Контроль письма, 2 сем, Несвіт

Про матеріал
Контроль навичок письма за 2-й семестр до підручника Несвіт А. 4 завдання для перевірки граматичних навичок. Документ у ворді, є можливість редагувати його, додавши свої завдання. 1. Complete the sentences with the words: 2. Complete with do/play/go: 3. Complete with should/shouldn’t: 4. Make questions to the sentences:
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Tuesday, the 9-th of May

Control writing 2 term

1. Complete the sentences with the words:

skating rink, mosaics, maps, art gallery, daffodil, team, tennis, plane

  1. At the Geography lessons we work with….
  2. You should visit this… The exhibitions are really great there.
  3. St. Sophia’s Cathedral is famous for its beautiful …
  4. The symbol of Wales is …
  5. There is a … in the Sports Centre.
  6. Basketball is a… game.

2. Complete with do/play/go:

  1. Martin ... running every morning.
  2. My friends ... gymnastics twice a week.
  3. Children ... hockey every Thursday.
  4. I didn`t play chess, I used to ... aerobics.

3. Complete with should/shouldn’t:

  1. He____hurry to school. It's 7.55!
  2. He spends his time watching TV; he______ get some exercise.
  3. You _______  drink so much coffee; it's bad for your blood pressure.
  4. Children___________  drink sugary drinks. 

4. Make 3 questions to the sentences:

  • They usually visit Lviv on Christmas.
  • Kate plays football very well.
Ruda Oksana Volodymyrivna
6 травня 2023
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