Конспект заняття
Предмет Англійська мова
Викладач Дерека К.О.
Вид заняття практичне заняття
Тема заняття Прикметники. Ступені порівняння прикметників. Дозвілля. Спорт
Мета заняття Поглибити, систематизувати та закріпити знання студентів про прикметник, ступені порівняння прикметників; практикувати студенів у виконанні вправ, вживаючи теперішній тривалий час; ввести та закріпити нові лексичні одиниці до теми заняття; удосконалювати вміння і навички практичного володіння англійською мовою; вчити грамотно будувати відповідь на поставлене запитання; розвивати уміння вживати активну та пасивну лексику за темою в діалогічному та монологічному мовлення; розвивати увагу, пам'ять, уяву, а також здібності до мовної здогадки; розвивати культуру спілкування; удосконалювати техніку читання про себе; розвивати логічне мислення, пам'ять, уміння використовувати здобуті знання на практиці, формувати навички самостійної роботи;підвищувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови.
Лiтература, методичне та матерiальне забезпечення заняття:
1. Робочий зошит з англійської мови складений викладачем.
Хід заняття
1. Органiзацiйний момент (1-2хв.)
2. Повідомлення теми та мети заняття.
T: Today we are going to discuss sports. Are you interested in the topic?
3. Основна частина заняття.
Створення ситуації для обговорення теми заняття.
1) Language work. Введення нових лексичних одиниць.
Sport Events and Participants
Scoring System
Defeat— Score— Victory—
Sport Equipment
Net— Racket— Rings—
Activity 1. Read the word-combinations and sentences with their translation.
1) to play chess грати в шахи
2) to play draught грати в шашки
3) to play hockey грати в хокей
4) to play soccer/football грати в футбол
5) sports competitions спортивні змагання
6) competitions in many kinds of sports змагання з багатьох видів спорту 7) such kinds of sport as ... такі види спорту, як ...
8) to go in for sports займатися спортом
9) to take part in sports competitions брати участь у спортивних змаганнях
10) sports schools and sports sections спортивні школи і спортивні секції
11) many good athletes багато хороших спортсменів
12) the best athlete найкращий спортсмен
13) to show better results досягати кращих результатів 14) a big swimming-pool великий басейн 15) As for me ... Щодо мене ...
16) The pupils of our group go Учні нашої групи займаються in for many kinds of sports. багатьма видами спорту.
17) What team do you support? За яку команду ви вболіваєте?
Практикування студентів у читанні тексту за темою заняття з наступним обговоренням.
Activity 3. Read and translate the text
How Healthy Are You?
Check your knowledge.
What sort of shape are you in? Are you the sort of person who goes for a run each morning, or are you the other kind who gets out of breath when reaching for a cigarette?
Maybe you have a lot of energy. You go to work or school, you make decisions all day, and you do extra work at home. Exercise? You don't have enough time — why bother anyway?
Well, the answer to that question is your body design. Human beings weren't built for sitting at a desk all day: your body is constructed for hunting, jumping, lifting, running, climbing and a variety of other activities. If you don't get the exercise that your body wants, then things can go badly wrong. Your mind works all day, and your body does nothing: the results can vary from depression to severe illness to early death.
Not a very cheerful thought, and of course the natural reaction is "It's not going to happen to me". Maybe, maybe not. Here are two ways of looking after yourself: firstly, by seeing if you are doing the right sort of exercise, and secondly by seeing if you have the right kind of diet.
shape - форма to get out of breath - задихатися bother - тривожитися, хвилюватися body design - будова тіла to severe illness - серйозна хвороба
I. Comprehension Questions
Activity 4. Answer the following questions on paper or in class discussion 1. What happens to people if they don't get the exercises their body wants?
2. Why is it necessary for everybody to keep to the right kind of diet?
3. Why does fitness training form a noticeable part of our life?
4. Why has recreational sport become so popular and why does it occupy so much of the attention and the time of its adherents?
5. What are the most popular forms of physical exercises for the broad public in Ukraine?
6. How can the vivid interest in fitness training be accounted for?
7. How can physical exercises influence our life and work?
II. Vocabulary Practice
Activity 5. Explain the following phrases as they have been used in the text. Translate them into Ukrainian. to be in shape
to go for a run each morning to get out of breath to have a lot of energy to make decisions to do extra work at home a body design to vary from depression to severe illness to early death a very cheerful thought to look after oneself to do right sort of exercise to have the right kind of diet
Activity 6. Match each word in the left-hand column with the appropriate meaning from the right-hand column.
