Конспект Уроку з англ мови

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему "Історія Олімпійських ігор" повністю розроблений до презентації.

Перегляд файлу

План-конспект уроку №   ____   в 10 класі

Розроблений викладачем англійської мови

Безвугляк О.В.

D:\работа\открытый урок\images (1).jpg

Дата __________

Тема: «The History of Olympic  Games»


Практична: формування навичок говоріння,засвоєння нових лексичних одиниць по темі

Розвиваюча: розвинути навички говоріння,читання,письма

Освітня: розширити знання учнів про історію Олімпійських ігор

Виховна: виховати любов учнів до спорту,та здорового способу життя

Тип уроку: комбінований

Обладнання: компютер,проектор,роздатковий матеріал,дошка,PB,WB,мультимедійна призентація

Хід Уроку

I.Організаційний момент   (слайд 1)

T: ------ Good afternoon children!

    ------- Sit down,please!

P: ----- Good afternoon!

ІІ.Мовленнєва\фонетична зарядка

T: ------ Please ,look on the screen and try to reed the proverb very quickly.    (Слайд 2)

             “Big fat cat ,set on the man’s black hat”

Основна частина уроку

T:------ Who is on duty today?

P:------ I am on duty today.

  T: ------ What day is today?

P:------ Today is Tuesday,the twentieth of May.

T: ------ today we continuou  to study the theme “Sport”.Today we will touch the “History of the     Olympic Games”.Our practical skills are:    (Слайд 3)

  • To practice our speaking,to write down new words from the text
  • To develop speaking,writing and reading
  • To get to know more about the history of the Olympic Games
  • Start to love sport and physical development



T:------ The plan of  our lesson is:              ( Слайд 4)

  1. To read the text “History of the Olympic games”
  2. To write down the new words
  3. To answer the questions after the text
  4. To do Ex.3  , p. 87-88
  5. To check the h.w
  6. To give the new H.

T:-- --  At first I give you the text .You one by one will read and translate it. (Слайд 5)

   The History of the Olympic Games

Long ago ancient Greeks often waged wars. Small states suffered and lost much even if they did not take any side and stayed out of wars. The ruler of such a small state, Elis, wanted to live in peace with all neighbours. He was a good diplomat because his negotiations were successful and Elis was recognized a neutral state. To celebrate this achievement, he organized athletic games.

The games were held every four years in Olympia on the territory of Elis. The first games which later were called the Olympic Games were held about a thousand years before our era.

Usually the Olympic Games began before the middle of the summer^ Best athletes arrived from many Greek states to Olympia to compete in running, long jumps, throwing of discus and javelin and wrestling. In the course of time fist fighting (boxing) and chariot races were also included in the Games.

All athletes took an oath that they had been preparing well for the Games and promised to compete honestly and keep the rules of the sacred Olympics. The athletes took part in all kinds of competitions. Winners were called «Olympionics» , they were awarded olive wreaths and cups of olive oil. This tradition has survived. In our time sportsmen often get cups and wreaths for winning the first place in sports competitions.

The Olympic Games were accompanied by arts festivals. Poets recited their poems, singers sang hymns dancers danced and orators pronounced speeches .

Only men could take part in the Olympic Games. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium under the fear of death penalty. There was a single exception, when a woman coached her son and accompanied him to the stadium in men's clothes. That brave woman was spared the penalty because her son excelled in many events.

The Olympic Games had been held for about eleven hundred years, until the emperor Theodosius banned them for religious reasons in 394 A. D.

The revival of the Olympic Games began long time afterwards, in 1892, when a young French teacher Pierre de Coubertin made a public speech before the Union of French sports clubs in Paris.

At that time many people in many countries practised various kinds of sports and games. They wanted to make friends and compete with sportsmen from other lands. Pierre de Coubertin understood the importance of sports which unified peoples of the world and served the cause of peace like in ancient time.

On the 23rd of June 1894 the International Congress of amateur sportsmen made an important decision: to revive the Olympic Games and to establish the International Olympic Committee which would be responsible for the administration of the modern-Olympic Games.

The first Committee consisted of 12 members. Now 82 members of the International Olympic Committee control the affairs of all member countries which joined the Olympic movement.


T:------ Thank you very much for your work.Please now write down the new words,from the text .

(Слайд 5) D:\работа\открытый урок\images (4).jpg

P1 :------ ruler- правитель

P2:------ feast-свято

P3:------ herald- гонець

P4:----- sacred-священний

P1:------ wreath- вінок

P2:------ Chariot races –перегони

T:------ Thank you very much ,please answer the questions:     (слайд 6)

1)What did ancient Greeks do long ago? .

P1:------ Long ago ancient Greeks often waged wars

2)What did the ruler of a small state want to do?

P2:------ The ruler of such a small state ,Elis wanted to live in peace with all neighbours.

3)Why did the ruler organize athletic games?

P3: ------ When he recognized a neutral state and while celebration this achievement he organized athletic games.

4)When did the Olympic Games begin?

P4:---- The games were held every four years in Olympia on the territory of Elis.Usually the Olympic Games began before the middle of the summer.

5)How were the winners called?

P1:------ Winners were called “Olympionics”

6)Who was not allowed to take part in the Olympic Games?

P2:------ Women were not allowed.

7)When did the revival of the Olympic Games begin?

P3:---- The revival of the Olympic Games began long time in 1892,when a young French teacher Pierre de Coubertin made a public speech before the Union of French sports clubs in Paris.


