Інструктивна картка для учнів на тему "Лондон - столиця Великобританії"

Про матеріал
Вивчаючи іноземну мову , для того щоб не перевантажувати дітей відео уроками, зручно використовувати інструктивні картки.
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Інструктивна картка уроку англійської мови

7 клас

Тема. Великобританія: Лондон

Завдання для учня:

  • вивчи лексичний матеріал з теми, вмій застосовувати його в говорінні та на письмі;
  • вивчи інформацію про визначні місця столиці Британії;
  • удосконалюй навички сприйняття на слух англомовного тексту з повним розумінням його змісту;
  • тренуйся будувати речення про майбутні події, вживаючи структуру « to be going to…» та Future Simple Tense;
  • розвивай навички говоріння, аудіювання та письма.


  1. How are you? Choose the smile and draw your mood at this moment.


pngegg (2)               pngegg (1)                pngegg




Look at the pictures!

  • What city does it remind you of?
  • What do you know about this city?
  • What famous landmarks are situated in London?
  • What river does London stand on?
  • Would you like to visit this city? Why?




pngegg (4)



3. Vocabulary practice

Remember  the famous landmarks of London! Use a dictionary if necessary.





Trafalgar Square 

[ trəʹfælgə ] 

Трафальгарська площа 

Tower Bridgе 


Тауерський міст 

Buckingham Palace 


Букінгемський палац 

St. Paul’s Cathedral 


Собор святого Павла 

Nelson’s Column 

[ˈnelsn ˈkɔləm] 

Колона Нельсона (монумент) 

the London Eye 

[ˈlʌndən aɪ] 

колесо огляду «Лондонське око» 

the Globe Theatre 

[ˈɡləub θɪətə] 

Театр «Глобус» 

the Houses of Parliament 


Приміщення парламенту 

Big Ben 

[bɪɡ ben] 

Біг Бен (часова башня) 

Madame Tussauds Mu-seum 

[məˈdɑːm təˈsɔːdz] 

Музей воскових фігур мадам Тюссо 

4.Watch the video about London. Write down the list of its famous landmarks




 5. Test yourself 


1. What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

а. Sidney

 b. London

 c. Cardiff

2. What is the name of the river on which the London is situated?

а. the Thames

 b. the Severn

c. the Clyde

3. What was the Tower of London in the past?

a. museum

b. a prison

c. a fortress

4. What is the official London residence of the British Royal family?

a.Tower of London

b. Buckingham Palace

c. Westminster Abbey

5. What is Westminster Abbey?

a. A church

b. a palace

 c. a theatre

6. How do people call the London Clock Tower?

a. museum

b. Big Ben

c. TV Tower

7. What are the laws of Great Britain made by?

a. the Congress

 b. the Parliament

 8. What is the monument situated in Trafalgar Square?

a. William Shakespeare

 b. Sir Benjamin Hall

c. Admiral Nelson


        6. Are you tired? Have a small rest


        7. There are many interesting information about the capital of the UK. There are a lot of mysteries about London. Read and complete the dialogue about St. Bride’s Church, using the words from the table in order (Ex.2 p.123)




8. Read the article from a teenage magazine.

The British Airways London Eye, sometimes called the Millennium Wheel, is the first-built and largest observation wheel in the world since the end of 1999. It is 135 meters high. The wheel has 32 closed and air conditioned passenger capsules. It moves at about 0.9 kilometers high so that one round take about 30 minutes. The wheel does not usually stop to take on passengers; the movement is so slow that passengers can easily walk on and off moving capsules. But it is stopped to give disabled or elderly passengers time to get off safely. Since it opening, the Eye has become one of the  main tourist attractions.



Task 1. Match what things/dates/ facts these numbers refer to?

  • a. 1999
  • b. 32
  • c. 0.9
  • d. 30
  • e. 1000
  • f.135
  • 1.Meters high
  • 2. The London Eye was build.
  • 3. It moves at about kilometers high
  • 4. Closed and air conditioned passenger capsules
  • 5.Minutes takes one round
  • 6.Millennium

Task 2. Fill the gaps

The British Airways London ……., sometimes called the Millennium Wheel, is the first-built and largest observation wheel in the ….. since the end of 1999. It is 135 meters high. The wheel has……… closed and air conditioned passenger capsules. It moves at about 0.9 kilometers high so that one round take about 30 minutes. The wheel does not usually stop to take on passengers; the movement is so slow that can easily walk on and off moving ……... But it is stopped to give disabled or elderly passengers time to get off safely. Since it opening, the Eye has become one of the main …….. attractions.



9. Grammar practice

Revise the rules as for usage The Future Simple Tense and the Future Intention:

«to be going to…»




    10. Home task


    -Ex. 5, page 124 – complete the sentences with will or to be going to

-Take a tour of London by listening to the tour guide and do the exercise to improve your listening skills. Check your understanding: reordering.






11. How are you now? Choose  the smile about your mood at this moment.

pngegg (2)               pngegg (1)                pngegg


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