Даний матеріал удосконалює навички говоріння з використанням вивченої лексики та граматичних структур,активізує навички комунікативного спілкування по темі.
Тема уроку : At the Doctor’s
Мета уроку:
Хід уроку:
І. Оргмомент
Do you know why? (римівка)
ІІ. Warming-up
A pain to sneeze
A throat to stay in bed
A sore throat to prescribe
A dentist office treatment
Гострий біль Серце
Хірург Кашляти
Язик Видужувати
Легені Приписувати ліки
ІІІ. Conversational Point
All these bears have got problems with their health.
Think and say what the matter is with them.
P. He has got…
Card 1
Give some advice to the people who have got problems with their health. (Look through the card 2).
The following word combinations will help you: go to the dentist, drink cold water, take some medicine, stay in bed, eat fast food, watch TV too much.
1) «I’ve got a sour throat».___You shouldn’t drink cold water._____
2) «I’ve got a headache».___________________________________
3) «I’ve got a bad cough».___________________________________
4) «I’ve got a temperature»._________________________________
5) «I’ve got a toothache».___________________________________
6) «I’ve got a stomachache»._________________________________
I see you are real specialists in medicine.
I think your advice will help your patients to recover soon.
Now we’ll work in groups. You’ll give advice to your friends.
You are divided into two groups.
Each group has a card with a task. Discuss the problem and write down the resolution.
Group 1: Your friend has got a cold. Write what he should do and shouldn’t do.
Group 2: Your friend has got a stomachache. Write what he should do and shouldn’t do.
Card 3
What’s the… call a doctor?
I have an… call the ambulance?
I have a high… a doctor.
I’m… me a sharp pain.
I’m afraid I’ve… splitting headache.
The tooth gives… hospital?
I consulted… temperature.
I have a… quite ill.
Where’s the nearest… caught a cold.
How shall I… awful headache.
Please, shall I… matter?
ІV. Reading the text for discussion
Учні отримують картки з запитальним словом та задають запитання один одному та відповідають на них «ланцюжком», обирають собі співрозмовника , кидаючи йому м’яч.
What is it about?
What were the doctor’s advices? Do you often visit a doctor? Do you feel better after visiting the doctor? Why do you go to the doctor? .
V. Speaking Have the doctor ever visited you? Describe his/her visit.
VІ. Summary.
Проектна робота: інтерактивнa вправа «Сенкан».
T. Now we’ll sum up our lesson and do it in a form which is called “Cinquain”.
Structure of “cinquain”(постер):
1 line: Theme (the main word)-health
2 line: two adjectives healthy,happy
3 line: three verbs (actions of the main word)feel, advice, care
4 line: a sentence on the topic Good health is above wealth
5 line: synonym / antonym of the main word. wellness
Учні об’єднуються в групи, кожна отримує ключове слово. Групи складають сенкани , читають їх і разом з вчителем визначають, який сенкан найкращий.
Home task. Your homework is to write a prescription for a patient.