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Сучасність потребує осучаснення. Сучасний заклад освіти перестав бути "храмом знань", ставши при цьому "інститутом виховання та вдосконалення навичок! Це стаття-роздум щодо необхідних характеристик та якостей сучасного менеджера освіти, як лідера, а не керівника освітнього закладу.

Перегляд файлу

Ганна Сергіївна Білоус

Україна, м.Одеса



The development of the new Ukrainian School according to the signed Law of Education gives the reasons to think about the people got involved in the process. In the article we are not going to speak about the students and teachers yet. We will discuss and analyze the personality of the manager of any secondary institutional organization, which we call “school”. The life of a modern-day leader clearly is not easy and comfortable. Inside the educational institutions, which they manage, they need to lead and motivate a diversified group of people, work across organizational boundaries, improve efficiency, and achieve growth. These are difficult challenges, and many leaders feel badly prepared to tackle them. Developing leaders who can face these challenges is tricky indeed. [2, p.26]. Allix and Gronn: refer to despite a long history of interest and fascination, and a relatively shorter history of systematic investigation, the phenomenon that is referred to as 'problems and challenges educational leadership' remains in large part a theoretical enigma and paradox... In recent years, doubts concerning the integrity of the procedures that took toward it. [1, p.5]. Because of these problems and challenges, the subject of educational leadership has gained more importance. Leadership has a special position in every organization but it is more significant in an institution like school. Today various leadership styles are applied in different organizations of the world but it could certainly be said that leadership modern styles like strategic, transformational and servant has a wide application in all kinds of organizational environments, and many educational organizations have utilized this style in recent years in order to manage their educational organizations.

An important aspect in creating a model of the head of an educational institution is the consideration of personal qualities of the headmaster or a headmistress. We can divide them into such groups: psychological (striving for leadership, ability to manage, readiness for justifiable risk, combinatorial-prognostic type of thinking, stress resistance, intuition, flexibility, adaptability, mobility, etc.); intellectual (striving for constant self-improvement, tendency to accept new ideas, scale of thinking, informative, ability to self-analysis, ability to make decisions, etc.); professional (ability to effectively use the best achievements of scientific and technological progress, encourage staff for good work, constructively criticize, take non-standard decisions, effectively assign tasks and determine the optimal time for their implementation, business efficiency, initiative, entrepreneurship, etc.); social (ability to take into account the political consequences of decisions, the tendency to be guided by the principles of social justice, tolerance, non-conflict, mediation, ability to encourage employees to creative productive activities, responsibility, etc.). [4].

Due to above-mentioned information there can be created a list of the characteristic features of a modern school leader. Thus, a modern leader must be: purposefulness and perspective; scientifically orientated; have the ability to generate ideas and risk; he/she must be creative; have the ability to effective communication, influence subordination through persuasion, demonstrate the prospects of personal and professional growth. A leader should also be initiative and have the internal freedom, the desire to achieve the end result, to have a realistic view of the situation happening at any moment, to have common sense and constructiveness and of course-openness to new information and knowledge the same as be autonomic and flexible.

The activities of the modern manager should be socially oriented, innovative and always supported by like-minded people from among all participants in the educational process. That is why we need not only educate the teachers and the future managers of the educational institutes as any student coming to school, but we need to develop the leader characteristics from the psychological and natural ability of a person, testing him or her before the beginning of getting higher education. The New Ukrainian school needs new leaders not speaking of the new personalities, but the people (you are, maybe, working and managing the schools now) with progressive view on the situation without forgetting the best traditions of the education itself, not speaking about the system, which is being transformed in Ukraine now, and especially in the countries of the Eurasia.


  1. Allix, N., & Gronn,P. (2005). Leadership as manifestation of knowledge. Educational Management, Administration, and Leadership, 33 (2).
  2. O.V.Vasyl'chenko. The director of modern educational institution is the leader of school community.
  3. William A. Gentry (2014) The Challenges Leaders Face Around the World More Similar than Different, Center for Creative Leadership, http://www.ccl.org/Leadership/pdf/research/ChallengesLeadersFace .
  4. Мозгова Л.А. Модель керівника навчального закладу в сучасному освітньому просторі: управлінський аспект.   https://www.narodnaosvita.kiev.ua/?page_id=3896



7 листопада 2018
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