Контроль читання для учнів 7 класу (за підручником О. Карп'юк, 1й семестр)

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Контроль читання для учнів 7 класу (за підручником О. Карп'юк, 1й семестр). Даний тест містить текст та післятекстові завдання для перевірки розуміння прочитаного.
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            7 клас  1й семестр         Reading test “Emma’s school”


     Emma goes to boarding school. She lives at school and goes home only for holidays. She stays at school from 9 until 4 o’clock.  There are a lot of activities you can choose from at Emma’s school: Chess, Choir, 1st aid, Orchestra, Drama Group and Swimming. Emma is a member of Drama Group and Swimming.

    Her school is modern  and spacious. It’s really nice. There’s an IT room, a Science lab, a canteen on the ground floor and there is a library and lockers close to the entrance. Opposite the canteen there is Music classroom. The gym is between the changing room and the toilets. There are twelve classrooms, the headmaster’s office and staff room on the first floor. Emma’s classroom is between the English classroom and the staffroom. There is also a tennis court behind the school. The football pitch is opposite the tennis court. There are the school rules at Emma’s school:

  • Girls have to wear a white blouse, a green pullover and black skirts.
  • Boys have to wear a white shirt, black trousers and a tie.
  • Children must come to school on time.
  • Pupils must not make noise in the corridor
  • Pupils must switch off the mobile phones during the lessons


  1. Choose the correct answer:
  1. Emma’s school is ___
  1. Spacious and shabby              c) modern and shabby
  2. Spacious and modern            d) big and shabby
  1. The lessons finishes at ___
  1. Three o’clock                       c) five o’clock
  2. Four o’clock                         d) two o’clock
  1. There is ____ on the first floor
  1. English classroom           c) Music classroom
  2. IT room                            d) library
  1. The lockers are___
  1. On the first floor              c) close to the canteen
  2. Opposite the library        d) on the ground floor
  1. The staff room  is ___
  1. On the ground floor                  c) opposite English classroom
  2. Opposite Music classroom     d) close to Emma’s classroom
  1. Pupils have to ____
  1. Come to school at eight o’clock
  2. Make noise in the corridor
  3. Switch on the mobile phones during the lessons
  4. Wear a school uniform


  1. Mark the sentences true or False:
  1. Emma comes home from school at four o’clock.
  2. There are a lot of activities Emma can choose from at school: Orchestra , Chess, Swimming,  1st aid, Drama Group and Choir.
  3. The canteen is on the first floor opposite the library.
  4. The gym is on the ground floor.
  5. The football pitch is behind the school
  6. Girls must wear a white blouse, a green pullover and black skirts.


  1. Answer the questions:
  1. Where is the headmaster’s office?
  2. Where is the Science lab and the library?
  3. What do boys wear at school?




     7 клас  1й семестр                Reading test “Emma’s school”


     Emma goes to boarding school. She lives at school and goes home only for holidays. She stays at school from 9 until 4 o’clock.  There are a lot of activities you can choose from at Emma’s school: Chess, Choir, 1st aid, Orchestra, Drama Group and Swimming. Emma is a member of Drama Group and Swimming.

    Her school is modern  and spacious. It’s really nice. There’s an IT room, a Science lab, a canteen on the ground floor and there is a library and lockers close to the entrance. Opposite the canteen there is Music classroom. The gym is between the changing room and the toilets. There are twelve classrooms, the headmaster’s office and staff room on the first floor. Emma’s classroom is between the English classroom and the staffroom. There is also a tennis court behind the school. The football pitch is opposite the tennis court. There are the school rules at Emma’s school:

  • Girls have to wear a white blouse, a green pullover and black skirts.
  • Boys have to wear a white shirt, black trousers and a tie.
  • Children must come to school on time.
  • Pupils must not make noise in the corridor
  • Pupils must switch off the mobile phones during the lessons
  1.   Choose the correct answer:                                            
  1. Emma goes to ___
  1. Regular school                          c) boarding school  
  2. Secondary school                     d) primary school
  1. There is ____ on the ground floor.
  1. a library                                    c) staffroom
  2. English classroom                  d) headmaster’s office
  1. The toilets are ____
  1. Close to the entrance            c) opposite the gym
  2. On the first floor                     d) on the ground floor
  1. Emma’s classroom is ___
  1. On the ground floor                            c) on the first floor
  2. Opposite English classroom               d) opposite the staff room
  1. The football pitch is ___
  1. Behind the school       c) close to the entrance
  2. Opposite school          d) between tennis court and school canteen
  1. Pupils must not ____
  1. wear a white shirt, black trousers and a tie
  2. come to school on time
  3. switch of the mobile phones during the lessons
  4. make noise in the corridor



  1. Mark the sentences true or False:
  1. Emma’s school is shabby and spacious.
  2. IT room and library are close to the entrance.
  3. The staff room is on the first floor.
  4. Schoolchildren  have to switch off their mobile phones during the lessons
  5. The lockers are on the ground floor.
  6. On the ground floor there are twelve classrooms.


  1. Answer the questions:


  1. Where is the gym?
  2. Where is the headmaster’s office?
  3. What do girls wear at school?



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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Єпішина Алла Олександрівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
8 січня 2021
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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