Контрольна робота з письма ( 7 клас , I семестр )

Про матеріал

Контрольна робота з письма у двох рівнозначних варіантах.

Мета: перевірити сформованість писемної мовленнєвої компетентності учнів 7-го класу за I семестр ( за підручником О.Д.Карп'юк )

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                                            Variant 1

Date _________ Name ___________________Form 7 ___Term II


    I. Choose and circle the correct modal verb.

1. Pupils must/mustn’t obey the teacher.

2. You have to/needn’t take off your hats when you enter your classroom.

3. Pupils needn’t/need use the Internet at theirIT lessons.

    II. Complete the sentences ( too or enough).

1. I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was _________ hot to drink.

2. He wasn’t strong __________ to lift that heavy box.

3. It is ___________ difficult to do for a little child.

   III. Choose and circle the correct indefinite pronoun.

1. Everybody/Anybody enjoyed themselves at Kate’s party.

2. Let’s have something/everything to eat before the lesson.

3. Is nobody/anybody here?

   IV. Complete the sentences ( a little or a few).

1. I’ve got __________money. Let’s have coffee.

2. She can speak__________Spanish.

3. I write _________ letters every week.

   V. Write about the householding chores in your family

- the way you divide the householding chores in your family

- who does the main part of the housework

- what chores you like/don’t like doing




                                            Variant 1

Date _________ Name ___________________Form 7 ___Term II


    I. Choose and circle the correct modal verb.

1. Mobile phones needn’t/must be turned off during regular school hours.

2. Pupils have to/mustn’t use someone else’s book.

3. Students needn’t/mustn’t have dangerous objects at school.

    II. Complete the sentences ( too or enough).

1. I didn’t buy the car because it was _________expensive.

2. He didn’t work hard ________to pass the exam.

3. The photograph didn’t come out because it was _________dark.

   III. Choose and circle the correct indefinite pronoun.

1. Everybody/everywhere likes holidays.

2. He says he knows nothing/anything about her.

3. There is anything/something I ant to tell you.

   IV. Complete the sentences ( a little or a few).

1. We had ________rain last week.

2. I’ve got ________stamps.

3. They made________ mistakes, but it was OK.

   V. Write about your favourite dish

- its name

- its ingredients

- how to cook it

- when you eat it


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
21 жовтня 2018
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