Контрольна робота для 7 класу по темі: "Tag-questions"

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу. Завдання допоможуть систематизувати й узагальнити знання учнів по вивченій темі, а також перевірити знання учнів.
Перегляд файлу


I Complete the tag-questions.

  1. Bill had to stay in bed last week because he was ill, …...?
  2. You must follow the doctor’s recommendations, ……?
  3. Steve did not go to school yesterday, ……?
  4. It is important to eat a wide variety of food, ……?
  5. Dan has already done the shopping today, ……?
  6. He does not eat much chocolate every day, ……?


II. Choose the correct items to complete the sentences.

  1. When we are ill we sometimes have a high …… .
  1. germ
  2. temperature
  3. dirt
  1. Very often the cause of illness is …...
  1. pain
  2. dirt
  3. headache
  1. We must …..our teeth twice a day.
  1. wash
  2. sweep
  3. clean
  1. We must …..keep our home clean.
  1. always
  2. sometimes
  3. never


III Put in should or must.

  1. You ____n’t smoke.
  2. I can’t leave; I ____finish this report today.
  3. I _____ take more exercise, but I’m too busy.
  4. You _____ return the books to the library in time.





17 червня 2020
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