Урок "East or West, Home is best"

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Тема: East or west home is best!

Цель: Обобщение и систематизация изученного материала. Повторить изученное о необычных домах, городах путем наблюдения, сравнения, обобщения. Развивать умение наблюдать, обобщать, творчески мыслить. Воспитание толерантности.

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Тема: East or west home is best!

Цель: Обобщение и систематизация изученного материала.  Повторить изученное о необычных домах, городах  путем  наблюдения,   сравнения, обобщения. Развивать умение наблюдать, обобщать,  творчески   мыслить. Воспитание   толерантности.

Ход урока:

ВВЕДЕНИЕ ( 1мин. 15 сек. – с 8.55 до 8.56 мин.15 сек.)


І. Оргмомент.

Teacher:  Good morning/afternoon, dear children.

Children: Good morning/afternoon, dear teacher.

Teacher:  I am glad to see you.

Children: We are glad to see you too.

Teacher:  Take your seats, please.

How are you? 

All together:  Fine, thank you.


  • I think you are ready for our lesson. We have got an interesting and unusual lesson today. We have some guests in the classroom. So, go ahead! We are going to sum up the theme “East or west, home is best”. I divided you into two teams. The first team is called “the best” and the second team is called “the luckiest”.
  • Our competition will consist of different contests. Your teams will get some points. The team that gets more points at the end of the lesson will be the winners. I wish you success and good luck.   

ВИДЕО О СТАТУЕ СВОБОДЫ (1 мин. 50 сек. до 8.58 мин.)

Let’s start, we read with you a lot of texts on the topic “East or west home is best”. And now I have a collection of videos about places that you know. Look, please, at the screen and then I will ask you some questions.

VIDEO 1 (25сек) SLIDE 2  

  •  So and now my questions, if you know the correct answer, please don’t shout, just up your hand
  1. what country is it?
  2. What city is it?
  3. And what monument is it? SLIDE 3

Misha, please, add some information about Statue of Liberty?

Children: Миша Понамарёв  рассказывает текст.: A Speedboat Ride around the Statue of Liberty

This 43-metre statue is on Liberty Island and it’s the symbol of American independence. The 30-minute ride is the best chance to take great photographs and have fun. There is a boat  every  hour. Be ready to get wet. Dont forget your camera!



Thank you, the next video VIDEO 2, SLIDE 4, 5 (22 сек)

  1. What place is it?

Who can talk about central park?

Children: Шикаренко Алина рассказывает текст: A Horse-and-Carriage Ride in Central Park 
Taking a horse -and-carriage ride in city ? Well, yes! There's a 6-mile path through beautiful trees and it's a great way to see this huge park ! It's got lakes , restaurants, a zoo and a skating rink.

ВИДЕО О НЕБОСКРЁБЕ (1 мин. – до 9.00 мин.)

Thank you, the next video VIDEO 3, SLIDE 6, 7 (30 сек.)

  1. What building is this?

Who speaks about it?

Children: Тарарака рассказывает текст: A Skyride in the Empire State Building 
The Empire State Building is a skyscraper with 102 floors and fantastic views! The Skyride on the second floor is a fun flight around the city, but it isn't on a plane - it's in a huge cinema!

ВИДЕО О ЛИСИЧАНСКЕ (1 мин. – до 9.01 мин.)

And the last video VIDEO 4, SLIDE 8, 9  (19 сек.)

  1. What town is it?

Who can talk about Lisichansk? Сосновский Илья

Lisichansk is not the capital, but it is a wonderful place to live. Our city is old and modern at the same time. It is old because it was founded in the 18th century. At that time its streets were narrow, dark and dirty. Now the city looks modern because of its architecture

ТЕКСТ О ДОМЕ-РАКУШКЕ (3 мин. 30 сек. – до 9.04 мин. и 30 сек.)

 Teacher:  Yes, you are right. Each town or city has its own architecture. And the base of the architecture is the houses.  What are the most unusual hoses you have ever seen? Many of us only know what it is like to live in stucco or brick buildings, with everyday walls, windows, and doors. But there are houses all over the planet that are far different from the traditional, offering a unique way of life.

SLIDE 10  Look at the screen, please, what is it?

Children: It’s a shell

Teacher:  Yes, and who can imagine living in a house in the shape of a seashell. Please … SLIDE 11 (Включи звук!)

Children: Хоменко Кирилл рассказывает текст: Imagine living in a house in the shape of a seashell. In Mexico City there is a house like that. The architect of the house is Javier Senosian. The nautilus house is the house of a young couple and their two children. The house has got two floors and spiral staircases. Inside there is a living room, huge bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are plants in every room. The bathroom is blue and yellow with small windows everywhere. It's very bright. In the living room there is a grass carpet on the floor, a stream and windows of different colours. Outside there is a nice garden with trees. The house is earthquake-proof . It's also friendly to the environment and has a great view of the mountains. It's like Alice in wonderland!

