Тема: Tolerance in our life
Мета: розкрити поняття «толерантність», показати певні рівні толерантної поведінки людини; розвивати адекватну самооцінку, вміння аналізувати, приймати рішення, вибирати правильну позицію; виховувати спостережливість, уважність до інших людей; виховувати здатність бачити і розуміти відмінність іншої людини від себе, вчити встановлювати стосунки на доброзичливій основі; сприяти формуванню ціннісних установок на толерантне спілкування та навичок толерантної поведінки, звичок; виховувати чуйність, взаємоповагу, людяність, терпимість і небайдужість
Обладнання: підручник “English” А. Несвіт 9 клас, мультимедійна презентація, картки, аудіозапис.
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Greeting. Привітання
T: Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you. How are you?
P: We are fine thanks and you?
2. Warming up. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу
T: Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
P: I am on duty today. All are present.
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is the 19 th of March.
T: What day is it today?
P: It is Thursday.
T: Let’s start our lesson. As you can see today we have guests. Don’t be afraid, be active, they are kind and polite. But first turn to each other, please, touch your hands and try to say some polite words to each other.
P: (You are great, you are fine, you are sociable, you are kind, you are helpful etc.)
T: And now I ask boys to say compliments to our guests.
P: say compliments
T: Thank you very much
II. Основна частина уроку
T: Let′s go on. As you remember, for all this term we have been talking about conflicts between people, their reasons, the ways of preventing conflicts and their peaceful resolution. What is today’s topic of our lessons? Look at the screen. Whom can you see here?
P: Young people.
T: What are they doing?
P: They are arguing, even fighting. They have a conflict.
T: If we do not want to have a conflict what kind of people should we be?
P: Kind, friendly, polite
T: Today we are going to speak about youth and tolerance. What will we do at the lesson?
1. Answer some questions about conflicts.
2. Listen to two dialogues and find difference between them
3. Make a portrait of a young person
Т: Let ′s summarize everything you’ve learnt about conflicts. What is a conflict? What does it mean?
T: Look at the slides and tell what kinds of conflicts are presented here?
- The conflict between children.
- The conflict between teacher and pupils.
- Political conflict.
- Family conflict.
- Conflict between girlfriend and boyfriend.
- Conflict on the work.
- Sport conflict.
T: Why do they often happen? What are the reasons? (disagreement, lie, betrayal, envy, etc.). Have you ever had conflicts? No doubt, sometimes you have. Unfortunately it’s a natural thing to happen. Now I want you to listen to two dialogues and then be ready to answer the following question what difference between these dialogues.
Розвиток умінь аудіювання
1. At home:
Mum: Don’t you know it’s 11 sharp! I’ve told you not to be late!
Son: I didn’t hear it! Besides, I’m a grown –up already and I have the right to come home whenever I want.
2. Mum: Why have you come so late? I am worrying. It’s time to be at home. Couldn’t you call me?
Son: Sorry, Mum, but I missed the bus and my phone battery is flat and I couldn’t call you!
Mum: OK.
Son: Next time I’ll be in time, Mum.
T: Thank you. Answer my questions
1. Do you feel the difference? What is the reason of the conflict?
2. What can you say about these dialogues?
3. Which one did you like? Why?
Of course in the second dialogue the relations between mother and son are friendly, caring, and polite. Mother does not shout at her son, she only worries about him. Is the mother tolerant? Of course, she is. Is her son tolerant?
Using your grammar material, you’ve studied during this term, make some advice to the first boy. What advice can you say to the first boy? Start your sentences IF I WERE A SON I WOULD… What grammar rule is presented here? What tense should we use here?
Закріплення ЛО теми
Now look at the screen. You can see the words. Will you read the following words and word combinations? Let’s read them one by one. Now I want you to read the words in pairs. Can you divide the words and word combinations into two groups: the words that are related to “tolerance” and the opposites of “tolerance”?
Agreement patience disapproval sufferance
Intolerance support help prejudice
kindness mindness
It is time to describe tolerant people. Every pupil will receive cards. In every card there is a flower. You must make your own tolerance flower. Put the qualities of a tolerant person into it.
Do young people today have these qualities? Are they polite? What is your opinion?
Розвиток умінь мовлення
Now let’s do next task. I have prepared some situations; you will choose one of them and try to describe your actions.
You are late. Your girl-friend or boy-friend is waiting for you. But suddenly an elderly woman asks you to help her with her luggage. What is your action?
You are going to school. But suddenly you meet some boys beating a smaller boy. What is your action?
Your best friend coloured her or his hair in green and additionally he or she wears strange clothes. What is your action?
Your younger sister or brother broke the disk with your favourite computer game. What is your action?
Your mother and you are going shopping. You like some dress. You need this dress because you will go to a party. But your mother is against your choice. What is your action?
III. Заключна частина уроку
Summarizing. Підсумок
T: Your work in the lesson was excellent. I think that now you know what tolerance is. I want to suggest you to do the following work at home. Your task will be to write an essay “Am I tolerant?” I believe that you have a lot of ideas on this topic. Ok, that’s all for today’s lesson. I wish you good luck.