Контрольна робота Present Passive

Про матеріал
Тренувальна контрольна робота має мету систематиувати вживння Present Passive. Робота допомагає учням узагальнити граматичний матеріал з теми Present Passive. Вчитель має можливість здійснити поточний моніторинг знань учнів з теми.
Перегляд файлу

Present Simple Passive



  1. Make  up sentences negative .


Many books are published in our country every year.

The newspapers are read in the  reading room of the library.

The prize is won  every year by our students.


  1. Read the text, find the sentences with Passive Voice and ask questions to them.


  Well, first discs are recorded. They are released and each record is given a code number. Then copies of the records are sent to shops. When the records are bought, their code numbers are recorded in the shop’s computer. Then this information is sent to the central computer. The information is sorted and the ‘Top 40’ chart is produced. Then the chart is sent to the radio station and the programme is written by the producer and the DJ. Finally the programme is broadcast on Sunday afternoon.



  1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive.


1. A lot of information … in the internet. ( can/find)

2. The old books … in the central library. (collect)

3. The internet … by millions of  students at schools. (use)

 4. English  … in Australia and New Zealand too. (speak)

 5. The computers … every  morning in the office. (turn on)

 6. All my friends … to the Birthday party every year.  (invite)


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 січня 2023
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