Контроль письма І семестр 6 клас за підручником Карпюк О

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Контроль письма( 4 рівні) за І семестр для учнів 6 класу за підручником

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Writing Test     Semester I    Form 6     V-I

Level I Make comparatives and superlatives   of   adverbs







Level II    Complete the sentences with words from the box below

1.In ………..you learn about plants, animals and people.

2.In…………you learn about people and things from the past.

3.In ……….you do sums and work with numbers.

4.There are………players in volleyball team.

5.The goalkeeper can ………..the ball.

6.There are ……….players in football team.

a) Mathematics  ,b) six, c) History, d)eleven, e)touch, f)Nature Studies

Level III Choose the correct form

1……….I borrow your pen ? My pen has broken.

2. Tom ………learn long poems by heart.

3. Passengers ………talk to the driver.

4………..you tell me the time, please?

5. Children ……..do sports to be healthy.

6. He…….be late for school. It`s 9 o`clock already.

a) should     b) mustn`t   c) might     d)  may    e) could  f) can

Level IV   Write a letter to your friend about your attitude to sports. Your friend isn`t interested in sports. Give him /her  a piece of advice and prove that he/ she should do sports.

-write if you do sports .If yes, what sport ,when, where.

-write about the most popular sports and the best sportsman  in your school

-give a piece of advice and prove that sport is useful for him/ her

Writing Test   Semester I         Form 6     V-II

Level I Make comparatives and superlatives of adverbs

1. strongly-

2. badly-

3. early-

4. far-

5. sweetly-

6. loudly-

Level II    Complete the sentences with the  words from the box below

1.There are………players in volleyball team

2.The goalkeeper can ………..the ball.

3.In…………..you learn about plants, animals and people.

4. There are ……….players in football team.

5. .In ……….you do sums and work with numbers

6. .In…………you learn about people and things from the past.

a) Mathematics , b) eleven, c)touch, d)Nature Studies e)six  f)History

Level III Choose the correct form

1.Passengers ………talk to the driver.

2.Tom ………learn long poems by heart.

3.Children ……..do sports to be healthy

4.……….I borrow your pen ?My pen has broken.

5.He…….be late for school. It`s 9 o`clock already.

6.………..you tell me the time, please?

a) can     b) should     c) mustn`t   d) might     e)  may    f) could

  Level IV   Write a letter to your friend about your attitude to sports. Your friend isn`t interested in sports. Give him / her  a piece of advice and prove that he/ she should do sports.

-write if you do sports .If yes, what sport , when, where.

-write about the most popular sports and the best sportsman  in your school

-give a piece of advice and prove that sport is useful for him/ her

12 лютого 2023
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