Конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему "Перші кроки в англійській мові"

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Дана розробка уроку має на меті повторення у цікавій формі вивченого матеріалу по темах "Кольори", "Числа 1-10", " Іграшки", " Частини тіла" та алфавіт.

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Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "frame with letters" 




План-конспект уроку                             англійської мови

на тему :

       First steps in English”,

       проведеного у 1А класі



Вчитель: Руда Ольга                                   






Topic: First Steps in English.

Objectives: to introduce letter Ww, to teach how to distinguish it in the connected         speech, to pronounce and to write it, to revise the lexical units on the topics “Numbers”, “ Colours”, “Toys”, “Parts of the body”, letters; to develop learners’ reading, speaking, writing, listening comprehension skills; to develop memory, logical thinking, imagination; to bring up interest to learning English.

Equipment: a notebook, an interactive board, cards with numbers, letters, parts of the body, balloons and envelopes with tasks, plastic plates, smiles.

Lesson plan.

I. Greeting. Introduction of the topic and the aims of the lesson.

Song “Good morning!”

T: -Good morning!     T: -Good morning!

P:-Good morning!     P:-Good morning!

T:-How are you?      T:-How are you?

P:- How are you?      P:- How are you?

T:-It’s so nice to see you here today!  T:-How do you, how do you do!

- We have learnt many English words, phrases, letters and these are your first steps in learning English. Today we’re going to revise our words on different topics, to do some exciting things and to learn a new letter.

II. Warming-up.

-I’d like to start our work with sweets. I’m sure that you like sweets. Take one of them and let’s divide into three groups according to the colour of your sweets.

- How are you today? Look at your photos and answer this question.( photos of children with different emotions on interactive board)

III. The main part of the lesson.

1. Listening . Revision of numbers.

- Count, please, from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1.



-Look at the board and name all the numbers.


Пов’язане зображення 






- Listen to attentively and point the numbers (on  interactive board)

2. Revision of letters.

- Look at our magic wall. There are capital and small letters of different colours. Every team takes the letters of their colour and stick on the board, matching capital and small letters.

- Now let’s read the phonics.







3. Revision of colours.

- What colours do you know?

-Every team takes a balloon. Inside each of them there is a task – to write the first letters.

_ ink    _lue    _reen    _urple   _lack    _ed     _rey     _rown

4. Relaxation.

- You’re a bit tired. Let’s have a rest and dance. Song “ Hello”.

5. Reading. Revision of toys. Pair and group work.

- Have you got toys? Ask you neighbor about his/her toys. Use  Have you got…?

- You’ve got the pictures of toys and the words in the envelopes. Match them.

Картинки по запросу kiteКартинки по запросу toy car clipartКартинки по запросу toy train 

Картинки по запросу doll 



Картинки по запросу toy car clipartПохожее изображение 






6. Writing. Introduction of the letter Ww.

- Look at the board. There is a cartoon about our new letter Ww.

-Let’s pronounce letter Ww, sound [w]. Say each other.

- Catch the sound [w]

- Write in the air. 

– Write on the back of your classmates.

- Write in your Alphabet Fun.

7. Speaking. Revision of the parts of the body.

- Let’s sing a song “Open-close” and revise the parts of the body.

Open Close Lyrics:

Show me your hands!

Open close,
Open close,
Everybody clap clap clap.
Open close,
Open close,
Everybody touch your eyes.

Open close,
Open close,
Everybody clap clap clap.
Open close,
Open close,
Everybody touch your ears.

Open close,
Open close,
Everybody clap clap clap.
Open close,
Open close,
Everybody touch your nose.

Open close,
Open close,
Everybody clap clap clap.
Open close,
Open close,
Everybody touch your arms.

Open close,
Open close,
Everybody clap clap clap.
Open close,
Open close,
Everybody touch your knees.

Open close,
Open close,
Everybody clap clap clap.
Open close,
Open close,
Everybody touch your head.
Good Job!


- You’ve got plastic plates and small parts of the face. In pairs stick the parts of the face and create your own creatures. Then you should describe them starting with It has got…

Картинки по запросу monster ears clipartКартинки по запросу eye clipart 


Картинки по запросу monsternose clipart 

Похожее изображение 






III. Summing up.

-What letter have we learnt?

-Did you like our lesson? Stick smiles of your mood at the board.


Картинки по запросу smilesКартинки по запросу unhappy smileКартинки по запросу happy smiley 





-Thanks for your work!

До підручника
Англійська мова (підручник для /спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови). 1 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
20 лютого 2018
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