D:\работа\открытый урок\загруженное (1).jpg



T:------ It is very nice.And now please open your WB and do Ex 3,p.87-88.you have to choose correct variant. (Слайд 7)

  1. Match
  2. Cup Final
  3. Stadium
  4. Myself
  5. Nature
  6. Atmosphere
  7. Pitch
  8. Game
  9. Team
  10. Beat
  11. Captains
  12. Referee
  13. Exciting

T:------ And now,I will tell you about  the sport .You will work in pairs.After I finished the story,you will have two minutes to make the short dialogue,about “the importance of the sport in our life” 

(Слайд 8)


D:\работа\открытый урок\images (22).jpgSport is very important in our life. The general belief is that a person who goes in for sports can’t be weak and ill. Physically inactive people get old earlier that those, who find time for sport activity. And of course good health is better than good medicine.


People all over the world are fond of sports and games. In our country sport is being widely popularized as well. The most popular kinds of sport are football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, figure-skating, aerobics, ping-pong and swimming. A lot of people are fond of jogging. In schools and colleges sport is a compulsory subject. Many young people attend sport sections. Some of them dream to become professional sportsmen.


As for me, I can’t imagine my life without sport. In summer I go jogging every morning and when I have free time I attend swimming pool. In winter I like to skate with my friends. It’s fun. Also I’m fond of aerobics. First of all aerobics helps to keep myself fit. It also attracts me because it resembles dancing.


In conclusion I’d like to say that I’m absolutely sure that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. Sport makes our bodies strong, it prevents us from getting too fat, and makes us more self-organized and better disciplined.

T:------ Here you can see the key question words




And remember the structure of the question:

Question word +the helping verb + subject + predicate + another members of the sentences

E.g         Where                        do                    you           live?

T:---- Thank you very much for you work.And now,please let’s present your projects. (Слайд 9)

P1:------ our Ukrainian sportsmen take part in all kinds of Olympic games ,both in winter and in summer.They won gold medals in 1994.1995.2000.2004,

P1:----- First who won the gold medal was Oksana Bauil in1994  (Слайд 10)

Oksana Baiul (born November  16, 1977, Kiev) - Ukrainian athlete (figure skating). The first Olympic champion (XVII Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer, Norway, 1994), an independent Ukraine in winter sports. Silver medalist of the European championship (1993), world champion (1994).

The only skater from the former Soviet Union, who won at the Olympics in women's figure skating.

P2:----- Podkopaieva Lily O. (Слайд 11)

Podkopaieva Lily was born August 15, 1978 in Donetsk . Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine (1994). International Judge . Her life and sporting achievements written books , movies filmed in many countries. She is devoted to poems, songs , paintings, sculpture ... Author Lilia Podkopayeva element - " double somersault forward with spinning 180 degrees ," yet the world did not repeat anyone. She graduated from the National University of Physical Education and Sport (2001) and coaches . 2002 entered the Donetsk State Academy of Management. Absolute world champion (1995, Japan , Saba ), Europe (1996 , UK , Birmingham ). The winner of the European Cup (1995). In 1996, the XXVI Olympics in Atlanta won first place in the open championship, first in the floor exercise , second on beam . Performed by society " Dynamo". Winner of 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals. The organizer of the tournament "Golden Lily ". The winner of the second season of the Ukrainian show " Dancing with the Stars." Awarded Honorable President of Ukraine (1995), the cross " Courage " (1996) , the Order " For Merit " II. degree, St. Stanislava.Svitova fame Lilia Podkopayeva in 17 years. In 1995 Sportswoman of Donetsk became the first world champion in artistic gymnastics , and a year later won gold at the Olympics in Atlanta. Its architectural element (double forward somersault with a twist of 180 degrees) so far no one has repeated . Professional career Podkopaieva completed only in 19 years due to a serious leg injury . "

P3:-----  (Слайд 12)

 Yana Oleksandrivna Klochkova (Ukrainian: Яна Олександрівна Клочкова; born 7 August 1982 in Simferopol) is a Ukrainian swimmer, who has won five Olympic medals in her career, with four of them being gold. She is Master of Sports[citation needed], World Class and the only multi gold medal holder (more than two)[citation needed] in Ukraine.

Her gold medals came in the 200 meter individual medley and the 400 meter individual medley at the 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics; her silver medal came in the 800 meter freestyle at the 2000 Summer Olympics. She has also won ten titles at swimming's world championships, nineteen European championship titles. She currently holds the short-course world record in the 400 meter individual medley. Her 400 m individual medley world record was broken by American Katie Hoff at the 2007 World Championships in Melbourne. In 2003 she won four golds at the Summer Universiade in South Korea. She was also awarded the Hero of Ukraine medal. In 2004, she was named by Swimming World magazine as the World Female Swimmer of the Year.

P4:----- (слайд 13)

Andrey Derezemlya. Bronze medal on Olchmpiyskikh games in Sochi. A triumph of the Ukrainian womanish command is from a biathlon. Zoloto is in a relay race. From counter-clockwise on a right: Vita Semerenko, Julius Jim, Helen Pidgrushna and Valya Semerenko. Vita Semerenko won in a sprint. Bronze. It is desirable to mark that 2014 olympiads was indeed the year of victory for our biathlon command.

T:--- Thank you very much for you workбyou have fond very interesting information about our sportsman.

ІІІ.Заключна частина уроку

T:------  Thank you very much for your work.And now,please  let’s finish the sentences.

(Слайд 14)

1)I like the Olympic games because….

2)The most popular Olympic games are….

3)My favorite is\are…

4)I want ….. will be there …

ІV.Повідомлення домашнього завдання

T:----- Write down you hometask.Be ready for the Test

V.Підсумок уроку

T:------ Did you like you lesson?

T:  ------- Your marks are…..


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