Контрольна робота на тему "Cinema"

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота з англійської мови на тему "Cinema", 7 клас, матеріали до уроків.
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                                                                                                                  Form 7



                            Test   “Cinema. Theatre”


Task 1.  Match the words and word-combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents.

    1. puppet theatre                                         a)  вистава

    2. audience                                                  b)  декорація

    3. box                                                          c)  публіка

     4. performance                                            d)  завіса

     5. stage                                                        e)  ложа                                                         

     6. curtain                                                     f) балкон                                 

     7. stalls                                                        g) художній фільм

     8. dress-circle                                              h) бельєтаж

     9. balcony                                                    i)  театр ляльок

     10. feature film                                            j)  партер


Task 2. Change the following sentences in the Present Perfect.

  1. I  took the book.
  2. Richard threw a stone.
  3. Mary cooks a dinner.
  4. We were at the theatre in Lviv.
  5. The schoolchildren wrote their own plays for puppet shows.


Task 3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. We have a beautiful theatre in our city.
  2. It’s interesting to watch documentaries.
  3. The Kyiv Puppet Theatre was founded by the producer Mykhailo Yaremchuk in 1989.
  4. The cast of this film is remarkable.
  5. They discussed the performance when they saw the actress.


Task 4. Answer the questions.

           Do you often go to the cinema?

           What kind of film do you like to watch?

           What film have you watched recently?

           What famous actors / actresses do you know? 






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