Контроль навичок читання 3 клас

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Завдання для перевірки якості знань учнів з читання для учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів з англійської мови. Рекомендовано для учнів 3 класу.

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Контроль навичок читання 3 клас

Ann has a room. Her room is not very big, but it is good and light. Ann has a big desk, a bed, a chair and a long grey shelf in the room.

Her desk is in the middle of the room. The chair is not at the bed. It is on the left of the desk. The bed is on the right of the desk. The shelf is at the door.

  1. True or False
  1. Alice has a room.
  2. Her room is not very big.
  3. Ann has a small wardrobe, a sofa, an arm- chair.
  4. Her desk is in the middle of the room.
  5. It is on the left of the desk.
  6. The desk is at the door.
  1. Choose the correct variant
  1. Ann has ...

a) a house  b)a room  c) a flat

2. Ann has a big …, a bed, a chair and a long grey shelf in the room.

a) sofa b)mirror  c) bed

3. Her desk is   …of the room.

a) in the middle b) on the left c) on the right

4. … is on the right of the desk.

a) sofa b) bed  c) mirror

5. The … is at the door.

a) arm-chair b) bed c) shelf

III. Answer the questions

  1. What does Ann have?
  2. Is room big or small?
  3. Is there a shelf in the room?
  4. What is in the middle of the room?
  5. Is the chair on the right of the desk?
22 липня 2018
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