1. hockey a. competition (race)
2. horse (motor) b. match
3. shooting c. competition (event)
4. athletics d. contest
5. skiing e. tournament
6. chess f. race
Activity 7. Match the sport with the location.
a. golf |
1. rink |
b. boxing |
2. pool |
с. tennis |
3. stadium |
d. swimming |
4. field |
e. football |
5. court |
f. athletics |
6. ring |
g. ice-skating |
7. course |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1. Golf is played on a course.
2. Boxing is done on a ring
3. Tennis is played on a court.
4. Swimming is done in a pool.
5. Football is played in a field.
6. Athletics is done at the stadium.
7. Ice-skating is done on a rink.
Слово викладача:
Boxing, swimming, ice-skating, athletics are well-known sports. Let’s take a look at extreme sports. They have grown rapidly in importance and the extreme games attract growing numbers of participants.
ü What extreme sports do you know?
Keys: bungee jumping, ice-diving, sky surfing, snow boarding, snow rafting, whitewater-rafting
T: Do you think they are dangerous?
Keys: Some of them are very dangerous
T: What makes people risk their lives to do them? - Speed, excitement, danger May be it’s like a drug, the more they do them the more they want to do it again; They want to show how strong and courageous they are;
They say it’s a feeling nothing can be compared to in a short period of time you experience so much; They say, when they do it all their personal problems go away
Activity 8. Read through the statements and choose the right item.
1. People do extreme sports in order to feel ____.
a. excited
b. nervous
c. happy
2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last ____.
a. 5 years
b. 10 years
с. 20 years
3. People usually bungee jump from____.
a. aeroplanes
b. high buildings
c. bridges
4. In sky surfing people do mid-air ____.
a. gymnastics
b. dancing
с. swimming
5. Snowboarding has similarities with ____.
a. skiing
b. surfing
с. canoeing
6. Snowrafting is ____.
a. quite dangerous
b. very dangerous
c. not very dangerous
7. For white-water rafting you need____.
a. big river
b. a warm river
c. a mountain river
8. Ice divers ____.
a. swim under ice
b. walk on the bottom
c. walk upside down under the ice
Keys: 1a; 2b; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6b; 7c; 8c
Activity 9. Answer these questions and find out how much you like sport. Be honest.
1. It’s a cold, wet Sunday afternoon. Do you:
a) go out and play a game?
b) watch sport on TV?
c) read a book?
2. The World Cup Final is on TV. Do you:
a) watch the match?
b) study and listen match on the radio?
c) go to your bedroom and play on your computer?
3. The Olympics are taking place on the other side of the world. Do you:
a) stay up all night to watch everything?
b) read the results in the moaning newspaper?
c) yawn when friends talk about it?
4. Your new boyfriend/girlfriend wants to play tennis on Saturday; Do you:
a) agree immediately and practise every day?
b) go, but say you're not very good?
c) say you're not interested and suggest going to the cinema?
5. The sports teacher is talking to the class about organising a sports day. Do you:
a) volunteer for every event?
b) choose one event you'd like to be in?
c) hide behind a big student?
6. Your sports teacher chooses you to run in the 1500 metres race. Do you:
a) practise running for a week before the race?
b) just do your best and not worry about winning?
c) phone the school on the day and say you are ill?
Points |
Results |
a. |
5 points |
6 points or less: You hate sport |
b. |
3 points |
7 – 18 points: You quite like sport |
c. |
0 points |
More than 18 points: You are a sport fanatic |
Розгляд прислів’їв до теми «Спорт».
Use the proverbs and sayings in a natural context. First make sure that you know what they mean and prove that they have sense
• A good start wins the race (American).
• It is a bad game where nobody wins (Italian).
• When two play a game there must be a winner and a loser (Yiddish).
• Without losing you cannot win (Russian).
• What is sport to the cat is death to the mouse (German).
• A good swimmer is not safe against drowning (French).
• Even the best swimmer can drown (Yiddish).
• Good swimmers are drowned at last (French).
Grammar. Запис матеріалу у зошит.
Прикметник. Adjective
Прикметник — це частина мови, що виражає ознаку, якість або властивість предметів і відповідає на запитання який? яка? яке? які?
В англійській мові прикметники не змінюються ні за відмінками, ні за числами, ні за родами.
Прикметники стоять перед іменниками та після дієслова to be.
