Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 8 класу на тему: "FOOD. COOKING EQUIPMENT "

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 7 класу за підручником А.Несвіт допоможе вчителям перевірити рівень навчальних досягнень учнів за темою: "FOOD. COOKING EQUIPMENT".

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  1. Translate into Ukrainian:

 1. a dishwasher

2. a kitchen sink

3. a paper towel holder

4. a paper towel

5. a microwave oven

6. a kitchen counter (worktop)

7. a cutting board

8. a toaster

9. a freezer

10. a refrigerator

11. an oven

12. an ice maker

13. a kitchen table

14. a kitchen chair

15. a wastebin

16. a cupboard

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

1. The Parkers (to buy) a new dishwasher last month.

2. You should (to keep) meat in the refrigerator.

3. Ann is in the kitchen.  S h e already (to wash) the dishes.

4. The dishes are too greasy. Use the washing liquid (to wash) them!

5. Jack (to look for) an ice maker now.

6. Dan (not to scrub) the kitchen sink yet.

III. Match the words and word combinations with their translation:

1. a cutting board

2. a set of knives

3. a (frying) pan

4. a grill

5. a pot

6. a food processor

7. a wooden spoon

8. a grater

9. a vegetable peeler

10. a bottle opener

11. a can opener

12. a ladle

13. a hand mixer

14. a measuring cup

15. a vegetable steamer

16. a wok

a) сковорідка

b) терка

c) дерев’яна ложка

d) міксер

e) вимірювальна чашка

f) кастрюля

g) набір ножів

h) кухонний комбайн

i) гриль

j) відкривач для пляшок

k) пароварка

l) миска

m) ніж для чистки овочів

n) дошка для нарізки

o) відкривач для жестяних банок

p) ополоник

IV. Put a (an) with the countable nouns and some with the uncountable nouns.

… bread,  ... spaghetti, … tomato, … potato, … sugar, … loaf of bread, … salt, … milk, … bottle of lemonade, … carton of yoghurt, … meat, ... can of Coke, ... water, ... carrot, … ice cream, … kilo of flour,…oil, … bottle of oil

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect Tense.

1. We came too late to the shop. The shop-assistant … (to close / already) the shop.

2. Jack wanted to introduce his cousin sister to me, but it wasn’ t necessary. I … (to meet / already) her before.

3. He was very tired when he got to the top of the mountain. He … (to walk / already) a long distance.

4. I didn’ t go to the museum with my friends yesterday. I ... (to be /already) there with my parents before.

5. My mum was angry, when I saw her.  She ... (to talk / already) with my teacher.

6. He wasn’ t hungry. He … (to have dinner / already).

7. He wanted to let them see a house, but it wasn’ t necessary. They ... (to buy) a house by the first of September last year.

8. She wanted to tell me what the film was about, but it wasn’ t necessary. I (to watch / already).

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
8 липня 2018
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