Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 3 класу за підручником О.Карпюк. Матеріал вміщує перевірку знань із тем "Професії", "Шкільні предмети", "Дні тижня", " Кімната", прийменники.
I.Choose the correct variant:
1) My father is at/on the farm.
2) His grandmother is on/at work.
3)My cousin is in/at the park.
4) The children are at/in school.
5) His aunt is in/at the camp.
6) Her daughter lives in/on the village.
II.Fill in the gaps.
Poems, name, schoolboy, favourite, likes, reading, lesson
My friend’s ______is Peter. He is a ______. His _______day is Wednesday. His favourite _______is Maths. He _______counting and doing sums. He doesn’t like ______ texts and learning ______.
III.Write the missing letters.
Busine_s_an, do_t_r, sec_et_ry,se_ll_r, d_n_er, s_nge_, te_c_er, fa_m_r, dr_ve_.
IV.Put the days of the week in the correct order.
Tuesday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday, Thursday, Saturday.
Sunday, ………..
V.Translate the sentences into English.
3.Стіл- перед вікном.
4.Килим-на підлозі.