Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 4-го класу на тему "My Free Time".

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Розробка уроку з теми "Мій вільний час" для учнів 4 класу за підручником А. Несвіт. Пропонує цікаві форми повторення вивченого матеріалу. Включає елементи інтерактивного та проектногонавчання.

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Тема уроку: Мій вільний час


Мета уроку:

Практична:    1. Узагальнити знання учнів з теми «Вільний час»;

                          2. Практикувати учнів в діалогічному та монологічному


                             3. Тренувати учнів у вживанні The Past Simple Tense;

Освітня:          4. Розширити знання учнів про значення улюблених

                             занять в житті людини;

Розвивальна: 5. Розвивати увагу, пам’ять, комунікативні здібності


 Виховна:         6. Прививати естетичні смаки учням;

                             7. Виховувати повагу до смаків та уподобань своїх


                             8. Підтримувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови


 Тип уроку: урок узагальнення знань учнів з теми «Вільний час»


 Обладнання: ноутбук, цифровий телевізор та мультимедійний

                         супровід до уроку «Мій вільний час», пісня-вітання, пісня

                            “What do you like to do?”, тематичні картинки, схема 

                            “Hobbies”, картки “Memory Game” (HO1), “Reading

                             Puzzle» (HO2), учнівські поектні робрти, смайлики.










Хід уроку

І. Introduction.

1.  Song “Hello. How Are You?”.

2. Greeting.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Glad to see you!

     How are you?

Ss: - I’m great. (Fine, super, so-so, not bad, OK).

T: I see you look great. Are you ready to start the lesson?


2. Warming up.

1) Organization of the group.

T: - Are there any butterflies now?

- Why? (It’s cold).

- What season is it now?

- What month is it now?

- What’s the weather like?

- What can children do in winter?

Ps: Play snowballs, make a snowman, sledge, ski, skate, play hockey.


2) Eliciting

T: It’s rather cold today. When the weather is cold and bad I prefer staying at home. And what about you? What do you like to do at home in your free time?

Ps: Play computer games, watch TV, read books, knit, sew, paint, draw, embroider, go in for scale modeling, collect things.

T: OK. And what can children collect?

Ps: Coins, stamps, stickers, badges, postcards, toys.

T: You are right. But you are very active persons, I think. That’s why when the weather is fine you take a ball and play. What games can you play? (basketball, volleyball, football, tennis).

T: You are very sporty. What other activities do you like to do?

Ps: Ride a bike, rollerblade, play hide-and seek or hopscotch.

T: So, can you guess what we are going to talk about at our today’s lesson?

Ps: Free time.


3. The aim of the lesson.

T: How do you think, children, what we are going to do at the lesson?

P1: We are going to tell about our hobbies.

P2: We are going to sing songs.

P3: We are going to recite poems.

P4: We are going to make up dialogues.

P5: We are going to play games.

P6: We are going to revise topical words.

P7: We are going to do exercises.

T: Yes, you are right. Today we’ll speak about your free time, hobbies, favourite activities, and practise the use The Pastt Simple Tense.


4. Phonetic drills.

T: Let’s practise the pronunciation of the sounds [ei] – play, game, take, make;

[ŋ] – thing, making things, swimming, riding, singing.

Rhyme. Lots of things I do

Lots of things I do and act,

Have and make, read and take…

So many things I watch and see.

They are all good for me!


III. Main part of the lesson.


1. Vocabulary Review. 

1) Memory Game.

T: Now we’ll train your memory and play “Memory Game”. Look at the photos of some hobbies. Try to remember as many activities as possible. Then read the names of some hobbies in the sheets of paper you have got on your desks and underline those you have seen on the screen.  (playing sports, playing the piano, singing, dancing, cooking, travelling, fishing, gardening, taking photos, watching TV, listening to music, reading books, going to the cinema, collecting coins, rollerblading, playing computer games, making things, painting…).

2) Mind-Map “Hobby Adjectives”

T: There are many different kinds of hobbies. How can we characterize them? What adjectives can we use describing hobbies. Let’s create a mind-map.

                           interesting           difficult                 exciting



            good                                                                                   useful



                                  boring              funny            dangerous  


3) Making-up Sentences

T: Please, make up sentences using this adjectives.


2. Reading Puzzles.

1) Pre-reading Activity. Grouping.

T: For me hobby is something interesting and pleasant. Moreover, hobbies can develop our talents and skills. So, let’s sum up what hobby is. For this we’ll create four groups according to the types of hobbies: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things. Please, repeat. Now join into groups and do a “Reading Puzzle”.



2) While-reading Activity.  Do a puzzle and make up a sentence.

1. A hobby is a thing you like doing in your free time.

2. Different people have different interests or hobbies.

3. Many people like to collect different things.

4. Your life becomes interesting if you have a hobby. 


3) Post-reading Activity.

T: - Please, read your sentences.                          

     - OK. Who can recollect all the information or add something?

     - Thanks.


3. Merry-Go-Round Activity

T: It’s high time to know about your hobbies and. And we’ll do it with the help of “Merry-Go-Round” activity. Please, count in twos and form two circles: internal and external. Stand face to face. Smile to each other and make up your own dialogues following the pattern:

   - Do you have a hobby?

   - Yes, I do.

   - What is your hobby?

   - My hobbies are singing and drawing. And what is your hobby?  

But after the word ‘merry-go-round” outer circle starts moving making a step to the left. And therefore pupils will get a new companion. Be attentive and try to remember everybody’s hobby.

T: Now tell us about everybody’s hobby.

Pupils’ answers.

T: Thanks a lot. Take your seats.


4. Projects Presentation.

T: One of your hobbies is using the Internet. With the help of it you can make friends around the world and communicate with them through Skype or social networks. Let’s imagine the situation that you live in Great Britain and you have friends in Ukraine. Now you are going to communicate with them through Skype. They promised to tell you about their hobbies. So, listen attentively and be ready to tell your parents and friends about your Ukrainian friends’ hobbies. 


5. Relaxation. Song “What Do You Like to Do?”

T: It’s high time to relax and sing a song.


6. Grammar Review. The Use of The Past Simple Tense.

1) Rules “The Past Simple Tense”

T: When we tell about the action in the past we use the Past Simple Tense. Let’s recollect the rules of its use.

2) Writing.

T: Please, write a letter to your granny about what your friends and you did yesterday.



IV. Summarizing


1. Home Assignment

T: Do exercise 5, page 56. Write what these children did or didn’t do yesterday.


2. Evaluation

T: Now let’s recollect the activities we were busy with at the lesson. Which of them did you like most of all? What new have you learnt?


3. Assessment

T: OK, pupils. I liked your work at our lesson. I enjoyed your answers very much, because you did your best to be good at English.


4. Rhyme “Everybody has a hobby…”

T: Children have many different hobbies. But we have one common hobby and it is… learning English. Let’s recite a rhyme

   “Learning English…”       Learning English, learning English,

                                             That’s the hobby that we share.

                                             We are fond of learning English

                                             Which is spoken everywhere.

5. Microphone Activity

T: Children, this year was announced a year of the English language. Please, continue the sentence “We learn English …”

P1: To know more.

P2: To travel.

P3: To make new friends.

P4: To learn new things.

P5: To have fun.

P6: To communicate with people.

P7: To develop our skills.



Середня оцінка розробки
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Всього відгуків: 2
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  1. Котляр Оксана Олександрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Прокопова Ірина Олександрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
23 лютого 2018
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5.0 (2 відгука)
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