Контрольна робота. Тема "Англійські письменники"

Про матеріал

Завдання розроблені для перевірки знань учнів з теми "Англійські письменники" і перевіряють знання лексичних одиниць з теми та знання загальних фактів з біографії письменників Великої Британії. Контрольна робота складається з 2-х варіантів. Передбачається, що учні опрацювали матеріал з розділу підручника для 8 класу.(авт. Карпюк О.Д.)

Перегляд файлу

TEST «English writers»

  (1 variant)

I)  Translate word combinations:



short stories-

adventure books-

folk tales and ballads-

book characters-

detective stories-



II) Fill in the words:

Agatha Christie


author     wrote       novels      original     translated     known    recognized


  1. Agatha Christie became_____________ generally in 1926. 
  2. Agatha Christie is ______________ all over the world as the Queen of Crime.
  3. She _____________ 78 crime novels, 19 plays and 6 romantic novels.
  4. Her books have been ________________ into 103 foreign languages.
  5. She is the third best-selling _______________ in the world.
  6. Many of her ________________ and short stories have been filmed.
  7. It's pleasant to read Agatha Christie's books in the _______________ because her     language is simple.


III) Agree or disagree with the statements. Give your opinion in written form.

  • It is very good when a book has colorful illustrations.
  • The classics are boring.
  • It is clear at first sight whether the book is interesting to read.


TEST «English writers»

TEST (2 variant)

I)  Translate word combinations:


historical novels-

foreign classics-

reference book-

fantasy stories-

dictionaries and atlases-

spy stories and thrillers-


II) Fill in the words:


William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

 well-known    poetry     famous    people     love story   dramatist     plays

1. William Shakespeare the greatest ____________.

2. He is _____________ for his great tragedies.

3. The best known ____________ in the world is Romeo and Juliet.

4. Shakespeare's _____________ were staged in many theatres and translated into different languages.

5. William Shakespeare also wrote _____________   including the sonnets.

6. Many ________________ sayings come from his works.

7. They are  read and loved by many ____________.


III) Agree or disagree with the statements. Give your opinion in written form.

  • It is very important to find something about the author of a book.
  • The book without illustrations is boring to read.
  • Books are one of the greatest wonders in the world.
До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
14 серпня 2018
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