Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 11 класу за темою "Погода та клімат України"

Про матеріал
Урок за темою "Погода та клімат України" проводиться з елементами розігрування ролей та використанням Інтернет ресурсів. Мета уроку - формування практичних вмінь та навичок учнів щодо використання знань з лексики та граматики на практиці, спілкування в межах теми, активізування навичок мовленнєвої діяльності та вирішення ситуаційних завдань.
Перегляд файлу


Тема уроку: Погода та клімат України.

Ціль уроку: формування практичних вмінь та навичок щодо використання лексичного матеріалу з теми заняття «Погода та клімат України» на практиці, спілкування в межах теми.

Мета уроку:

Методична: впровадження методики проведення уроку з використанням елементів рольової гри та мультимедійних технологій

Навчальна: формування практичних вмінь та навичок щодо використання з лексики уроку та граматики на практиці, спілкування в межах теми, активізування навичок мовленнєвої діяльності, вирішування ситуаційних завдань, формування  комунікативних навичок засобами рольової гри та використанням мультимедійних технологій

Розвиваюча: розвиток здібностей логічного викладання думок, сприяння розвитку мовленнєвої реакції, уяви та культури спілкування, сприяння підвищенню світогляду, здібність самостійно планувати речової поступок

Виховна: виховання свідомого ставлення до навчання та прищеплювання відповідальності учнів до учбового процесу, досягнення ситуації успіху кожного учасника творчого процесу та його максимальної самореалізації, виховувати естетичне сприймання світу

Методичне забезпечення: тематичні таблиці та стенди, інструкційна карта, словники, компютери, ноутбуки, смартфони, інтерактивна дошка.  

                                                      Хід уроку

  1. Початок уроку:


  1. Привітання та організаційний момент:

 - Hello, dear kids. Nice to see you again. How are you getting on? I hope you are fine and ready to work. Let’s start the lesson. I wish all of us good luck and success. Who is absent today?

 - … is (are) absent.

 - Thanks.

      2.  Phonetic exercises -  Фонетична розминка

Read the tongue-twisters:    Прочитати скоромовки:

  1. Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets.
  2. Six sick sea-serpents swam the seven seas.
  3. Any noise annoys an oyster but a noisier noise annoys an oyster most.
  4. The twenty-two trains tore through the tunnel.
  5. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.
  6. Green glass globes glow greenly.


3.Listen to the text “Talking about the Weather” and pay attention to the pronunciation of the words. Read some paragraphs with the same intonation:

Прослухати текст «Розмова про погоду» , звернути увагу на вимову слів. Прочитати уривки з тексту з тією ж інтонацією

Someone once said that if it wasn’t for the weather, the English would have nothing to talk about. Frank McKinney Hubbard said: “Don’t knock the weather. If it didn’t change once a while, 9 out of 10 people couldn’t start a conversation”. This supports Oscar Wilde’s statement that: “Conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative”. Yet many conversations begin with “What do you think of the weather?” or “Nice weather we’re having, isn’t it?” It’s hardly surprising in a country like the UK, where the weather is changeable, to say the least. In the morning you might look out of the window to find the sun shining. It’s fine weather. “Turned out nice again, hasn’t it?” you say, with fingers crossed. Of course, crossing your fingers doesn’t usually have any effect apart from making you feel better. So, by the afternoon, it’s raining cats and dogs! “Lovely weather!” you’ll be saying. “Yes, lovely weather for ducks!” And because the weather in Britain is so changeable, people often promise to do things, “come rain or shine”.

Get wet when it’s chilly, and you’ll catch cold. Then you’ll be feeling a bit under the weather. You’ll need to spend a few days in bed. But after a hot toddy or two, you’ll soon be feeling as right as rain again. So it’s best to stay out of miserable weather. But just how do you know it’s going to rain? You could trust in the old adage “Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight”. Or “Take a peek in the morning”. Some people trust in such old sayings. You might just as well trust in your barometer. As Ambrose Bierce pointed out in his “The Devil’s Dictionary”: “A barometer is an ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we’re having”.

