Контрольна робота для 7 класу за І семестр

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 7 класу. Завдання допоможуть систематизувати й узагальнити знання учнів за І семестр, перевірити знання учнів з використання вивчених лексичних одиниць та граматики: some/any/no, much/many, Present Perfect Continuous.
Перегляд файлу


1 Variant

  1. Fill in many or much.
  1. There is ________ water in the mug.
  2. I don’t drink ________ tea.
  3. He bought ___________ apples at the market.
  4. I need _________ time to do it.
  5.  There are _______ pens on the table.
  6. How ________ sandwiches are there on the plate?
  7. He doesn’t usually eat ________ sweets.
  8. How _________ cans of Cola shall we take to the picnic?
  9. _________ people know this traditional recipe.
  10. There is ________ honey in the jar.
  1. Complete the sentences. Use some, any, no.
  1. There are ________ books on the shelf.
  2. Would you like _________ coffee?
  3. Give me _________ money, please.
  4. Is there _________ milk in the fridge?
  5. There is _________ ketchup. We need to buy it.
  6. To make  a cup of English tea you need _______ water,  ________ tea and ________ milk.
  1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box given below


weed, do, household chores, rake, chores, family, do, fold, wash

       In many families, men and women share _____________________. For example, in some families women ____________ the cooking, and men _____________ the dishes. Sometimes women ___________ the laundry, and men ______________ the clothes. Sometimes women ________ the garden, and men ____________ the leaves. What __________ do you do in your _______________?

IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the necessary tense form.

1) They ________________  (to watch) the football match tomorrow.

2) Steve _______________(to play) volleyball three years ago.

3) Elliot ______________( to sleep) alone in his room.


4) Mr Brown ________________(to train) in the Sports Centre every week.

5) They ________________(to  discuss) the results of  the game next month.

6) The Parkers _____________ (to buy) a new dishwasher last month.

7) What _______ he ___________(to do) last night?

8) Andrew and Polly ___________( to go) to the cinema last Friday.

V. Translate words and word combinations into English

хліб з маслом – _______________

уха (рибний суп) – ______________

фруктовий салат – _____________

сир і сосиска – __________________

швидка їжа – __________________

смажити рибу – ___________________

некорисна їжа – ____________________

чистити овочі – _________________


























2 Variant

  1. Fill in many or much.
  1. I put ________ salt in the soup.
  2. I don’t eat ________  fat.
  3. She read ________ pages yesterday.
  4. There was ________ rain last autumn.
  5. We don’t need _______ meat for this dish.
  6. How _______ bananas do we need for this dessert?
  7. There are ________ plants on the windowsill.
  8. He usually drinks _______ Cola.
  9. We have got _________ butter in the fridge.
  10. There is _________ meat in the freezer.


  1. Complete the sentences. Use some, any, no.
  1. There is not __________ jam in the jar.
  2. There is _________ ink in the pen. I can’t write.
  3. I have _______ oranges to eat.
  4. Are there ______ pupils in the room?
  5. Is there ________ mineral water in the bottle?
  6. To make a cup of coffee you need _______ water, ___________coffee and _________ milk.


 III .Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box given below.

cleans ,boils , frying pan , washes , cups and dishes , school ,breakfast, dishwasher machine

          Every morning mother cooks _______. She fries some eggs in the

____________. My sister sometimes _______  sausages in a small pot. After breakfast I go to my  ________ and my father goes to his office. My sister _____ up the dishes and dries them with the______________. My mum ________the table and takes off the tablecloth. My sister puts clean _____________onto the cupboard and goes to her job.


IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

  1. Jim usually  ______________(have) a family dinner every weekend.

2) Elliot _________  ( to sleep) alone in his room.

3) They________________(to watch) the hockey match next week.

4) They ________________(to play) volleyball last year.

5) We __________________(to watch) the Olympic Games on TV yesterday.

6) They _______________(to build) a new stadium  next year.

7) _______ she ____________ (to listen)  to radio yesterday?

8) _______ they ___________ (to write) their homework  last Monday?

V. Translate words and word combinations into English

чашка зеленого чаю– ________________

молоко з медом – ___________________

бекон і яйця – ____________________

шматочок пирога – _________________

варити борщ – _________________

нарізати овочі– _____________________

заморожена їжа – ___________________

газовані напої – __________________















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Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Харченко Наталія Сергіївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 вересня 2020
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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