Конспект уроку з англійської мови "Family celebrations"

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Конспект складено до підручника Focus 4, Pearsonб unit 2 vocabulary: celebrations and religious ceremonies grammar: past perfect and Continuous, relative clauses
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Ліцей №66 м. Львова

Вчитель Г.Підгребельна




Конспект уроку на тему    

 « Улюблені сімейні святкування»

Підготувала вчитель англійської мови Галина Підгребельна

Для учнів 10 класу



Львів 2020

Тема: Улюблені свята

Мета: практикувати вживання relative clauses; спонукати учнів до застосування вивчених слів у мовленні для висловлення  своєї точки зору; вчити застосовувати набуті знання в реальних  мовленнєвих ситуаціях; вчитися працювати в групах, парах та індивідуально;  виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови; розвивати увагу, пам’ять, швидкість мислення.

Тип уроку: урок застосування набутих знань, вмінь і навичок

Обладнання: вправи з використанням мультиборду, роздатковий матеріал, музика для релаксації.

                                         Хід уроку

1. Повідомлення цілей уроку. Warming up

- Good morning  everyone! Last week we started learning the topic “Coming of age ceremonies” and today we are talking about different celebration – family and school celebrations. We will remind ourselves how to use relative clauses, what are the main types of relative clauses and what are they used for. You will also have the opportunity to show your presentations and discuss what do Ukrainians love celebrating.

Before we start I want to set some rules and expectations. Rules will be the next: to be positive, be ready to communicate and be active. Our expectations from the lesson: it should be interesting, useful, provide  new knowledge, not tiring, with different forms of work, with positive emotions.

So let’s get started. I have brought some postcards written to me by different people for different occasions. Look at them and guess what were the special occasions for sending me these cards.

Завдання на знаходження відповідностей (мультиборд). Match the pictures with the messages.

2. Повторення лексики

Now you are going to work individually. Think of your last New Year’s Eve party and mark sentences that are true for you.  Read the sentences and complete them with the words from the box.(мультиборд)

I suppose you had the time of your life. The fireworks must have been the highlight of the night. I guess dressing up was worth the effort?

3.Презентація учнівських проектів

In this part we are going to find out what is coming of age and what is associated with becoming and adult? When do you think people really come of age?

Students are going to talk about Japanese, Mexican , American and Ukrainian traditions of celebrating  adolescence.(Moza-Book галерея)

4. Аудіювання. Grammar animation video


Now let’s explore the world of relative clauses. I want to remind you what is defining and non-defining relative clauses. We use defining relative clauses to define a person or thing you are talking about.

The girl who is sitting next to a bride is her sister Kerry.

He is the man I want to marry.

Non-defining clause gives extra information about the person or thing.

Jill, who used to be my neighbour, is going to marry my nephew.

If you want to comment on the whole clause use comment clause after a comma.

Tom was late for Thanksgiving dinner again, which made his mother furious

Reduced relative clause – when we use only participle instead the relative pronoun and the verb.

Who’s the young woman sitting over there? (who is sitting)

All the photos taken with that camera will be good. (that were taken)


Now let’s watch the video and try to fill in the gaps with correct relative clauses.

After watching activity.

Match the beginning of a sentence with the ending. Use your knowledge of relative clauses.

5. Релаксація.

 Let’s relax and play the game. It’s the word game. Your task is to complete the statements with the missing words and then think of a person you know with particular qualities and write down her or his name. Your partner it going to check the information you’ve completed asking questions like

 “Who’s Jack?’ He’s the person with vivid imagination.

After you’re done with this we are going to check the spelling of some words from the worksheet. (Moza-Book впиши пропущені слова)

6. Діалогічне мовлення. Questionnaire. Pair-work activity. (Moza-Book таблиця)

Here we have to compare some pictures. To do this activity you need to talk to your partner. Ask questions in turn. What is the occasion? How are they celebrating?

Is it important to celebrate important events in your life and why?

Do you prefer to celebrate your achievements  with your family, friends or both?

How do you usually celebrate family events ?

What celebrations have you attended recently?

7. Підведення підсумків уроку.

At the end of our lesson I want you to estimate your achievements. You can easily do it answering the questions below.

Today I discovered…    I want to know more about…  The most challenging thing was… Today I was successful  because … I’m proud of myself because…

And your homework is to design a postcard for one of your relatives or friends.


Video. Relative clauses

Grandma: Who’s the young woman _______  over there?

Ella: Do you mean the woman _______ a red dress?

G: Yes. The one ______ eating wedding cake. I don’t think I know her.

E: Oh, that’s the bride’s sister.

G: Ah, is she the sister ______ lives in Scotland?

E: No, she lives in London. It’s her brother ____ lives in Scotland. He’s the man ______  a kilt. Their parents, ______ are retired now, live in Spain.

G: Oh yes, Mrs Jones, ______ I was sitting next to at lunch, was telling me about the house in Spain.

E: No Grandma, you weren’t sitting next to Mrs Jones. That was Mrs Taylor, ______ used to live next door to us.

G: Oh, well she has a house in Spain too, _______ is why I got confused.

E: Grandma, who’s the lady putting lipstick on over there?

G: Oh, that’s Mavis. She’s the girl _____  I went to school with all those years ago.

E: Oh yes, I’ve seen the photos _____ mum and dad have at home.

G: By the way, who’s taking photos of the wedding?

E: The photographer. He’s over there.

G: He used a flash, _______ I hate. I always have red eyes.

E: Don’t worry grandma. All the photos ________ with that camera will be good. He’s a top professional. Er, grandma, who’s the boy _______ to your friend Mavis?

G: Oh, that’s her nephew _______ parents live in South Africa. But he lives in London with Mavis. He goes to the school _______ Mavis and I were students many years ago. Oh, look, he’s coming over. I can introduce you.







Pidhrebelna Galina
29 січня 2021
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