Other people trust in weather forecast. Unlike barometers, meteorologists are supposed to tell us what the weather is going to be like. They watch local climate patterns and try to predict how the weather will change. They lie to us through their television weather forecasts. Here they use symbols and maps to make the weather, which is very complicated, easier to understand. Often, the color of the sky in the morning is a more accurate indication of the coming weather. These days, there’s a lot of talk about climate change. Some people say that climate change is a storm in a tea-cup. But scientists predict that we’re going to experience more extreme weather conditions. Let’s just hope that humanity can weather the storm.

                         Whether the weather be fine,

                          Whether the weather be not,

                          Whether the weather be cold,

                          Whether the weather be hot,

                          We’ll weather the weather,

                           Whatever the weather,

                           Whether we like it or not.      


  1. Основна частина уроку:


  1. Лексичний практикум:

 Pay attention to the translation of the words  - Звернути увагу на переклад слів  (повторення та закріплення Інтернет лексики – додаток А)

1.snow                                      сніг

  1. rain                                          дощ
  2. wind                                        вітер
  3. lightning                                  блискавка
  4. thunder                                    грім
  5. cloud                                       хмара
  6. subtropical                              субтропічний
  7. snow-drift                                замет
  8. frost                                          мороз
  9. rime                                          іній
  10. icicle                                         бурулька
  11. slippery                                     ковзко
  12. storm                                         буря
  13. shower                                       злива
  14. mist/fog                                     туман
  15. heat                                            спека
  16. cold                                            холод, холодний

Task 1

Read and translate the text into Ukrainian

Прочитати та перекласти текст на українську мову

                            Weather and Climate of Ukraine

The weather and climate of Ukraine is determined by its geographical location. Ukraine’s territory lies in the temperate belt. In general the country’s climate is temperately continental, being subtropical only on the southern coast of the Crimea. The differences in weather and climate are caused by many factors: the latitude, relief, altitude, and proximity to seas and oceans. The weather and climate varies not only from north to south, but also from the north-west to the south-east as the warm damp air masses moving from the north-western Atlantic weaken and become drier. A characteristic feature of the weather and climate is an increase in its continental nature from west to east.

A feature of Ukraine’s climate is the considerable fluctuation in weather conditions from year to year. Alongside very wet years there can be droughts, whose effect increases to the south and east. There are frequent oscillations in weather in the regions of the Crimean and Carpathian Mountains.

The average yearly temperature in Ukraine varies between +7, +10 in the north and +12, +15 in the south. The coldest month is January with a record low of – 42 (degrees below zero). The warmest month is July with a record high +40 (degrees above zero).

Precipitation (rain, snow, and other forms of moisture) ranges from about 76 cm a year in the north to about 25 cm in the south. The highest rainfall is in the Carpathian and Crimean Mountains.

On the southern coast of the Crimea the climate is subtropical Mediterranean, in as much as the Crimean Mountains obstruct the movement of cold Arctic air to the coast. These weather and climate features have contributed to the creation of the best resort areas in Ukraine.  

Task 2

Answer the following questions - Дати відповіді на запитання

  1. What is the weather and climate of Ukraine determined by?
  2. What climate does Ukraine have?
  3. What are the differences in weather and climate caused by?
  4. What’s the characteristic feature of the weather and climate?
  5. Where are there frequent oscillations in weather conditions?
  6. Where can you find the highest rainfall in Ukraine?
  7. Which is the coldest month of the year?
  8. Which the warmest month of the year?
  9. What’s the weather like today?


Task 3

Listen to the weather forecast and try to make your own weather forecast for tomorrow. Imagine that you are a presenter on TV

Прослухати прогноз погоди та скласти свій прогноз погоди на завтра. Уявити собі, що ви прогнозуєте погоду по телевізору

The majority of the region will be mild and dry today. A cold front pushes a band of rain and showers into western portions of the region during the afternoon and early evening. Tonight the band of rain marches eastward reaching New England and the Mid-Atlantic coast during the overnight. The rain moves offshore Tuesday afternoon. High temperature will be mostly in the 60s to lower 70s today. Some very light lake-effect snow possible in higher elevations east of Lakes Erie and Ontario Tuesday.

