Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 8-му класі з теми: «Geographical position and climate of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 8-му класі з теми:

«Geographical position and climateof the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»

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    Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 8-му класі з теми:

«Geographical position and climate  of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»


Вчитель:   Середняк Ю.О.


Освітня; активізувати вживання лексики в мові учнів з теми; ознайомити учнів з географічним положенням, ,особливостями клімату та визначними місцями Великобританії;                                                                                                       розширювати знання учнів про країну, мова якої вивчається;


Удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання, аудіювання та письма, удосконалювати навички та уміння правильно відповідати на запитання;


Розвивати пам'ять, мислення, навички діалогічного та   монологічного  мовлення, сприймання іноземної мови на слух;                         


Виховувати інтерес та повагу до країни, мова якої вивчається, як складової патріотизму учнів.


- підручник  О.Д. Карпюк 8 клас.

- комп’ютерна презентація

- відеоролик

- текст для аудіювання «The Climate of Great Britain»;

- текст для читання  


- картки (HO2) «True or False»;

- конверти з розрізаними реченнями для гри «Scrambled» (HO3);

- картки для домашнього завдання «Fact file» (HO4);

- конверт із запитаннями;  


                                 Хід уроку:

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення:

   1. Привітання. Організаційний момент.

    T:  Stand up , please. Good morning, pupils! Sit down , please.

 I am glad to see you.

How are you today ( Fine , super, not bad,  so-so) Are you super?

 I am glad you are in a good mood. But I see some of you are quite  nervous so let’s start our lesson from pleasant words and compliments.

 And I’ll begin You look well..

( Учні за ланцюжком говорять один одному компліменти).

(you are beauty –ти красуня,You are fun to be with- з тобою весело,a smile becomes you –посмішка тобі личить,you have a good voice –тебе приємний голос, you are very intelligent – ти дуже розумний, you have good eyes, you have beautiful hair , you are charming , it’s a pleasure to talk to you , you are sociable )

T : Thank you for the compliments . Nice to hear that .The same can be said about you . Ok ! Lets start our lesson!

   2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

    Т: Today we have an unusual lesson. The topic of our lesson is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: geographical position  and climate”.

At the end of the lesson you:

  • will revise the geographical names;
  • will be able to speak about Great Britain climate and weather ;
  • will be able to make a Fact File about the country.

We’ll do a lot of activities which will develop you speaking ,listening and reading skills .


3. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

 a)Т: Tell me please. Do you like geography? I offer you to play the small geographical quiz. Do you agree? I’ll show you the plase of 5 countries. Tell me please the name of every of them and their capitals.

(на комп’ютері демонструються географічні карти 5-ти  країн, учні повинні назвати ці країни та їх столиці).

P1: It is Australia. The capital is Sydney.

P2: It is the USA. The capital is Washington.

P3: It is Ukraine. The capital is Kyiv.

P4: It is Canada. The capital is Ottawa.

P5: It is Great Britain. The capital is London.

T: You are clever, children. I think that your teacher of Geography is satisfied you.

b) відшукування «захованих слів»

T: Same words are hidden among the letters .Find them and then read them aloud .

Sddffffit’s sertraining qwefbgcatskhfd and defgrjdogs fgh

jkoAfterouy rain rtghycomeshjtf fair oouuyyweather hgfghj

ІІ. Основна частина уроку.

1.Лексична зарядка.

A)Т: Before we start talking about Britain let’s revise some words, word combinations and geographical names :

( на дошці – ЛО з теми, учні хором повторюють їх за вчителем, читають за ланцюжком з перекладом, перекладають слова за вибором вчителя).

                    - to be washed by               - a climate

-    to  separate                       -  a continent

   -to  consist of                       -  an island

- to  occupy                            -   mild

- to  surround                       - to be situated

B) Створення власних речень з новими словами

T: Think for a minute and make up your own sentences using new words.

2. Аудіювання тексту «The Climate of Great Britain».

T:  listening  to the text

  • Pre-listerning task

What do you know about climate in Britain?


The Climate of Great Britain

In Great Britain it is never too hot or too cold for work or play in the open air. The sea keeps the island warm in winter.

The winds have also very much to do with weather in Great Britain. Winds from the Atlantic are wet and warm. They bring plenty of rain to the island. The east and north-east Winds are cold and dry.

Thanks to the mild climate there are a lot of evergreen plants in Great Britain. But the lack of sunshine is the reason why the cultivation of grain crops is difficult. Grass grows all the year round.

The weather changes very often. In spring sunshine and showers follow each other often during the day.

In spring the weather is generally mild, the summer is not so hot as on the continent.

In winter sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows, and they also have fog and frost. The rivers and lakes are seldom covered with ice.

But the worst thing about the climate in Great Britain is the thick fog they so often have in autumn or winter.


