Конспект уроку "Жанри книги. Роль книги у житті людини"

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку англійської мови, розроблений на початковому етапі вичення теми, містить завдання для розвитку критичного мислення, завдання творчого характеру.
Перегляд файлу

Тема: The importance of  books in our life. Genres of books.

Мета: - to form language competence in speaking, reading, listening and writing;

 - to develop pupils’ group work skills;

 - to revise pupils’ knowledge on the topic;

 - to develop pupils’ attention and reaction, memory, logical thinking,   

   creative abilities and talents;

 - to bring love and necessity for reading.

Обладнання: pictures, cards for group work, different kinds of  books, handouts, PPt presentation.

Наскрізні змістові лінії: Громадянська відповідальність

Ключові компетентності: спілкування іноземною мовою, обізнаність та самовираження у сфері культури, ініціативність.

Предметні компетентності: формування мовної та мовленнєвої компетентності, формування соціокультурної компетентності.

Наскрізні навички та вміння: уміння вживати лексичні одиниці усно та письмово, уміння сприймати на слух, читати з метою отримання загальної інформації, критично мислити, уміння творити.

Очікувані результати ( Lesson outcomes):

  • Understand and know words and word-combinations,  modal verbs and procedures.
  • use personal strategies to think, organize, learn and behave.
  • be able to definitively state the genres of books and identify them while listening.
  •  perform actions and create a rhyme through practice.


I. Greeting

Good afternoon, children. I’m very glad to see  you today at our lesson.

How are you?


 Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world - books.


The field is white

Black is the seed,

The man who sows it,

Is clever indeed.

 Do you like to read ?

 What is your favorite book?

What books do you have at home?

Why do we read books?

Let’s discuss and make a mind-map ( cluster). ( Teacher sticks pictures on the blackboard)

                                        What do you like to read about?


ІІ. Warm-up


       The topic of our today’s lesson is “In the world of books. The importance of books in our life. Genres of books”. The motto of the lesson is “Love books, they are the source of knowledge and only knowledge can make us stronger and better”  ( слайд 1).We are going to discuss literature genres, listen to a review of some genres of books, make rules to take care about books, create our own rhyme.

2. Speaking

Look at the screen and comment the statements:

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them ( Mark Twain)( слайд 2)

Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! (Charles Kingsley)   ( слайд 3)

“Wear the old coat and buy the new book” ( Austin Phelps)( слайд4)

“ A man is known by the book he reads “ ( Ralph Waldo)( слайд 5)

ІІІ. Main part of the lesson. Building academic language

1.Vocabulary practice

1 ) Look at the screen and name kinds of  books ( слайд 6-12)

2) Complete the sentences with the correct words ( 5 students play a game , they should read the definition, find the correct book and show to the class)

  • If I want to read about unreal people and unreal stories,  I need ……. ( a fairy tale).
  • If I want to read about some interesting situations in life of someone,  I need ….. ( an adventure story ).
  •  If I want to read about some robots, unreal people, unreal planets, I need …….(a fiction story).
  • If I want to learn more about the history of our country , I need …… (a historical book).
  • If I want to find a good recipe, I need ………..(a cookery book).
  •  If I want to translate some words, I need ……….( a dictionary).
  •  If I want to relax, to have fun, to laugh, I need ………(a comic book).
  • If I want to get adrenaline, I need …….. ( a detective story).
  •  If I want to get information about the world in general, I need ……(an encyclopedia).
  • If I want to find out which countries are next to Egypt, I need …( atlas)
  • If I want to find information about rainforests I need… ( encyclopedia)
  • If I want to read a story about peoples’ life … ( biography)
  • If I want to read a short fictional work , I need …( short stories book)

2. Listening

Listen to the speaker and guess what kind of a book does he describe.

Write down the genres of books into your copy-books.

