Контрольна робота по темі :"Music is everywhere"

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Контрольна робота по темі :"Music is everywhere" Перевірка лексичних та граматичних навиків по отриманій темі.
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Level I

  1.          Point The English translation of the word “запис”
  1.          a record;    b) a music;
  2.          a mood;    d) a composer.
  1.          Point The Ukrainian translation of the word “to give a hand”

a) надавати допомогу;

b) одержувати допомогу;

c) вчитися допомагати;

d) співчувати.

3.Choose the correct answer to the question.

Do you play a musical instrument?

a) I think I can.    b) Yes, I do.

 c) Yes, I did.    d) No, I haven’t.

4. Choose the right sentence.

a) When we are in Paris we’ll take lots of photos.

b) Mary won’t go to the concert until I’ll play for her tickets.

c) If I’ll take part in the contest I’ll win the CD of my favorite rock singer.

5. Make up word combinations using the following words.

a) a musician  b) a record.

6. Mark the odd word.

A piano, a violin, a drum, a conductor.


Level II

7. Answer the question.

a) Are your parents musical?

b) Do you listen to music in your free time?

8. Complete the following sentences. Use the prompts in Ukrainian.

He will finish this work…

а) якщо ви йому допоможете;

b) коли він матиме необхідні книжки.

9.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

a) When we (to be) in London, we’ll do a lot of photos.

b) If you are late, you ( miss) the bus.

10.Fill in “say”, “speak”, “tell”, “talk.” Use the necessary tense form of the verbs.

a) Did  your mother… at the meeting last week?

b) When we came she …us that   her mum had already left.

c) Did you …. Anything that  made her cry?

d) When I saw them yesterday they were…


Level III

11. Here are the answer. Make up questions to them.


Band “Aviation”

b) …?

 No, I don’t.

12. Read and match to make up true sentences.

1) If my Mun Comes to dinner…

2) We’ll discuss the test…

3)  If it is a nice day…

a) they will go o the park

b) we will bake an apple pie

c) after we write it

13. Link these pairs of clauses using “as soon”, “until”.

a) The boy was sleeping…. I looked into the window.

b) …..you leave, close the window.

14. Put the dialogue into the right order.

- I went   to a rock concert on Saturday. My favourite group took part  (  )

- Have you ever been to a concert?         (  )

- It was great!           (  )

- What was it like?          (  )


Level IV

15. Write a paragraph about your favourite band.

16.Read and complete the dialogue with the sentences  from a-c.

1) Have you been to a concert recently?

2) I hate  classical music. It’s boring. I prefer pop music.

3) Are there any jazz music fans in your class.

a) Yes, it was great.

b) As for me, pop music is just noise.

c) Yes, there are, they like the mixture of different types of music.

17. Make  up a questionnaire with as many questions as you can to the topic.


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9 березня 2021
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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