Контрольна робота №1 для учнів 8 класу з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови.

Про матеріал

Пропоную Вашій увазі контрольну роботу для учнів 8 класу із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови. Школярам необхідно виконати лексико-граматичні завдання та написати твір-мініатюру на одну із запропонованих тем.

Перегляд файлу
  1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the list.

Edition; published; theme; in search; chapters; verse.

  1. This novel was … in 2010.
  2. Have you already found a new … of ``Romeo and Juliet``?
  3. What are the most interesting … of this book?
  4. She used to write both in prose and…
  5. We spent a lot of time … of that book.
  6. What is the main … of the play?


  1. Arrange the words in pairs of synonyms and translate them.

Intelligent, foolish, quarrelsome, impolite, jealous, talented.

Gifted, smart, stupid, envious, rude, argumentative.


  1. Open the brackets, using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
  1. Mike just (to return) home.
  2. My father (not to repair) his car now, he (to work) in the garden.
  3. Julia usually (to run) every morning.
  4. I already (to cook) the dinner for an hour.
  5. They (not to finish writing) yet.
  6. Where (to be) the girls? They (to be) in the classroom. They (to water) the plants.


  1. Write a short composition about your favourite book or your best friend.


8 серпня 2018
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