Teacher:  It’s very interesting. Thank you.

Ok, children, you have listened to the text and now open your student’s book at page 27 exercise 4(b) Read and mark the sentences True, False or doesn’t say using information from the text.. Let’s start (5 sentences) 

1)The  Nautilus  house is like an animal. F

2)There aren’t any stairs in the house .F

3)There are lots of windows. T

4)There is a big garden outside. DS

5)The family hasn’t got any neighbours. DS

Teacher:  So, in this text everything is clear for you.

ТЕКСТ ОБ АСТРОНАВТЕ (1 мин. 30 сек. – до 9.06)

Thank you continue our theme about unusual houses. Do you know any houses out of this world?

SLIDE 12 (Включи звук!)

Children: Оселедько Ксения рассказывает текст: Life in space is certainly very different to life on earth. The space station is in a quiet neighborhood and it's got a great view. There are a lot of chores that astronauts have to do … floating in the air as they can't walk in space. 
Inside the station, there is a lot of floating dust . The astronauts have got a special vacuum cleaner with a long pipe for "catching" the dust. As for mealtimes, there isn't a kitchen with a cooker and a fridge. All the food is in tins and packets. There are spoons, but there aren't any forks or knives because all the food is wet. And what about washing clothes? The astronauts have disposable clothes so there isn't a washing machine, either! How cool is that?!


ТЕКСТ О ПЕРУ (4 мин. – до 9.10)

Teacher:  Let’s remember which houses have people in Peru? SLIDE 13 (Включи звук!)


Children: Славинский и Журавлёва рассказывают текст: The Floating Islands of lake Titicaca

What is it like having a different view from your window every day? Well ,it`s just like this for the Uros people of Lake Titicaca in Peru. There are over forty `floating` islands here. Every day they are in a different place on the lake which is 3.812 meters above sea level.
These flouting islands are home to about 300 people. Their surface is very sot and wet because they make the islands with totora reeds. There are small villages with three to ten families on each island.
Uros homes are small villages with one room. There is only one bed for the whole family. There isn`t any heating and it is sometimes very cold on the lake.
Life on the islands is very simple. The men are fishermen on the lake. They have reed boats with amazing animals faces to go fishing. The women are at home with the children. There`s one school for the children but there isn`t a hospital or doctors nearby.
These days, the islands are very popular with tourists. It`s only a 30-minute motor boat ride from the islands. Everyone is welcome to experience this unique way of life!

Open your student’s book at page 33 exercise 3(a). Read the sentences and mark true or false. Correct the false ones. (6 sentences)

1) The Uros  people live on a lake. T­­­

2) The islands of the Uros  are man-made. T

3) Uros  homes have only two rooms. F

4) Uros  men make boats out of wood.­­­­ F

5) Uros  children don’t  go to school. F

6) Tourists  travel  to the islands by car. F

ТЕКСТ О ЛИСИЧАНСКЕ (30 сек. – до 9.10 мин. и 30 сек.)

Teacher:  Children, and what unusual houses do you  know in Lisichansk? SLIDE 14  (Включи звук!)


Children: Хрипун Алина I know. Not unusual but very old house which is different from our modern houses. Look at the screen. This house is very old. It is made of wood. It has got folding windows.  The buttresses are also made of wood.

 Teacher:  Thank you, Alina.

СЦЕНКА (2 мин. 30 сек. – до 9.13 мин.)

So, during our lesson we were travelling around the different cities and places. We all like travelling. But let’s imagine the following situation. You are in a big new city, you lost and you need to find the way.

Ребёнок, надевает кепку, выходит и поёт песню “lostSLIDE 15 (Включи звук!)

Карпов и Чепеленко

Teacher:Hey, boy, what happened?

  • You see, I am a new in this city, yesterday my family and me moved  here and I don’t know the city. I use the map to find the way to mum’s work, but I have lost the map, who can help me?
  • I can. I  have got a map, look at the screen, do you know where does your mum work?
  • She works at the supermarket “Silpo”

Oh, it’s not far from here. Look at the map. SLIDE 16

Now you are at the school 8 on Chekistov Street. You should go out of the school, turn left and go up  Chekistov street. Then turn left into Revolyutsionnaya Street, go straight on, then  walk through the Gagarin’s Park. So you are on Kalinana Street. At the first traffic lights you need across the street and go straight on but at the second traffic lights turn  right. So, you can see the big building. It is the supermarket “Silpo” .

This is a map for you. Can you find the correct way?

  • Yes, of course, thank you.
  • You are welcome.

ИГРА КАРТОЧКИ (2 мин. – до 9.15 мин.)

 Teacher:  Thank you, children. Go on. Now we repeat the prepositions. One picture for each team. If you answer correctly you get one point. Let’s start.

…Now count how many points have you got? ( всего 16 карточек, по 8 каждой команде)

УПРАЖНЕНИЕ НА ДОСКЕ С ПРЕДЛОГАМИ (2 мин. – до 9.17 мин.)

