Конспект відкритого уроку з використанням інтерактивних технологій

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Конспект відкритого уроку в 7 класі з використанням інтерактивних технологій на тему Sport In Our Life
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Subject: Sport

Subtopic: “Sport in Our Life”


- практична: активізувати лексичний матеріал; вживати лексичні одиниці у мовленні; навчати правильній вимові, розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів; удосконалювати вміння сприймати текст на слух та розуміти зміст почутого; перевірити рівень розуміння прочитаного; удосконалювати навички діалогічного мовлення учнів; розвивати вміння працювати в групах; продовжити формувати вміння працювати з проектом;

- освітня: систематизувати знання учнів про спорт, його види, значення у житті кожного; узагальнити граматичний матеріал;

- розвиваюча: розвивати пам’ять, увагу, уяву, логічне мислення учнів, мовну здогадку; розвивати творчі здібності; розвивати вміння узагальнювати і робити висновки;

-  виховна: виховувати усвідомлення важливості заняття спортом як складової здорового способу життя; виховувати сумлінне ставлення до навчання, виховувати  почуття взаємодопомоги та спільної роботи в групах.

          Materials: роздатковий матеріал,  ілюстрації, ноутбук, аудіозаписи та відеозаписи,  картки-завдання, макети колесо для граматичної гри, матеріали для фонетичної та лексичної розминки, матеріали для проведення проектної роботи.


                                                    Хід уроку


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. Introduction. Warming-up.

1. Greeting.

-Good morning, pupils!

        Nice to see you today! I hope you are well today.

T. Red, yellow, white and blue. How are you? How are you?

Ch. Red, yellow, white and blue. I am fine thank you!

P. (in a chain) I am… What about you?

T. I am great, thank you.

2) Creating the positive atmosphere of the lesson. Створення ситуації успіху на уроці.

- “Magic box” (Учні витягують стрічки та зачитують)

                 “I am a good pupil.

                   I am smart.

                   I am clever…” (etc)

T. Everybody has a good mood and don’t want to work, we want to play.

Work while you work,

Play while you play.                                                                                                                This is the way to be happy and gay.


2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

          Aim. Оголошення теми,

    Look  and  arrange the letters in the right order and you’ll get the topic of our lesson “ ROPST”. You are quite right! It’s sport. The topic of our lesson is “Sport in Our Life”. (slide 1)

Objectives. Оголошення мети та цілей уроку.

T: Our objectives are…

Speak about popular sports, games, famous sport places

Practice sport lexical material in speaking.

Organize well game, group, pair work and .

Revise grammar material;                                                                                                             

Try to understand as more as possible information during the lesson. (slide 2)


3. The motto of our lesson Девіз уроку.

   T.  The moto of our lesson is

We’ll be good

We’ll be fine

We’ll be clever every time!  (slide 3)


4. Phonetic drill. Фонетична розминка.

    T: Our body needs training, but our tongue needs it too. Let`s get ready to speak English and guess some riddles.

a) Some people think that it is a boring game, because it can last for five days. But I think that it is very interesting and intelligent. The players look wonderful in their white trousers and white shirts and jumpers. (Cricket)

b) It is one of the oldest and the most popular sport in the world, the Americans called it soccer. It is an exciting game for real men. There are eleven players in each team. They are big, fast and really strong. (Football)

c) It is an individual sport both for boys and girls. First it was popular only among the boys but now more and more girls take part in it. It helps to become strong, confident and you are always ready to defend yourself and other people. It is very important. Some people say that it is a fight and it is not good for girls but I can't agree with them. (Karate)

T: Well, I have idea. Let’s make the competition. Who knows more riddles about sport?


  • A sport in which players roll the ball along a flat surface (bowling).
  • A sport of moving on ice using ice skates (ice skating).
  • A game for two teams that you play with a ball and a basket.(basketball)
  • A game that you play on board.(chess)
  • A game for two teams that you play with a ball and a basket.(basketball)
  • A form of underwater diving in which a diver uses a scuba set to breathe underwater (scuba diving).
  • A game for two teams that you play with the sticks on the ice-ground.(ice- hockey)
  • A game for two people that you play with a small ball on the table. (table -tennis).                                                                                                                            

T: I’m  happy that you are good learners of sport

5. Checking the homework. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T: And now its time to check your  homework. What was your homework for today ?