A band of rain, showers and thunderstorms marches eastward with a cold front through the South and Southeast we’re going to have today and tonight. Isolated thunderstorms are possible in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and southeast Louisiana today. It turns blustery and much cooler behind the front.

The strong cold front continues to push eastward through the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley with rains and showers today. Some of the rain has changed to a very brief period of snow before ending in Michigan, northern Indiana and northern Ohio. No significant snow accumulation is expected in interior southern Michigan, northern Indiana and Ohio.

Winds should be out of the west causing the bands to set up over the Keeweenaw Peninsula of northern Michigan and along the eastern shores of Lake Michigan. It should be blustery and cool across the Plains.


Task 4

Make the choice - Зробити правильний вибір

  1. Ukraine lies in the tropical/temperate belt.
  2. Crimean climate is subtropical/ tropical.
  3. The differences in the weather and climate are caused by the proximity to seas/oceans.
  4. The continental nature of the climate increases from west/north to east/south.
  5. The coldest month is January/December.
  6. The warmest month is July/August.
  7. The highest rainfall is in the lowlands/highlands.

Task 5

Translate into Ukrainian - Перекласти на українську мову

geographical location, temperate belt, in general, the southern coast of the Crimea, latitude and altitude, proximity to seas and oceans, warm damp air masses, continental nature, considerable fluctuation, weather conditions, alongside very wet years, frequent oscillations, the average yearly temperature, precipitation, the highest rainfall, subtropical Mediterranean, resort areas

Task 6

Is the following word a noun, adjective, verb, pronoun or preposition

Чи є наступне слово іменником, прикметником, дієсловом, займенником або прийменником 

  1. average

  1. coast
  2. rain
  3. varies
  4. in
  5. their
  6. temperature
  7. from
  8. its
  9. proximity
  10. considerable
  11. to
  12. subtropical
  13. mountain
  14. ranges
  15. between
  16. with
  17. fluctuation


Task 7

Think a bit and boast what you have known about the weather and climate of Ukraine

Подумати та казати, що нове ви взнали про погоду та клімат України  


             I know that … (in the Crimea the climate is subtropical)


Task 8

Speak about the weather in Ukraine in different seasons (mini presentation)

Розказати про погоду в Україні у різні пори року – презентація студентів «Рідна Україна у різні пори року»

  • Spring in Ukraine
  • Summer in Ukraine
  • Autumn in Ukraine
  • Winter in Ukraine

Task 9

Task for the game “The Optional Choice” with the elements of playing out the roles and using the Internet resources

Завдання для гри «Оптимальний вибір» з елементами розігрування ролей та використанням Інтернет ресурсів


The name of your company is “Delta Agricultural”; your address is Machinostroitel Boulevard, 40, Kramatorsk, Ukraine. Your telephone number is 414718. You have branches in many regions of our country. You sell wholesale sugar, wheat, corn and buckwheat. You signed agreements on supplying with some regions. They are: Kiev, Lviv, Yalta, Odessa, Lugansk, Poltava and Chernigiv. You want your goods to be sold as fast as possible and with great profit, but the weather conditions nearly in all the regions of Ukraine have greatly changed for the worse. Your task is to get to know the weather forecast in these regions and to find out with which branches it’s the most profitable and faster to carry out the contracted transactions.

Choose your happy card – Вибери свою щасливу картку

Branch 1 – Kiev

Branch 2 – Lviv

Branch 3 – Yalta

Branch 4 – Odessa

Branch 5 – Lugansk

Branch 6 – Poltava

Branch 7 – Chernigiv 


(Учні вибирають картки з назвами регіонів України та з допомогою Інтернет ресурсів з’ясовують, які погодні умови мають їх регіони)     


  1. Підведення підсумків уроку:

 - I want to say that today at the lesson you’ve done a lot of useful activities: have revised the material about the weather and climate of our country, some grammar and I’m glad that you have worked well. All of you were very active and you’ll get good marks. Thank you very much for work. Your marks for the lesson are…




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Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 березня 2020
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