Контрольна робота "being a student"

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 11 класу. Автор: Оксана Карпюк. Дана контрольна робота розрахована на учнів 11 класу. Орієнтована на перевірку знань граматичного та лексичного матеріалу.
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Task 1. Match the words.

1. a strategy                            a. оцінювання, оцінка

2. to access                             b. крокувати,ходити

3. Favoured                             c. виснажливий

4. Memorable                         d. піднімати, рекламувати

5. to take responsibility          e. забобон

6. an assessment                     f. стратегія

7. a superstition                      g. взяти на себе відповідальність

8. to pace                                h. пам’ятний, незабутній

9. to boost                               i. мати доступ,  одержувати доступ

10. exhausted                            j. привілейований


Task 2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. autonomous                     a. exactly

2. a target                     b. a pleasant and not very serious activity

3. precisely                     c. having  the ability to work and  make decisions by yourself without

any help from anyone else

4. to cheat                      d. to try to avoid something  unnecessary or annoying

5. a  distraction                      e. an aim as a result that you want to achieve

6. to steer clear                      f. to behave in a dishonest way in order to win or get an advantage

Task 3. Connect two parts of the sentences.

1. If you see new words in the text   a. different languages.

2. English is                                       b. you have to work hard.

3. Even if you make mistakes

while learning a foreign language  c. write them out and find their translation in the dictionary.

4. People speak                         d. don’t give up.

5. If you want to speak a foreign

language well                                      e. the language of international


Task 4. Answer the questions. (at least 3 sentences for each question)

1. How long have you been learning English?  

2. Do you think English is easy or difficult to learn?

3. Do you usually watch films in English with subtitles?

4. How often do you study English? Where and how?


Task 1. Match the words.

1. a strategy                            a. оцінювання, оцінка

2. to access                             b. крокувати,ходити

3. Favoured                             c. виснажливий

4. Memorable                         d. піднімати, рекламувати

5. to take responsibility          e. забобон

6. an assessment                     f. стратегія

7. a superstition                      g. взяти на себе відповідальність

8. to pace                                h. пам’ятний, незабутній

9. to boost                               i. мати доступ,  одержувати доступ

10. exhausted                            j. привілейований


Task 2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. autonomous                     a. exactly

2. a target                     b. a pleasant and not very serious activity

3. precisely                     c. having  the ability to work and  make decisions by yourself without

any help from anyone else

4. to cheat                      d. to try to avoid something  unnecessary or annoying

5. a  distraction                      e. an aim as a result that you want to achieve

6. to steer clear                      f. to behave in a dishonest way in order to win or get an advantage

Task 3. Connect two parts of the sentences.

1. If you see new words in the text   a. different languages.

2. English is                                       b. you have to work hard.

3. Even if you make mistakes

while learning a foreign language  c. write them out and find their translation in the dictionary.

4. People speak                         d. don’t give up.

5. If you want to speak a foreign

language well                                      e. the language of international


Task 4. Answer the questions. (at least 3 sentences for each question)

1. How long have you been learning English?  

2. Do you think English is easy or difficult to learn?

3. Do you usually watch films in English with subtitles?

4. How often do you study English? Where and how?


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