• A hot day
• a good book
• a beautiful photo
• It’s cold
Вищий ступінь порівняння. Найвищий ступінь порівняння.
Comparatives Superlatives
Ø -er в одно- та двоскладових Ø -est в одно- та двоскладових словах, що закінчуються на -er, - словах, які закінчуються на -er,
le, -y, -ow -le, -y, -ow,
Ø слова more (більше) або less Ø слова the most (найбільш) або (менше) з iншими дво- та the least (найменш) з iншими багатоскладовими дво- та багатоскладовими прикметниками. прикметниками.
Вищий ступінь порівняння
She looks younger than she actually is._________________________________
The white jacket is nicer than the grey one.______________________________
That way is quicker but more dangerous. ________________________________
White is more fashionable than black this year____________________________
Black is less fashionable than white this year._____________________________ Andrew is stronger than Peter.________________________________________
Закінчення -er (або -r після голосної):
1. У прикметників, які закінчуються на y → i + er.
• silly __________________ sillier
• happy _________________ happier
2. У прикметників, які закінчуються на приголосну — голосну — приголосну, подвоюється кінцева приголосна.
• hot ____________ hotter
• thin ___________ thinner
• big ____________ bigger
Не подвоюється кінцева приголосна, якщо перед нею стоять дві голосні. • weak __________ weaker
• cheap __________ cheaper
• quiet __________ quieter
• easy ___________________ easier ______________________
• funny __________________ funnier _____________________
• dirty __________________ dirtier ______________________
• quiet __________________ quieter _____________________
• simple _________________ simpler _____________________
• gentle _________________ gentler _____________________
•clever __________________ cleverer ____________________
• narrow _________________ narrower ___________________
Для більшості двоскладових прикметників так само потрібні more, less:
• careful |
more careful |
• modern |
more modern |
• famous |
more famous |
• boring |
more boring |
• correct |
more correct |
• useful |
more useful |
• Автоматизація дій студентів з граматичними структурами активного граматичного мінімуму.
• Виконання завдань на закріплення граматичних навичок:
Activity 7. Make the comparative form of the adjectives and choose them for the following sentences. Translate.
• thin _______________________________________________
• good _______________________________________________
• interesting __________________________________________
• early _______________________________________________
• large _______________________________________________
1. Why are you always late for classes? You should leave home ___________.
2. Ann is much ____________________ than she was. She must be on a diet.
3. This apartment is too small for me. I need something __________________.
4. This lesson is__________________ than the previous one.
5. You’re learning grammar rules now. Is your English ____________________?
Найвищий ступінь порівняння. Superlatives
He is the youngest._________________________________________
The white jacket is the nicest.________________________________
That way is the most dangerous._______________________________
She is the kindest person I know________________________________ That restaurant is the most expensive in town._____________________ Виняток. Irregular adjectives
good better the best bad worse the worst
far further (farther) the furthest (the farthest) little (size) smaller the smallest little (quantity) less the least many, much more the most They are a bad team. They must be the worst in town. My English is getting better.
Today’s weather is worse than it was yesterday. My dog is little but your one is smaller.
Activity 8. Make the superlative form of the adjective. Translate.
1. She’s very young. She’s _________________________in class.
2. That’s a very exciting film. It’s___________________film showing this year.
3. He’s a very rich man. He’s one of ____________________men in the world.
4. That was scary! That was __________thing that has ever happened to me.
5. It’s a very difficult decision. It’s __________________decision in my life.
6. The Mississippi is a long river, but it isn’t _______________ river in the world.
7. What a beautiful ring. I think it’s ___________________one in the shop.
Activity 9. Open the brackets, using verbs in Present Continuous or Present
1. I (to sit) in the waiting room at the doctor's now.
2. Eric (to talk) about his holiday plans, but Kenny (not to listen) to him. He (to think) about his new car at the moment.
3. My friend (to live) in St. Petersburg.
4. The children (not to sleep) now.
5. The children (to play) in the yard every day.
6. They (not to go) to the stadium on Monday.
7. She (to read) in the evening.
8. She (not to read) now.
9. I (to write) a composition now.
5. Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (домашнє завдання):
ØОпрацювати теоретичний матеріал про прикметник.
ØВивчити нові слова, фрази і вирази. Ø Читати та перекладати текст на сторінці 46.
2.Підведення підсумків заняття (5хв.):
Слово викладача:
Our time is almost up. Your homework will be to read and translate the text, p.46.