Контрольна робота для 10 класу Writing

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови за підручником Карпюк О.Д. І семестр для 10 класу
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10 клас І семестр


I. Fill in the blanks.

 Lots of children have got a part-time job. As for me I 1_____ as a paper boy. I 2_____ a paper round twice a week, so I 3_____ at 6.30 on Wednesdays and on Sundays. It 4 _____ me about on an hour.

Sometimes, it 5 _____ me longer on Sundays, because the Sunday papers are very heavy. My parents (often) 6_____ me any pocket money, but I need it. The newsagent 7_____ me two pounds a weekday and three pounds on Sundays, so in a week I 8 _____ five pounds. It 9 _____ certainly nice to have some money in your pocket. I 10_____ problems with my job but I 11 _____ _____ getting up early or going out in the rain.


II. Match two parts of the sentences.

1. If you eat more you need a) the extra calories turn into fat

2. If the dog keeps barking b) I will go to the theatre

3. If I were you c) I would make a wish

4. If I have time d) why don’t you buy a computer

5. If I met a fairy one day e) the neighbors will complain

6. If you have enough money f) I would buy these jeans



III. Complete the 2nd conditionals by changing the form of the verb in brackets.

1. If you _____ (be)  in England what dishes would you taste?

2.   Which food ________you ________ (prefer) to eat if you were hungry?

3. Which English dish _______ you _________ (help to) if you were in England?

4.   Which items would you choose if you (be proposed) an English breakfast?

5. When would you have substantial meal if you ______ (be)  in England?

 IV. Complete the sentences.

1. Your sister used to visit your parents quite often, _____?

a) didn’t she c) doesn’t she

b) wouldn’t she d) hadn’t she

2. I _____ that the students should study more.

a) am feeling c) is feeling

b) feel       d) feels

3. How many times _____ (you) to Rome?

a) were c) was

b) have been d) had been

4.Look! ____________ sitting on the wall.

a) There is a kitten c) There a kitten is

b) There is a kitten is d) There is a kitten who are

5.I have no idea ______.

a) who’s book is this c) who’s book this is

b) whose book is this d) whose book this is

6.Nancy tried to get the thread _____ the eye of the needle.

a) to c) in

b) out d) through




24 лютого 2023
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