Open, please, your Student’s Book at page 35 exercise 5 (b). This task we have got at the board too. Instead of these pictures write the correct prepositions. (5 sentences)

1)past 2)across 3) along 4)over 5) down

Let’s check  SLIDE 17(Включи звук!)

РАЗМИНКА (4мин. 25 сек.  – до 9.21мин. 25 сек.)

Warming up VIDEO 5 SLIDE 18

ВОПРОСЫ И КРОССВОРД (4 мин. – до 9.25 мин. 30 сек.)

Teacher:  And now answer my questions:

  1. Do you live in the flat or in the house?
  2. How many rooms do you have? What are they?
  3. What’s your favourite room?
  4. What furniture is there?

Let’s complete the crossword revising the rooms.


 Across: 3 You cook in this room.

 4 You sleep in this room.

5 You do your homework in this room.

 7 You clean your clothes in this room.

 8 The highest place in a house.

 9 You plant flowers here.

 10 You park your car in here.

 11 The lowest place in a house


 Down: 1 An area outside the house.

 2 You clean your body in this room.

 6 You eat in this room.

7 You watch television in this room.

КОМПЬЮТЕРНАЯ ИГРА (7 мин. – до 9.32 мин. 30 сек.)

Teacher: Children, answer: What is your hobby?

Children: To play computer games.

Teacher: Computers have become a major part of our everyday life. They develop logical thinking and even language skills. People simply can’t live without them. They work and study with the help of computers, find information, and, of course, play different games. Next task I propose to play and to study at the same time. One by one you come to the computer and choose the correct  item. For each right answer your team will get one point. Good luck.

GameQuizzes 7 вопросов для команды

ТЕСТОВАЯ РАБОТА (4 мин. 30 сек.– до 9.37 мин. )

So we have done a lot of exercises, we have revised our theme “East or west home is best” which consists of different aspects and now it’s time to check your knowledge. Open your Work Book page 100 You have 3 tasks you need to choose the correct item.



ПОДВЕДЕНИЕ ИТОГОВ (3 мин. – до 9.40 мин.)

Let’s count your points and find the winners. All of you work very well at the lesson that’s why you get good marks. Open please your day books and white your homework : Student’s Book p.42 Revision (письмово)

Our lesson is almost over. Did you enjoy it? What have we done today?

  1. today we have travelled around different cities,
  2. we have visited the most unusual houses,
  3. we have found the correct way for a lost boy,
  4. and have played cards and revised the prepositions
  5. we have answered the questions and done the crossword
  6. we played computer game.


I thank you .The lesson is over. Goodbye.


















  1. ВВЕДЕНИЕ (1мин. 15 сек. – с 9.50 до 9.51 мин.15 сек.)
  2. ВИДЕО О СТАТУЕ СВОБОДЫ (1 мин. 50 сек. ≈ до 9.53 мин.) миша
  3. ВИДЕО О ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОМ ПАРКЕ В НЬЮ ЙОРКЕ (1мин. – до 9.54 мин.) алина шикаренко
  4. ВИДЕО О НЕБОСКРЁБЕ (1 мин. – до 9.55 мин.) даша тарарака
  5. ВИДЕО О ЛИСИЧАНСКЕ (1 мин. – до 9.56 мин.) илья сосновский
  6. ТЕКСТ О ДОМЕ-РАКУШКЕ (3 мин. 30 сек. – до 9.59 мин. и 30 сек.) хоменко кирилл \ УПР. 4(b) p.27
  7. ТЕКСТ ОБ АСТРОНАВТЕ (1 мин. 30 сек. – до 10.01) ксюша
  8. ТЕКСТ О ПЕРУ (4 мин. – до 10.05) сева, алина \ УПР. 3(a) p.33
  9. ТЕКСТ О ЛИСИЧАНСКЕ (30 сек. – до 10.05 мин. и 30 сек.) алина хрипун
  10.      СЦЕНКА (2 мин. 30 сек. – до 10.08 мин.) карпов и чепеленко
  11.      ИГРА КАРТОЧКИ (2 мин. – до 10.10 мин.)
  12.      УПРАЖНЕНИЕ НА ДОСКЕ С ПРЕДЛОГАМИ (3 мин. 30 сек. – до 10.13 и 30 сек.) АУДИО ex. 5(b) p.35
  13.      РАЗМИНКА (4мин. 25 сек.  – до 10.18 мин.)
  14.      ВОПРОСЫ И КРОССВОРД (4 мин. – до 10.22 мин.)
  15.      КОМПЬЮТЕРНАЯ ИГРА (7 мин. – до 10.29 мин.)
  16.      ТЕСТОВАЯ РАБОТА (4 мин. – до 10.33 мин.)
  17.      ПОДВЕДЕНИЕ ИТОГОВ (2 мин. – до 10.35 мин.)





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