Тест з читання "Кіно і Театр"

Про матеріал

Семестрова контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу дасть можливість перевірити рівень знань учнів за навчальний рік з читання. Поданий текст для прочитання та відповідно завдання до нього. Завдання розраховані на учнів усіх рівнів: від простішим правда-неправда до складніших, де вимагається висловити власну думку.

Перегляд файлу

Підготувала вчитель англійської мови – Акульшина Тетяна Станіславівна

Form: 7

2nd Term

Reading Comprehension

Cinema And Theatre



Teachers in our school always make our lessons interesting. For example, our History teacher brought these puppets to the lesson last week and we used them to act out the scene with the Zaporizhian Cossacks. We have different kinds of puppets in the English classroom, too rod puppets, shadow puppets, hand puppets and finger puppets. We write our own plays in English and then we act them out with the puppets changing our voices. It's fun. Our English teacher often shows us parts of films or animated cartoons in English. We can watch them without sound and try to speak for the characters, or we watch them to learn some new words and expressions. We often discuss what we have seen in English. We sometimes watch documentary films in Physics classes. They teach us different things. Our Natural Science teacher shows us documentaries about plants and animals, too. It's so exciting to watch how a plant grows, or a flower opens, or an animal runs in slow motion. We also have lots of slides in the Natural Science classroom and our teacher shows them to us on the screen.









Form: 7

2nd Term

Reading Comprehension

Cinema And Theatre



  1. Write if the following statements are true or false.


  1. Teachers always make their lessons interesting.
  2. The schoolchildren use puppets in the English and Natural Science lessons.
  3. Feature films and animated cartoons help children learn English.
  4. Their Physics teacher often shows them slides in the lessons.
  5. They watch documentaries about plants and animals.



  1. Answer the questions.


  1. Do they write own plays in English?
  2. What do they watch in Physics classes?
  3. Can they discuss films and cartoons in English?
  4. Is there a puppet theatre in school?


  1. Describe your favourite film.



До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
11 липня 2018
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