Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 5 класу на тему: "Food and meals"

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Англійська мова.  5 клас




Тема. Food and meals. Introduction. Work over the text and lexis

Мета. Актуалізувати відомості з теми " Food and meals"; ознайомити з текстом та основною лексикою з теми; удосконалювати навички читання, перекладу, засвоєння та відтворення тексту; сприяти вживанню лексики в мовленнєвій діяльності; формувати монологічне та діалогічне мовлення.

Розвивати пам'ять, мислення, творчу уяву, комунікативні здібності, спонукати учнів до розв'язання поставлених навчальних завдань, створюючи ситуації з реального життя з метою заохочення учнів висловлювати думки, виражати почуття, використовуючи життєвий досвід.

Виховувати чуття мови, вміння слухати один одного, повагу до думки інших, вміння самостійно розв'язувати поставлені завдання.

Тип уроку. Урок засвоєння нових знань

Методи та прийоми. Бесіда з метою актуалізації опорних знань, тлумачення значень слів англійською мовою, прослуховування тексту, тренування вимови окремих слів, вибіркові та пошукові завдання за текстом (бесіда за текстом, доповнення тексту словами та виразами), ознайомлення з новою лексикою, слово вчителя, побудова коротких ситуативних діалогів.

Матеріали та обладнання.  ПК (телевізор/ проектор), презентація до уроку, фонетична таблиця,  тематичні картки для складання ситуативних діалогів, дидактичний матеріал (текст "Food and meals", лексика до тексту), зошити, словники;

Очікувані результати. Наприкінці уроку учні володітимуть новою лексикою за темою, висловлюватимуть свої уподобання щодо продуктів харчування та напоїв.




  1.               Introduction

T.: Today we start a new topic "Food and meals". So during a number of lessons we'll speak about pleasant and tasty things. I think you'll learn new words from this sphere. You'll share your opinions and show your knowledge. To begin with let's compare two notions necessary in our study: "food" and "meals". What do they mean? What is the difference between them?

Pupils give answers, expressing their thoughts. Teacher gives exact and exhausting explanations of the notion using "Oxford learning dictionary":

"Food” -

 1) can be eaten by people or animals, or used by plants (to keep them living and for growth) e.g. food and water; (fig.) food for thought (something to think about)

  1.               kind of food: breakfast/'frozen/'packaged food

"Meals" - occasion of eating; e.g. three meals a day; breakfast, the first meal.

Pupils put the definitions down info their copy-books.


  1.               Presentation

Pupils get texts "Food and meals" supplied with a list of words.


Teacher reads the text, pupils listen to it following the text and paying attention to peculiarities of pronunciation.

Teacher pronounces all the words. Pupils follow and pronounce them chorally.

T.: Are there many unknown words for you in the text? Is the text difficult? Do you want me to repeat or to explain anything?

Pupils read the text paragraph by paragraph.




Food is an important thing for inhabitants of our planet Earth. It keeps them living, gives energy for growth, mental and physical work. It is known that one should eat to live not live to eat. There is a wide range of nutritious foods in the world. However eating habits differ from country to country. In some societies certain foods are taboo. There are foods, which are popular in one part of the world but are not eaten in others.

When a person sets foot in a foreign country the first thing he or she gets acquainted with is its cookery -national dishes and mealtimes. Frequently people get to know that in this country they are not the same as in their native country.

The usual meals in most European countries are breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Ukrainians mostly keep to these meals too.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. The usual breakfast is porridge with milk or sugar, tea or coffee with buttered toast. Some other people prefer boiled-eggs, fried- eggs, scrambled eggs or an omelette, sandwiches with sausage and cheese, tea with bread, pats of butter and jam.

Lunch is a light meal in the middle of the day. Lunch may consist of sandwiches with different stuffing, rolls, buns, pancakes, biscuits, vegetable salads, and fruit. Sometimes we have a pork or mutton chop followed by a sponge cake or cookies. And for drinking you may have tea, coffee, juice or a glass of light beer.

Dinner is the chief and the most substantial meal. It is not served at a definite hour. Dinnertime depends on your daily timetable. Dinner consists of three courses. You can have clear soup, pea soup, cabbage soup, and cereal soup for the first course. If you are in Ukraine you will be served with Ukrainian borsch. For the second course a meat or fish dish with mashed or fried potatoes, rice, buckwheat or macaroni are served. The second course is followed by a cup of tea with a slice of lemon, jam or home-made pastry.

In the evening you have a much simpler supper-salad, curds, omelette or sausage, sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of tea or cocoa and fruit.

So these are the most widely spread mealtimes and food, which is served for


Word list

  1. An inhabitant — мешканець;
  2. Wide range — широко коло;
  3. Nutritious — поживний;
  4. Eating habits — харчові звички;
  5. Society — суспільство, товариство;
  6. To set a foot — ступати на;
  7. То get acquainted with - знайомитися з;
  8. Cookery - кулінарія;
  9. То keep to — дотримуватися чогось;
  10. Porridge — вівсяна каша;
  11. Buttered toast — гречка з маслом;
  12. То prefer — віддавати перевагу;
  13. Boiled eggs — варені яйця;
  14. Fried eggs — смажені яйця;
  15. Scrambled eggs — яєчня;
  16. Pats of butter — шматочки масла;
  17. Stuffing — начинка;
  18. A pancake - млинець, оладка;
  19. Biscuits — печиво;
  20. A roll, a bun — булочка;
  21. A pork (mutton) chop - свиняча (бараняча) котлета;
  22. A sponge cake — бісквітний торт;
  23. Cookies — печиво;
  24. Light beer — легке пиво;
  25. Chief — головний, основний;
  26. Substantial — міцний, істотний, поживний;
  27. То serve — подавати на стіл, обслуговувати;
  28. То depend on — залежати від;
  29. Clear soup  — бульйон;
  30. Pea soup — гороховий суп;
  31. Cabbage soup — капусняк;
  32. Cereal soup — круп'яний суп;
  33. The first course — перша страва;
  34. The second course — друга страва;
  35. Mashed potatoes — картопляне пюре;
  36. Fried potatoes — смажена картопля;
  37. Buckwheat — гречка;
  38. A slice of lemon — скибка лимона;
  39. Home-made pastry — домашня випічка;
  40. Curds — сир (домашній)
  41. Widely spread — поширений.


