Used to. Матеріали до уроку та дистанційного навчання.

Про матеріал
Матеріали для ознайомлення з структурою used to. Особливість вживання запропонованої структури. Стане в нагоді як матеріал для дистанційних уроків.
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Structure of used to

Used to – дія, яка відбувалася раніше, в минулому, зараз вона не має місця

I went to the zoo a lot when I was a child.=I used to go to the zoo a lot (when I was child)



Question forms.

The question form can take auxiliary did or without did. Note the infinitive form use to with auxiliary did:

1) Did + subject + use to + infinitive?

Did you use to play Monopoly?


Negative forms.

Like the question form, the negative also has two possible forms. The did not structure is less formal:

1) Subject + did not + used to + infinitive.
2) Subject + used not to + infinitive (also: usedn't to as a contracted form). Please note, this structure is now considered old-fashioned.

I didn't use to study very hard at school.

I used not to (usedn't to) study very hard at school.


Other words can also make a negative form with used to so "d" is added:

We never used to drink champagne when we were poor.



How to use used to.

Habitual past actions.

Used to talks about habitual past actions that we do not do now:

I used to help my father bring the cows home (= I helped many times).

On Christmas morning, we used to open our presents by the fireplace (= we opened them by the fireplace every Christmas).



With past verbs of state.

Used to is also used with stative verbs such as: like, love, have (possession), be, live, want, etc:

Did you use to like peanut butter when you were young?

I used to love going to the cinema on Saturday mornings.


Habitual actions and stative verbs in the present.

We never use used to in the present. To talk about present actions or states, we use present simple including a word like usually:

We usually go out on Thursday evenings.

I often like to watch the football.