Контрольна робота з письма за 1 семестр 6 клас. Карпюк.

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови з письма за семестр 6 клас, за підручником Карпюк. Чотири завдання. Перше завдання: прислівники/прикметники, друге завдання : кількісні (how much/ how many). Третє завдання: will, be going to, like, would like. четверте завдання доповнити діалог

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Writing competition Variant 1

Task 1. Choose the correct word.

  1. The playground is very quiet/ quietly today.
  2. My father plays chess good/ well.
  3. She is a very naughty/ naughtily girl.
  4. His Spanish is good/ better than English.
  5.  Our boys speak loud/ loudly at the lessons.
  6.   John knows some good/ well poems.

Task 2. Complete with “How many”, “How much”

  1. ______soda do you drink every week?
  2. _____  pets do you have?
  3. ______money do you have in your wallet?
  4. ______water do you use in your car?
  5. ______do you love your mother?
  6. ______chocolate do you eat a month?

Task 3. Choose the correct verb form will /going to, like or would like

  1. Would you like / Dou you like some coffee? – Yes, please.
  2. Do you like / Would you like your new teacher?
  3. What kind of music do you like / would you like listening to?
  4. She likes / would like swimming in the sea.
  5. They ___ a new computer. (to get)
  6. Paul's sister ___ a baby. (to have)
  7. Look at the clouds! It ___  soon. (to rain)
  8. I think my mother ___  this CD. (to like)

Task 4. Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box.

— Why do you like it?

— Is your English teacher strict?

— What is your favourite school subject, Molly?

— What do you do at your English lessons?


— It’s English.


— Because we have very interesting lessons.


— We read texts, act out dialogues, sing songs, write exercises and even play



— Well, I don’t think she is very strict. She is helpful and fair.





Writing competition Variant 2

Task 1. Choose the correct word.

  1. She speaks bad/badly English.
  1. There were no clouds, but the moon shone bright/brightly.
  2. The squirrels climbed the tree so quick/quickly.
  3. My father plays chess good/ well.
  4. She is a very beautiful/ beautifully girl.
  5. Masha knows some happy/ happily songs

Task 2. Complete with “How many”, “How much”

  1. ______peppers are there?
  2. _____  students are there in class today?
  3. ______money do you spend every month?
  4. ______DVDs have you got?
  5. ______housework do you do every day?
  6. ______bottles of water do you drink a week?

Task 3. Choose the correct verb form will /going to, like or would like

  1. I would like / like eating some chicken once a week.
  2. What kind of music do you like / would you like to listen to now?
  3. My sister likes / would like to go to Venice.
  4. The day is beautiful. He doesn’t like / wouldn’t like to study today.
  5. Ann _____14 next Monday. (to be)
  6. They ___ at about 4 in the afternoon. (to arrive)
  7. Just a moment. I ___  you with the bags. (to help)
  8. Mary’s mother ___ a baby. (to have)

Task 4. Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box.

— Why don’t you like it?

— Is your teacher strict?

— What is your least favorite school subject, Teddy?

— What do you do at your Ukrainian lessons?


— It’s Ukrainian.


— Because we have very boring lessons.


— We read texts, write exercises, learn poems.



— Well, I  think she isn’t very strict. She is helpful and fair.



Kapinos Olena Olegivna
14 грудня 2021
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