Teacher draws pupils' attention to the pronunciation of separate words. These words are given in the table.


Nutritious [nju:tri∫əs]

Biscuits ['biskits]

Cookies [' kukiz]

Substantial [səbs'ten∫əl]

Cereal [ siəriəl]

Pastry ['peistri]

Curds [kε:dz]

Cocoa ['koukou]

Macaroni [mӕkə'rəuni]

Dessert [di'zə:t]


III Practice

1) A talk over the text

  1. What do people need food for?
  2. What do you think about the quotation "One should eat to live not live to eat"?
  3. What can you tell us about the eating habits of different peoples?
  4. What are the usual meals in most European countries?
  5. What do you know about the first meal of the day?
  6. What do people usually eat for lunch?
  7. What is the chief meal of the day? Does it have any peculiarities?
  8. Do people usually have any meal in the evening?

2) Make up dialogues using lexis and tables. (Work in pairs for different levels.)

TABLE I. Talk between a customer and a waiter Customer:



for breakfast



for lunch



for dinner



for the first course



for the second course

for dessert



salad or sandwich


fruit water or juice

fried eggs or an omelette

I’ll recommend

a mutton or pork chop

sponge cake or biscuits


caviar or salmon


Ukrainian borsch or clear soup


potatoes or cabbage


TABLE II. Study the menu-card and make remarks concerning particular dishes.

Customer: Will you please show me the menu?

Waiter: Here you are. Would you like ......?











Additional vocabulary

I take it because I am fond of it

I don't take it because it's not my favorite dish

I eat meat only once a day

I can't go without soup

I'd like to have something substantial

It disagrees with me

It's too expensive

I can't stand the very smell of it

I've never tasted it.

My mouth waters whenever I see it

  1. Make up small conversations giving your remarks about the food you've just eaten.


Well, how was it?

The soup was delicious but as to the mutton chop it was a bit overdone The meat was excellent The fish was quite eatable The cabbage was too hot (cold)

The salad was not very fresh


The chicken was salty

The clear soup was badly cooked

The chop was delicious

The coffee was overdone

The ... absolutely tasteless


  1.               Work in groups, make up sentences using the given words.

I group 


II group

The first course

the second course

Pea soup

clear soup





Scrambled eggs

mashed potatoes

To be served with

consist of

Home-made pastry



IV. Production


Individual work

Pupils get blanks with the text "Food and meals". Their task is to fill in necessary words and phrases. Pupils can use the word list but not the text.

Food is an______thing for_______of our planet Earth. It______them living, gives______for growth, mental and physical work. It's known that one should ______ to ______ not ______ to ______. There is a wide range of ______ foods in the world. However eating habits ______  from  country to country. In some ______ certain foods are taboo. There are foods that are popular in one part of the world but are not ______ in others.

When a person ______ foot in a foreign country the first thing he or she ______ with is

its cookery - national dishes and mealtimes. Frequently people get to know that in this country they are not the same as in their native country.

The usual ______ in most European countries are ______, ______, ______ and ______. Ukrainians mostly keep to these meals too.

Breakfast is the ______  ______ of the day. The usual breakfast is  ______ with milk and

sugar, tea or coffee with ______ ______. Some other people prefer ______, fried eggs, ______ or an omelette, ______ with sausage and cheese, tea with bread, ______ butter and jam.

Lunch is a ______ meal in the middle of the day.

Lunch may  ______ of sandwiches with different stuffing, buns, ______, biscuits, vegetable

salads, and fruit. Sometimes we have ______ or ______ chop followed by sponge cake or

cookies. And for drinking you can have tea, coffee, ______.

Dinner is the chief and the most ______ meal. It isn't ______  at a definite hour. Dinner

time  ______ on your daily timetable. Dinner ______ of the courses. You can have clear soup, pea soup, cabbage soup, cereal soup for ______. If you are in Ukraine you'll be served

with Ukrainian borsch. For ______ a meat or fish dish with ______, ______ potatoes, rice,

buckwheat or macaroni are served. The second course is followed by a cup of tea with  ______ of ______, jam or              ______ - ______ pastry.

In the evening you have a much simpler supper - salad, ______, omelette or

sausage, sometimes just ______ and ______, a cup of tea or cocoa and fruit.

So, these are the most ______ meal times and foods which are served for them.

T.: Now, give us in short the main points of the topic we have spoken about today.


V. Summing-up. Giving home-assignment.


T.: Are there any questions concerning today's lesson?


Home assignment for the next time is:

to make a summary of the text "Food and meals";

to learn words;

to make dialogues using those made in class as a model; to make up ten sentences using words from the word list.



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