T: So, you have listened to the text and now you have to say if the sentences are true or false show me the  cards( red and green)

  • Post listerning task

Завдання на картках (НО1) «True or False»:

1, In Great Britain climate is very  hot

2. The winds have also very much to do with weather in Great Britain

3 The weather changes very often

4 In spring the weather is very change

.5. . The rivers and lakes are seldom covered with ice.
6. In winter sometimes hot and worm

Keys: 1F,2T.3T4F5.T 6.F

T: You have done this work very well. Well done.

T: Now open your books on page 212 exercises 2

A) Read and pronounce the geographical names correctly.

(відпрацювання правильної вимови географічних назв)

Ben Nevis— a name of the mountain in Scotland

 Loch Lomond— a name of the lake in Scotland

 the Gulf Stream— a warm current which flows from

the Gulf of Mexico towards Europe

 Wales — one of the countries of Great Britain

Northern Ireland — one of the countries of Great Britain

 Thames  — a river London stands on


B) Read the article


Geography and Climate

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on islands. Northern Ireland occupies the northern part of Ireland. It is situated of the separate island. Great Britain consists of three parts. Their names are England, Scotland and Wales. Scotland is situated in the north of Great Britain Wales — in the southwest, and England — in the southeast.

Great Britain is surrounded by seas on all sides and is separated from the continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The rivers in Great Britain are not long, but many of them are deep. The capital of Great Britain, London, is situated on the Thames River. There are many mountains in the north of England and in Scotland, but they are not very high. The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis. There are many lakes in Scotland. The most beautiful is Loch Lomond. There are many countries which are connected with Great Britain by sea.

Thanks to the Gulf Stream the climate of Great Britain is mild. The weather is often foggy and rainy. Summer is not very hot and winter is not very cold. Winter temperature seldom falls below zero.


c) Робота з контурними картами. Відпрацювання правопису власних назв

 T : Put down on the map all geographical names mentioned in the text.

Indicate the names of the islands and parts of the country, oceans and seas, mountains and rivers.

(Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, the North Sea,  the English Channel, London,  the Thames River, Ben Nevis, Loch Lomond, the Gulf Stream)







T: Show me please , your map all geographical names


4. Релаксація. (relaxation)

Т: Are you tired? Let’s play a game “ Scramble”. I have 2 envelopes. In which of them there is a sentence, but the words are mixed up. You have to make up sentences. Form the three team. The team that will the task  the first, will win.

Sentences for the game:

  1. London is situated on the Thames River.
  2. The rivers in Great Britain are not long, but many of them are deep.
  3. Thanks to the Gulf Stream the climate of Great Britain is mild and moderate.

5. Speaking

T:  NowI have the envelope with the questions , you should to get the question and give the answer. So let's start

1. What is an island ?

An island is a piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water

2. Is the United Kingdom situated on an island or a continent?

The United Kingdom is situated on an island

3. What territory does Northen Ireland occupy?

 4. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

Great Britain consist of three parts

5. What are their names?

Their names are England ,Scotland  and Wales

6. Where are they situated?

Scotland is situated in the north of Great Britain. Wales in the southwest and England is the southeast .

7. What is Great Britain surrounded by?

Great Britain  is surrounded by seas on all sides and is separated from the continent by the North Sea and the English Channel

8. What can you say about the rivers in Great Britain?

the rivers in Great Britain are not long but many of them are deep

9. Where are the mountains situated?

the mountains situated in the north of England and Scotland

10. What do you Know about London?

London is the capital of Great Britain and it is situated on the river Thames

11. What do we say about a climate of a country where winters are not very cold and summers are not very hot?

 A climate of a country where winters are not very cold and summers are not very hot is mild

12. Why we do say that Great Britain  has a very good geographical position?

Great Britain  has a very good geographical position because it is an island

13. Which countries are separated with Great Britain by sea?

Mane countries are connected with Great Britain by seas

14. What makes the climate of Great Britain mild?

Gulf Stream makes the climate of Great Britain  mild

15. What can you say about the climate of Great Britain ?

The climate of Great Britain is mild

6. Перегляд відеоролика про Велику Британію

T: Now we watch video about Great Britain


T: During the lesson  we’ve talk about Great Britain. Now we will sum up all our knowledge in the form of “Fact File”. So open your copybooks and write down.

( Учні письмово заповнюють файли фактів, під час підбиття підсумків уроку повідомляють класові результати своєї  роботи ).

Fact File:

  1. Full name: _________________________________
  2. Capital: ___________________________________
  3. Number of islands: __________________________
  4. Official language: ____________________________
  5. Other languages: ____________________________
  6. Number and names of the parts: _______________  
  7. The longest and the deepest rivers:_____________
  8. The highest mountain: ________________________
  9.  Climate: ___________________________________

III.Заключна частина уроку.

1.Домашнє завдання:

Т: Our lesson comes up to the end and our home task will be to talk about Great Britain using the Fact File.

2. Підведення підсумків уроку:

Т: Our lesson comes to the end.  Do you like our lessons today? What do you like to do? What topic did we learn at the lesson? What task was difficult/ boring?

What task did you like most of all?

Let’s sum up the results of our lesson we’ve worked hard today and shown your deep knowledge on the topic . Thank you for your preparations for the lesson So your marks are …..






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