Конспект уроку розрахований на повторення лексичного матеріалу, розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення, розвиток навичок читання та аудіювання. Урок містить в собі цікаві завдання для командної гри, спрямовані на розвиток логічного мислення, памяті та уваги.
Тема: Свята.
Клас: 3 –А
Мета уроку:
- познайомити учнів з традиціями святкування Пасхи у Великобританії;
- активізувати лексику теми;
- формувати навички читання та аудіювання;
- формувати навички монологічного мовлення;
- вдосконалювати писемні навички, повторити Present Simple Tense;
- розвивати пам'ять, увагу, мислення, розширити кругозір учнів, розвивати творчі здібності учнів;
виховна: виховати повагу до традицій країни виучуваної мови
Тип уроку: комбінований, урок – гра
Хід уроку
Учитель: Good morning, my dear. Today we are to learn about one of your favourite holidays. You’ll learn some new words and get interesting information about it.
Easter eggs yellow and blue,
Easter eggs for me and you,
Easter eggs and candy sweets,
Easer eggs are good to eat,
Easter eggs pretty and funny,
Where, oh…Where is an Ester Bunny?
Today we have unusual lesson, we will play funny Easter games. The topic of our lesson is holidays, Easter. Let’s form two teams. Here is an Easter basket. There are some cards there. Take one of them and you can see a bunny or a duckling on it.
So the first team will be “Bunnies” and the second one will be “Ducklings”.
Task I. Answer the questions.
1.What holidays do you know?
2. What kind of holiday is Easter?
3. What are Easter symbols?
4.What do people do on Easter?
5. When do we celebrate Easter?
6. What does your mother do on Easter?
Task II. 4. Unscramble words:
basket, chocolate, rabbit, , eggs, cake, Christ
Task III. Use the code to learn the secret. Write the letters on the correct lines.
Task IV. Make negative sentences. Present Simple
Physical activity (фізкультхвилинка). Five Little Bunnies | Easter Bunny Song for Children | Hippity Hop Song for Kids.
Task V. Writing. Let’s help Taras to answer Bill’s letter. Choose the right word from the box and complete the letter
Easter, Easter cakes, Ukraine, Christ, church, family, songs, eggs, big dinner, hello, music |
Dear Bill,
…is a great holiday in… .On Easter Sunday people go to …, give thanks to…, sing …, listen to … . In Ukraine we make … … . We paint … , too. Families have a … … . Say … to your ….
Yours, Taras
Task VI. “Colour the picture”.
Look at the picture, please.
You can see Easter symbols in it. Colour them according to the task. The task is:
Task VII. Children, look we’ve got an Easter puzzle . Each team should find these words in the puzzle. Draw a circle around each word as you find it. Words to find are: LILY, EGG, BUNNY, CHICK, and EASTER.
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Brilliant! Dear children I hope you enjoined our party! Thank you for your active participating in our party! And now, let’s listen to our jury.
Teacher: Thank you very much for your work.