P: Find a verse about sport in the Internet and learn in by heart a fill in the box

EE tennis , football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, windsurfing, cycling, skateboarding, karate, aerobics, judo, athletics

T: Take a pencil,  change your copybooks and check your partner’s homework

T: …, how many mistakes did … make?








T: When do we use play / go / do?

  • We use play with the ball games.
  • We use go with sports ending in -ing.
  •  We use do with other sports.

T: Who learned the verse and wants to be the first.

Ps. ( one by one retell the poem)

T: O'K! Thank you. You were great!

ІІ. Main part. Основна частина.

1. Актуалізація опорних знань. Мозковий штурм

T. Now we have to do test about your opinion to sport using the following phrases.


                                                Card “ Are you a sporty person?”

1. Have you got any of sport things at home? (slide 4)



Answers Points



a) Not any

b) Some of sports posters, books, magazines

c) Some of sport equipment







2. Have you ever attended any sport club? (slide 5)

Answers Points



a) Yes, I have, But I don’t attend this year

b) No, I haven’t

c) Yes, I have, I attend sport section







3. Do you take in interschool competition? (slide 6)

Answers Points



a) Yes

b) No

c) sometimes








4. Do you enjoy your P.T. lessons at school? (slide 7)

Answers Points



a) Not very

b) Yes, I do, P.T. is my favorite subject

c) I hate P.T.









5. What do you know about Olympic Games? (slide 8)


Answers Points



a) Nothing at all

b) The names of gold medal winners in six or more kinds of sport

c) The history of Olympics







6. Have you ever dreamed of becoming a sport star? (slide 9)

Answers Points



a) Sometimes

b) Never

c) Very often.







Result (slide 10)

  • More than 10 points: Congratulations! Go on and you’ll be in your best sporty shape.
  • 5–10 points: You are a sport fan. It’s no so bad.
  • Less than 5 points: You and a sporty person are quite different things.


2. Vocabulary Practice. Group Work .  Практикування у вживанні ЛО теми. Робота в групах

  • T. Now take the cards (the names of sports and games) and match two parts of the word, than classify them into the following categories:
  • 1. Para                                       chuting
  • 2. Basket                                   ball
  • 3. Horse                                    riding
  • 4. Win                                       dsurfing
  • 5. Cyc                                       ling
  • 6. Box                                       ing
  • 7. Can                                        oeing
  • 8. Cli                                         mbing
  • 9. Di                                           ving
  • 10. Ten                                      nis
  • 11. Swi                                      mming
  • 12. Foot                                     ball
  • 13. Rug                                      by
  • 14. Sq                                        uash
  • 15. Badmin                               ton
  • 16. Fenc                                    ing

T: Are you ready? Let’s represent your words.

T: I see you know different kinds of sport. Let’s divide them  into  two groups : indoor and outdoor sports.  (slide 11)













ice hockey

















T:  People who go in for different sport have different names.

How do we call a person  who:

  • Plays football( a footballer), cricket(a batsman),  tennis(a tennis player);
  • Goes swimming(a swimmer), jumping(a jumper), running(a runner), windsurfing(a surfer);
  • Rides a bike(a cyclist).


T. It’s important for everyone to be healthy and fit. And to be healthy you should go in for sport.

3. Physical relaxation. Релаксація.

T: Now we’ll have a short rest. Imagine that we are on the sports ground.

Картинки по запросу sport in my lifeWe are playing tennis.

We are playing basketball.

We are playing football.

We are swimming.

We are skipping.

We are running.

We are boxing.

We are skating.

5. Mini-project. Group Work . Створeння міні-проектів. Робота в групах.

 T. Divide these words into two groups.

1. Team sports and single sports: football, rugby, running, long jump, volleyball, gymnastics, basketball,

swimming, baseball, cycling;

2. People who play and people who don’t play: supporter, TV reporter, owner, player, champion, captain, referee, loser, sponsor, finalist.

6. Grammar Practice.   Практикування у вживанні граматичного матеріалу теми. (slide 13)

T: . Now it’s time for grammar. Complete the sentences. Use the correct verb ‘PLAY’,’GO’, ‘DO’.


  1. ----morning exercises
  2. ----running
  3. ----athletics
  4. ----fishing
  5. ----skating
  6. ----volleyball
  7. ----aerobics
  8. ----football
  9. ----skiing
  1. ) … tennis.


