Контрольна робота на тему " Обє'днане королівство" ( " The UK today")

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Контрольна робота для учнів 9 класу за темою " The UK today " в двох варіантах ( розділ " Why not take a closer book?", автор О. Карпюк)
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The UK today.

Control work

Variant 1

Name________________________Date____________9th form

  1. Translate into Ukrainian.

The United Kingdom –

To be surrounded by –

To be washed by –

To consist of –

The official name –

Capital city –

To border  -

  1. Choose the correct word.
  2. The UK includes\ consists  of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Noethern Ireland.
  3. The North Sea and the English Canal\ Chanel separate\devide the island from Europe.
  4. The climate is manipulated\influenced by the Gulf Stream.
  5. The UK is washed by\with the Irish Sea.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets using Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.
  1. I ( write) a letter when the lights went out.


  1. He (burn) his hand when he ( cook) dinner.


  1. He ( to tell) me that he ( to see0 me the day before yesterday.


  1. When Mike ( to be) a child he ( to study) music.


  1. The tourist  ( to speak) about places he ( to visit).


  1. Look at the map of  Wales and complete the Word Map .


Total population                                                                               Capital

_______________                                                                            _________________

 National day                                                              National symbols

________________________                               ______________________________

________________________                              ______________________________

________________________                              ______________________________


  1. Write an essay “ My dream of travelling to the UK” (7-10 sentences)

(what places would you like to visit? Why?





Total score____________




The UK today.

Control work

Variant 2

Name________________________Date____________9th form

  1. Translate into Ukrainian.

Thanks to –

To produce –

Main rivers 

To consist of –

The official name –

To border  -

  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. London stands\lays on the river Thames.
  2. The capital of Scotland is Cardiff\Edinburg.
  3. Wales lies to the east\west of England.
  4. The most popular universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge\ Harvard and Yale.
  5. A red rose\thistle is a symbol of England.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets using Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect.
  1. Sarah (,not, to complete) her homework yet.


  1. I  (to finish)my work before my mother  (arrive).


  1. We (to meet) her in Delhi in 2008.


  1. I ( read) a book all evening yesterday.


  1. Lisa ( to travel)with her sister to Scotland last year.


  1. Look at the map of  Scotland and complete the Word Map .


Total population                                                                   Capital

_______________                                                                        _____________

National symbol                          Natiolal day

_______________________                                            ____________________


5. Write an essay “ My dream of travelling to the UK” (7-10 sentences)

(what places would you like to visit? Why?





Total score____________





Bardakova Olena Ihorivna
9 квітня 2023
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