Конспект уроку "Householding chores"

Про матеріал

Конспект уроку з теми "Householding chores" має структуру заняття застосування знань, умінь та навичок, спрямований на повторення та закріплення лексики з вищезазначеної теми, включає частково проектну роботу та інші нетрадиційні форми засвоєння знань.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: «Household duties»

Мета: систематиувати знання з теми «household chores», продовжувати розвивати навички читання, продовжувати формувати навички письма, виховувати любов до рідного дому, доброзичливі відносини  до членів своєї родини.

Обладнання і матеріали: презентація

Тип уроку: застосування знань, навичок, умінь.

Хід уроку:

-Good morning class. I am happy to see all of you.  Are you ready for our lesson? (Answers)

-I would like to propose you “To roll the word” (Children one by one give answers for some questions)

Roll a word

1)How are you?

2)What do you want for dessert today?

3)What do you want to drink?

4)Lie something

5)What the colour of your mood for today? Why?

6)What is your favourite activity? Why?

-What does this letters mean? (serohcgnidlohesuoh) (Answers)

-Yes, you`re right. It is Householdingchores

-Why do you see this word-combination here? (Answers)

-Well done. Ok, open your copybooks and write-down the day and the date , and also the topic of the lesson. This lesson we`ll continue our theme. So we`ll continue to talk about householdchores, reminding  topical phrases; also we’ll get some messages and at last we present our projects.

Актуалізація опорних знань і дій учнів, необхідних для творчого рішення поставлених завдань.

-What does mean the “Householdingchores”? (Answers)

Tell me the synonyms  for “householdingchores”

Propose you to remember topical word-combinations in this way. You have the beginings of them and your task is to do the list of  work about the house (Схема на презентації)

1.keeping the house

2.feeding a pet  Who feeds a pet in your family?

3.cleaning the house  Who cleans the house  in your family?

4.doing shopping Who does shopping  in your family?

5.cooking Who cooks  in your family?

6.washing up Who washes up  in your family?

7.fixing things Who fixes things  in your family?

8.sweeping the floor Who sweeps the floor  in your family?

9.watering the plants Who waters the plants  in your family?

10.doing laundry Who does laundry  in your family?

-What household duties do you have?

(The sound of message)

-Oh, it’s a message. And not  just one. Let`s read. Think what do you forget to do?

  1. Rusia, your room is very dirty and untidy! (Clean the room)
  2. Katia, your dirty plate is on the table!(Wash up)
  3. Alina, your dog is hungry!(To feed the dog)
  4. Nazar, your thigs are broken.(To fix it)
  5. Kristina, your skirt and shirt are dirty (To do the laundry)
  6. Sergii,there is no juice in the fridge. (do shopping)

Are you ready with the pictures of your website? (Yes)

Аналіз завдання, розкриття способів рішення творчих його елементів

For today the miniprojects of your householding company pages are ready  and we will make the advertisements. We`ll work in pairs.  Also for you I have the example and concrete points for writing.

Підготовка необхідного встаткування.

Before  making your businessplan you must get the trade license. It`s testtime! You have 1 2 3 4 numbers, which means the zones for cleaning. I`ll read your company activity and you must show the number of zone.

1-in the kitchen

2- in the garden

3- in the laundry room

4- in the bedroom

Listen to the phrases very attentively and show the number on time!

To dust furniture, to put away clothes, to mow the lawn, to paint the fence, to put dishes into cupboards,  to clear the table, to water plants, to put away clean clothes,  to sort colours , to clean the stove,  to tidy up the room, to clean the sink, to load dishes into the dishwasher, to rake leaves, to put dirty clothes in the linen basket, to put clothes in the washing machine, to vacuum the floor,  to fold clothes, to mow the lawn, to start the dishwasher, to empty the dishwasher, to wash the floor, to put clothes in the dryer, to make the bed, to wipe the table.

In the kitchen

In the garden

In the laundry room

In the bedroom

to clear the table

to load dishes into the dishwasher

to start the dishwasher

to wipe the table

to clean the stove

to clean the sink

to sweep the floor

to wash the floor

to empty the dishwasher

to put dishes into cupboards

to water plants

to rake leaves

to mow the lawn

to paint the fence

to sort colours

to put clothes in the washing machine

to put clothes in the dryer

to fold clothes

to put away clothes

to tidy up the room

to put away clean clothes

to put dirty clothes in the linen basket

to make the bed

to beat the rug

to vacuum the floor

to dust furniture

Ok, my congratulations you`ve done it! The trade license is yours! Take it!

At last, we can work with your miniprojects.

Try to write the advertisement for your householding company in the copybook. Then we`ll make advertisements for finding clients.

Самостійне виконання практичної частини роботи.

Lets write the text of the advertisement in pairs.(Pupils do the task in pairs)

Узагальнення й систематизація знань і способів виконання дій

The time is up. I propose you to read your posts. Who wants to start?

Also, if you like  the advertisement you have to show  the symbol of dollar.

(Pupils present their companies)

Контроль учителя, самоконтроль і взаємоконтроль.

Now, please exchange your notes and check the advertisements of your classmates using a pencil and comment the mistakes if you have found.

Підведення підсумків уроку

I have two types of cards for you. White card will symbolize your likes. Write on white card  moments you like during the lesson, and on red card you dislike? And put them on the stick.

Повідомлення домашнього завдання.













До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 жовтня 2018
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