7. Speaking. Розвиток навичок говоріння   

T: A lot of people like sport.  But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you good or against sport?  As we are dіvided into two groups . The 1st group will think and tell us about good sides of sport, another one – about bad sides of sport.

Please say your opinion about sport using the following phrases. (slide 14)

I think…

The way I see it…

I suppose…

In my opinion…

I’d just like to say...

To my mind,…

As for me …

T : Which group is ready?                                                                                                                                               

Sport is good because…

I think It makes me fast and strong.

It builds character.

It helps me to keep fit.

It teachers me to win and to lose.

It’s very good for my heart.

We enjoy it.

Sport helps people to stay in good shape, helps to support health and prevents from illness.

And now the second group, it’s your time to tell everything bad about sports.

I think Sport is bad because…

                                                It’s not  very useful.

It takes a lot of energy and time.

We have no time to walk with friends

It needs to work very hard.

We can break legs and arms.

-  So good sides more than bad sides.

T.  Sport helps us and teaches us (slide 15)

  1. to keep fit
  2. to look wonderful
  3. to have a good time
  4. to be healthy
  5. to control the body
  6. to make new friends
  7. to be more organized
  8. to be motivated
  9. to keep a balance
  10. to get new experiences
  11. to become a better person
  12. to be more confident

It unites people of different classes and nationalities. 

8. Reading and speaking. Читання та говоріння. (slide 16)

        T: Why is it important to go in for sport?                                                                            

        T:  Read the text and do the tasks.

 Sports is Important in Our Life   

  Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people, because it helps them to keep fit.

Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning and train themselves in clubs, in different sections and take part in sport competitions.

Other people like sports too, but they only watch sports games, listen to sports news. They prefer reading interesting stories about sportsmen. But they don't go in for sports.

Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports, you have good health and don't catch cold.

Children and grown-ups must take care of their health and do morning exercises regularly.

There are some popular kinds of sports in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing, skating. Athletics is one of the most popular kinds of sports. It includes such kinds of sports as: running, jumping and others. Everybody may choose the sport he (or she) is interested in.

T: Complete the sentences (slide 17 )

1.Sport is …

2. Many people …

3. Other people …

4. Sport helps people …

5. If you go in for sport …

6. My favourite …

7. I go …

8. It helps /makes me …


T: Is sport important in your life? Why?

T: Make up a story about sport in your life. Use previous exercise. (slide 18 )

1.Sport is …

2. Many people …

3. Other people …

4. Sport helps people …

5. If you go in for sport …

6. My favourite …

7. I go …

8. It helps /makes me …

T: Well, children you have done with task very well and I see you are very “hardworking” children.


 T. There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about   “Sport”. What proverbs or sayings about   “Sport” do you know?  Call them and give their Ukrainian equivalents to them.


  • P1: Quicker! Higher! Stronger!

(Швидше! Вище! Сильніше!)

  • P2: Fortune favours the brave.

(Де відвага, там і перемога.)

  • P3: It is above all to take part in, not to win.

(Головне – участь, а не перемога)

  • P4: If at first you don’t succeed, try again.

(Вперше не вдалося – спробуй ще раз)

  • P5: The best of the sport is to do the deed and say nothing.

(Найкраще заняття – робити мовчки справу)

  • P6: In sports in journeys men are known.

                               (Люди пізнаються у змаганнях і мандрах)

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.         

A sound mind in a sound body.


III. Summing up. Заключна частина уроку

  1. Homework. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

Your homework is to write a letter to your friend about the role of sport in our life.

  1. Summarizing. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Test yourself

T: Finish the sentence

                  My work at the lesson…


T:  It is time to finish our lesson. Today we’ve spoken a lot about sport.  If you want to live to 100, you should go in for sport. Do you agree with me? Did you like our lesson? What activities did you like the most? Let’s seep up our lesson. You were hardworking. All of you have worked very well. I’m satisfied with your work and hope that all of you will go in for sports to be the winners.

See you on Monday,

Good-bye, everyone.


Teacher: Thank you for being so active..


















































  1. It is favourite kind of sport in England.
  2. The only person who can touch the ball with his hands, hold it and throw it.


  1. A kind of sport on two wheels.
  2. It is the winter game. Only men and boys can play it.
  3. You need a ball                   and a high net.


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