you the stickers you have to write down the invention and explain why is it important for us and tick them on a tree.

5.Домашнє завдання.

6.Підведення підсумків уроку  

Do your mobile phones cost a lot?

How did you get your mobile phone (as a present, saved money to buy it, earned the money for buying it, found it)?

What are your phones equipped with?

Would you like to buy a new mobile phone? Why? Why not?

Are mobile phones necessary for teenagers? Why? Why not?

Why do teenagers prefer to have expensive mobile phone?

What are the advantages of having a mobile phone?

What are the disadvantages of having a mobile phone?



Why did they travel back in time

2.What technologies make our life easier?

3.Why did humans create cave drawings?

4.Where did people write before the invention of paper?

5.Yow did people in past communicate?

6.What is a hardware?

1.Why did they travel back in time?

2.What technologies make our life easier?

3.Why did humans create cave drawings?

4.Where did people write before the invention of paper?

5.Yow did people in past communicate?

6.What is a hardware?

1.Why did they travel back in time?

2.What technologies make our life easier?

3.Why did humans create cave drawings?

4.Where did people write before the invention of paper?

5.Yow did people in past communicate?

6.What is a hardware?

1.Why did they travel back in time?

2.What technologies make our life easier?

3.Why did humans create cave drawings?

4.Where did people write before the invention of paper?

5.Yow did people in past communicate?

6.What is a hardware?



18 січня 2022
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