Контрольна робота з аудіювання

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Семестрова контрольна робота з аудіювання з англійської мови для учнів 6 класу за підручником О.Карпюк Містить текст та три різнорівневі завдання, що допоможуть перевірити рівень знань учнів у сприйнятті інформації на слух.

Перегляд файлу

About libraries
There are many big and small libraries everywhere in our country. They have millions of books in different languages.

 You can find there the oldest and the newest books. 
Every school has a library.

 Pupils come to the library to take books on different subjects.
The school library where Oleg studies is good.

 It is a large clean room. There are four big windows in it. The walls are light blue.

 There are a lot of shelves full of books. You can find books on literature, science, history, chemistry,geography, biology and other subjects. There are books in English, too.
On the walls you can see pictures of some great writers and poets.
On the table near the window you can always see beautiful spring and autumn flowers. Oleg likes to go to the library.

 He can always find there something new, something he needs.

Listening 6/I

I. Define if the statements are true or false.

1. There are lots of different libraries everywhere in our country.

2. The books are written in one language.

3. Every school has a library.

4. Oleh’s school library is not very nice.

5. There are four books in the library where Oleh studies.

6. You can find books on different subjects.

7. You can see pictures of some famous actors and singers on the walls of the library.

8. Oleh likes going to the library.


II. Complete the sentences.

  1. There are ______________________ in our country.
  2. They have _______________________ in different languages.
  3. Pupils come to the library to ____________________.
  4. Oleh’s school library is _____________ and has got four ____________.
  5. The walls are ______________.
  6. You can find books on __________________.
  7. Oleh can always find _____________________.


III. Answer the questions.

  1. What books can you find in the library?
  2. Describe Oleh’s school library.
  3. Where are books kept in library?
  4. What pictures can you on the walls?
  5. What are on the table near the window?
  6. Have you got a library in your school?
  7. How often do go to the library?

Listening 6/I

I. Define if the statements are true or false.

1. There are lots of different libraries everywhere in our country.

2. The books are written in one language.

3. Every school has a library.

4. Oleh’s school library is not very nice.

5. There are four books in the library where Oleh studies.

6. You can find books on different subjects.

7. You can see pictures of some famous actors and singers on the walls of the library.

8. Oleh likes going to the library.


II. Complete the sentences.

  1. There are ______________________ in our country.
  2. They have _______________________ in different languages.
  3. Pupils come to the library to ____________________.
  4. Oleh’s school library is _____________ and has got four ____________.
  5. The walls are ______________.
  6. You can find books on __________________.
  7. Oleh can always find _____________________.


III. Answer the questions.

  1. What books can you find in the library?
  2. Describe Oleh’s school library.
  3. Where are books kept in library?
  4. What pictures can you on the walls?
  5. What are on the table near the window?
  6. Have you got a library in your school?
  7. How often do go to the library?
4 листопада 2018
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