Контрольна робота з письма 7 клас І семестр

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота містить завдання для перевірки володіння учнями лексичним та граматичним матеріалом вивченим протягом першого семестру. Контрольна робота містить різнорівневі типи завдань.
Перегляд файлу

Writing 7/I

I. Translate words and phrases into English and complete sentences with them.

приймати участь у позашкільній діяльності                  скатертина

небезпечний                                                                      збиратися разом         просторий                                                                           застеляти ліжко                                                                       розподіляти домашні обов'язки                                        завантажувати

1. It is very good when family members ______________ because they can help each other.

2. He has already put the __________, cooked an apple pie and now he is waiting for the friends to ______________ after the long journey to France.

3. The pupils of our school like to ______________________________.

4. They had _____________ before leaving for school.

5. Lots of pupils ____________ different information from the Internet but it may be very ___________________.


II. Complete sentences with something, anybody etc.

  1. I'm hungry. I want ____ to eat.
  2. It seems to me they don’t know _____________ about table manners.
  3. The China restaurant must be _____________ around here.
  4. Has _____________ of our class joined the sport club?
  5. There is such a mess in the children’s room because ________ wants to clean it.


III. Open the brackets using the correct tense form.

  1. The children ________(to whitewash) the trees in the garden every spring.
  2. They ________ already _______ (to shake out) the rug from their room.
  3. The parkers __________ (to buy) a new dishwasher and a vacuum cleaner last month.
  4. You should _________(to keep) meat in the fridge.
  5. Ann is in the kitchen. She ________ (to cook) a Sunday dinner.
  6. Dan __________(to fold) the clothes yet.


IV. Write a short composition about household chores or your school. (10 sentences).

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
28 грудня 2019
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