контрольна робота ""Doing chores

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота містить різноманітні завдання по темі "Doing chores" для учнів 7 класу , за підручником Карпюк О.
Перегляд файлу

7 Form _____________________________Date_________________Doing Chores

1.Complete the sentences with the words from the box                                    1-3 p

kettle,      fry,      microwave oven,       a mop,          hairdryer,      cozy,      pick up,     duties,          prefer,          broom,       tablecloth,           upset,           boil.

  1. We need a ______________and a ___________________to clean the house.
  2. We have poured the water into the ________________________to make tea.
  3. Please, change the ______________________________. This one is dirty.
  4. We use the ______________________________________to dry our hair.
  5. There are a lot of householding _______________________ in my family.
  6. To make your room ______________, please, ________________your toys.
  7. Why does your mum get ________________________?
  8. Don’t____________the eggs, I will _______________them on the frying pan.
  9. Mother baked a cake in the ____________________________.
  10. Do you _________________________tea or coffee?

2.Write 3 notes to your family.                                                               4 – 6  p

3. Complete the sentences “switch on/off, turn on/ off”

  1. When I want to wash up the dishes I _______________________the dishwasher.

  2. When the carpet is clean I ____________________________the vacuum cleaner.

  3. When I want to cook dinner I___________________the gas cooker.

  4. When I want to sleep I _____________________________the radio.

4. Write 10 sentences about  household duties in your family         7-9p         



5. Read the text and do the tasks                                                  10-12p

My family chores worksheet



До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 листопада 2022
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