Контрольна робота ІІ семестр 8 клас для сімейнохї форми навчання

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Контрольна робота для дітей, які навчаються на сімейній формі навчання. На другий семестр. Вміщує такі завдання : аудіювання, читання, письмо, граматика.
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Form 8  term II


  1. Match the words with their definitions:
  1. Band   a) a person whom you admire
  2. The singles chart b) a number of songs on CD(usually10)
  3. Album              c) also group
  4. Noisy   d) the single that sells the most in a week
  5. Idol   e) very loud
  6. Number one  f) the list of pop music singles


  1. Read the text and do the task

Wales is a Land of Songs

In the west of Britain lies one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles – Wales. The mountains and valleys are very beautiful. There are many sheep and cattle-farms in the green valleys. The North Wales is an industrial part of the country. The South Wales  is rich in coal and iron so there are towns with iron, chemical and oil plants here. Cardiff the capital of Wales is in the south of the country too. It is a big port and export a lot of coal.

       Wales is a very popular place for spending holidays. Thousands of people go to the seaside on the North Wales coast or enjoy in the villages far from town life. Some people go to the Snowdonia.  This is a national park round Snowdon, the highest peak in the Welsh mountains.

       Wales is called the Land of Songs. The Welsh people are famous for their voices and it is difficult to find a village where there is no choir.  Singers, dancers, musicians and poets come from all over the world to take  part at music festivals in Wales. They wear their colourful national costumes. This holiday is  called Eisteddfod. One year it is in a town in North  Wales the next year it’s in a town in South Wales. About 10, 000 people get together for this holidays.

There are competitions at the Eisteddfod for the best Welsh poem and song of the year  and the best singer. The holidays is organized by the Druids. The leader of the Druids is always a poet.

       Welsh traditions are very old, and the Welsh people are very proud of them.

Snowdon – Сноудон                                 a valley – долина

Snowdonia – Сноудонія                          coal – вугілля

Eisteddfod – Айстедфод                        peak – вершина

Druids – друїди                                      choir – хор

Mark the true (T) and false (F) statements

1. Wales is situated in the west of Great Britain. _____

2. Wales is famous for its beautiful mountains and valleys. ____

3. North Wales is a farming region. ______

4. South Wales has a lot of sheep and cattle-farms. _____

5. Many people like to spend their holidays in the South Wales. _____

6. Snowdonia is the highest mountain in Wales. ______


  1. Listen to the text “Loch Ness” and choose the correct variant
  1. In the North of Scotland there is…
  1. a very famous museum;
  2.  a big town which is called Aberdeen;
  3. A very famous lake – Loch Ness.
  1. Many people have heard…
  1. of the Loch Ness fish;
  2. of the Loch Ness monster;
  3. of the Loch Ness beauty.
  1. The monster is an animal with…
  1. a small head, a long neck and a large body;
  2. a small neck and a short tail;
  3. a small body and a long neck.
  1. A lot is written and said about …
  1. a monster;
  2. the town;
  3. the famous lake – Loch Ness.
  1. A museum of the Loch Ness monster…
  1. was opened in Great Britain;
  2. was built in London;
  3. was opened several years ago in Scotland.
  1. The museum has more than…
  1. one million books;
  2. ten million pictures;
  3. four thousand written reports and drawings of Nessie.


  1. Choose the correct tense form of the verb

1.I … to the North last summer.

a) travel         b) travelled           c) have travelled

2. We…. Down the river at this time last July.

a) sailed         b) were sailing      c) had sailed


3. I … some books about the North before I started travelling.

a) was reading        b)  read         c) had read


5. Put in “The” or nothing

1. …. London lies on … River Thames.

2. … Danube is the longest river in … Europe.

3. Many tourist visit …. Michigan every year.


                                                                                                                              Total : _________/24



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