Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 8 класу на тему "Musical Instruments"

Про матеріал

Different interactive patterns are used at the lesson to involve all the learners to be supportive.

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to

  • improve their communicative skills;
  • expand their vocabulary related to the topic;
  • enrich their outlook concerning musical instruments.

Learning outcome: by the end of the lesson students are expected to be able to classify and describe musical instruments using the active vocabulary.

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Teacher: Ella Bokhenska

Class: 8

Level: A2

School no.1-gymnasium named after V.Gazin, Ratne, Volyn


Class profile (brief description of learners; how many, age, level, etc):

There are 27 students of 13-14 years old. They are pre-intermediate level.



Timetable fit/Topic (why are you giving this content at this point of the course):

This is the second lesson of the unit. Its topic is “Musical instruments”. At the previous lesson students spoke about different genres of music. The topic of the next lesson will be “British national musical instruments”.



Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to

  • improve their communicative skills;
  • expand their vocabulary related to the topic;
  • enrich their outlook concerning musical instruments.


Learning outcome: by the end of the lesson students are expected to be able to classify and describe musical instruments using the active vocabulary.



Materials/resources used: Student’s book, a board, chalk, magnets, a small box, carton notes of different colours, handouts, PowerPoint presentation, a projector for ppt, a cassette, a cassette recorder, a music box.





Teacher Activity

Learner Activity






1 min




2 min






1 min


Warm up

Ask each student to wish something pleasant to the student sitting at the same desk.

Speaking warm up

  • Show students a picture covered by rectangles and encourage them to guess what is depicted in it asking questions and taking away one rectangle after another (Slide 2).
  • Ask students to read

F. Nietzsche’s quote “Life without music would be a mistake” and expand on it (Slide 3).


Students play the game “Pleasant Words” wishing something pleasant to other students.


Students predict what they can see in the picture answering questions.




Students read the quote and express their opinions.











T-S1, S2…


To involve students into the lesson atmosphere


To develop students’ imagination




To encourage students to express views and opinions


2 min





2 min

Vocabulary revision

  •  Ask: How does music help us live? Give students HO1 and ask them to think of verbs to every letter of the word ‘music’ to create a picture on the topic (Slide 4).
  • Ask students to make up some sentences from the words in the word cloud (Slide 5).


Students share their ideas working with HO1.




Students’ ideas


Pair work





S1, S2…


To revise the topic vocabulary



To elicit students’ ideas



4 min

Mingle activity: Talk when the music stops

  • Ask students to divide into two groups of the same size and form two concentric circles.
  • Start the music.


Stop the music after some time.

Call out a topic which students have to discuss until the music starts again: music in our life, favourite kinds of music, singers and groups, musical instruments.


Students form two concentric circles. When the music starts, the outer circle moves clockwise, the inner circle anti-clockwise.

Students have to stop too and everybody faces a partner in the other circle.

Students have to discuss the topic until the music starts again.











To have a break to the usual routine, to get students moving and talking


To encourage lazier or shyer students to speak

2 min

Divide students into groups of four; ask them to fill in the table using words from the box (HO2).

Students fill in the table

Group work

To broaden students’ outlook

4 min


Put 3 cards (‘Yes’, ‘No’ and ‘Not sure’) on different places of the classroom and ask students to agree or disagree with teens’ opinions about different kinds of music (Slide 6).

Students’ ideas

T-S1, S2…

To improve students’ communicate-ve skills

3 min


Divide students into two teams. Encourage teams to answer the questions of the quiz (Slide 7).

Learners split up into two teams, give answer to the questions of the quiz. The winner gets a prise.


To work in team


5 min

  • Ask students to look at the picture and answer the questions: What is used for playing music? Can you explain the meaning of the word ‘orchestra’? How many sections are there in an orchestra?
  • Let students read the definitions of different groups of musical instruments of an orchestra.
  • Foster students to sort out musical instruments into four groups of an orchestra (Slide 8).
  • Ask students to read the statements and tell if they are true or false (Slide 9).
  • Ask: What musical instruments would you like to play? (Slide 10)

Students’ ideas







Students read the definitions, match musical instruments to four groups of an orchestra.



Students’ ideas








Pair work






To elicit students’ ideas





To practise vocabulary for musical instruments and orchestra

3 min

Divide students into four groups according to parts of an orchestra.

Ask students to listen to the sounds made by different parts of an orchestra.

Check the answers orally.

Play the cassette again and ask students to pretend to be musicians playing musical instruments.

Students listen to music played by different parts and the whole orchestra and write down answers into copybooks.



Students mime musicians’ actions.


Group work

To teach students to  recognise and produce vocabulary related to musical instruments



7 min



  • Pre-listening
  • Ask students to look at the picture of a famous musician and tell his name (Slide 11).
  • Show a caption and ask: Is it important to practise much to be a good musician?
  • Students are asked to predict the information they are going to hear from the text.
  •    While-listening

Listen and compare the facts in the text with their predictions.

  •   Post-listening

Let students compare their answers; ask learners what makes a good musician.



Students look at the picture and guess the famous musician’s name.


Students’ ideas






Students listen and compare the information and correct their ideas if necessary.




To develop students’ listening skills










To compare and contrast information




4 min


Writing a cinquain

  •   Foster learners to give examples of descriptive words for music.
  •     Ask to write cinquains.


Students write down adjectives into copybooks.


Students write cinquains about music.





Group work


To develop writing skills and creativity


5 min

Home assignment

Ask students to read the text about British national musical instruments and tell what groups they belong to.

Evaluation / Assessment

Give students points.

Ask students to think about their work during the lesson and be honest while filling in the table.


Ask students to answer 4 questions honestly (HO4)


Students write down the task into their daybooks.




Students fill in the chart





Students’ ideas





See how learners understand the topic


To analyse students’ work at the lesson



To check what students learnt at the lesson




Think of verbs to every letter of the word ‘music’ to create a picture about the topic.









Fill in the table using the words from the box


Music that…

is called … music

  •   is modern and popular among young people

 is a type of pop music with a very strong beat

  has strong rhythm and was originally played by African Americans

  is traditional in a particular country

  is serious and traditional in style





Now I can

Very well


A little

Needs to improve

talk about different kinds of music





classify musical instruments





ask questions to obtain specific information





work in pairs and groups





write a cinquain about music







  • What did you learn at this lesson?
  • What part did you find most useful?
  • How confident do you feel in using what you learned?
  • What would you like to do more of?







27 грудня 2017
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