Контрольна робота з англійської мови, 7 клас (Карпюк) , тема Sports

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови, 7 клас (Карпюк) , тема Sports. Запропоновано два варіанти, кожен містить по 6 завдань
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Control Work “Sports from A to Z”, grade 7

  1. Write the words rightly

oJud_________,   hgeibBosl   ______________, gnicneF _____________


  1. Play, go or do? Group up the sports into 3 columns

rugby, boxing, swimming, football, gymnastics, athletics



go ________________________________________________________________


  1. Complete with the question tags

Oranges are expensive, ____________________?

Your brothers haven’t been abroad, __________________?

The weather is better here, _______________________?

We won’t buy any food today, _______________________?


  1. Match the words with their definitions
  1. A visiting team           a) The team in a sport that has traveled out of its home area to play      
  2. A referee                     b) a handicap imposed on a player or team for infringement of rules
  3. A goalkeeper              c) a player in soccer or field hockey whose special role is to stop

         the ball from entering the goal.

  1. A penalty                    d) an official who watches a game and controls that the rules are



  1. Answer the questions 

What is the Olympic Mascot? ___________________________________________________


Which medals can get the best sportsmen in each sports event in the Olympic Games? __________________________________________________________________________



  1. Who is your favourite sportsman? Why?


Control Work “Sports from A to Z”, grade 7

  1. Write the words rightly

floG_________,   ingltserW  ______________, ybegR _____________


  1. Play, go or do? Group up the sports into 3 columns

Cricket, running, karate, volleyball, tennis, sailing



go ________________________________________________________________


  1. Complete with the question tags

Paris is the capital of France, ____________________?

You have just arrived in Ukraine, ______________________?

We won’t do any homework today, _____________________?

You visited my school yesterday, ______________________?


  1. Match the words with their definitions
  1. Defender                        a) the space into which the players try to get the ball in order

                                           to score a point for their team.

  1. A home team                 b) to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement
  2. A goal                            c) a sports team that is playing at its own ground.
  3. To cheer                        d) a player whose task it is to protect their own side's goal.


  1. Answer the questions 

What is the Olympic Flag? _____________________________________________________


What is the motto of the Olympic Games? ________________________________________



  1. Who is your favourite sportsman? Why?


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 жовтня 2023
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