(Change your copy-books with your partner and check the answers)

3. Work with a textbook

Ex. 3 p. 151 ( match and comment)

4. Game «Yes. No. Not sure.»

Listen to my statement and choose the most appropriative answer for you. Explain WHY

  1.  Encyclopedias are more important than the Internet
  2. Atlas helps you to travel
  3. It is better to read a cookbook than to watch a cookery show
  4. A textbook is the main source of information for me.
  5. I would rather watch a film than read a comic
  6. If you were an author, would you prefer to be poor but famous, or rich but unknown

5. Exercises for eyes

6. Group work ( in pairs)

Work with your partner and make up "Book Care Rules".

You can see some picture on the screen that can help you to support your ideas. Don't forget to use modal verb «should» to make up sentences correctly.

  1. закладка, 2) перекреслена ручка. 3)їжа і напої перекреслені та інше

 ( Слайд 13)

7. Language practice

Let us revise adjectives to describe books.

  • How can you describe an atlas, encyclopedia, adventures story, a manual, a cookbook, a guidebook, a dictionary… ( exciting, wonderful, boring, interesting, fantastic, fabulous…)



5. Language practice ( Extra time)

Match the two parts of proverbs about books

There is no friend

By its cover

Choose an author

What we read

Don’t judge a book

And I will tell you what you are

We are

So faithful as a good book

Tell me what you read

As you choose a friend

Books are a great thing

As long as you know how to use them

Never judge a book

By its movie


  1. There is no friend so faithful as a good book.
  2. Choose an author as you choose a friend.
  3. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
  4. We are what we read.
  5. Tell me what you read and I will tell you what you are
  6. Books are a great thing as long as you know how to use them.
  7. Never judge a book by its movies.

And do you know any Ukrainian proverbs about books?



IV. Summing up.

1. Creating a rhyme

What is an ode? ( An ode is a short lyric poem that praises an individual, an idea, or an event)

  • Let’s create an ode to your favourite genre of a book .  (за схемою)

( Teacher explains how to create a rhyme, discuss with the students where can they find and take books).

Scheme of Ode to an Object (на слайді 14)

1. Name of an object.

2. Two adjectives.

3. Where to take?

4. Repeat line1 ( use another noun).

5. What is it for you?


 So, our lesson is going to be over in a few minutes.

  • What have you learnt?
  • What was the most useful?

 You got a lot of good information about different types of literary works and genres of books.

You work hard. We had an interesting communication at the lesson. Your marks for the lesson are…..


At home prepare a story : “My favourite literature genre”

For a high level create a crossword, using literary genres.

















Additional materials

Match the two parts of proverbs about books

There is no friend

By its cover

Choose an author

What we read

Don’t judge a book

And I will tell you what you are

We are

So faithful as a good book

Tell me what you read

As you choose a friend

Books are a great thing

As long as you know how to use them

Never judge a book

By its movie


  1. There is no friend so faithful as a good book.
  2. Choose an author as you choose a friend.
  3.       Don’t judge a book by its cover.
  4.       We are what we read.
  5.       Tell me what you read and I will tell you what you are
  6.       Books are a great thing as long as you know how to use them.
  7.       Never judge a book by its movies.

And do you know any Ukrainian proverbs about books?









  • If I want to read poems,  I need …….
  • If I want to read about some interesting unreal or imaginary situations in life of people or animals,  I need ….. .
  •  If I want to read English rules and do exercises I need …….
  • If I want to find a good recipe, I need ………..
  •  If I want to translate some words, I need ……….
  •  If I want to relax, to have fun, to laugh, I need ………
  •  If I want to get information about the world in general, I need ……
  • If I want to find out which countries are next to Egypt, I need
  • If I want to read a story about peoples’ life …
  • If I want to read a short fictional work , I need …
  • If I want to read about adventures I need…
  • If I want to read some instructions how to do something I need























I know all the words for this theme




I know all the words for this theme




I can identify genres while listening




I can identify genres while listening




I can comment on the statements

( my own opinion)




I can comment on the statements

( my own opinion)




I can create an ode




I can create an ode


















I know all the words for this theme




I know all the words for this theme




I can identify genres while listening




I can identify genres while listening




I can comment on the statements

( my own opinion)




I can comment on the statements

( my own opinion)




I can create an ode




I can create an ode





До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 8 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
9 червня 2022
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