Контрольна робота з теми "Їжа" для 7 класу 1 варіант

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 7 класу з теми "Їжа" за підручником Карпюк.
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Control Test on Unit 4 ‘All about food’

Variant 1

  1. Choose much, many, a lot of, a little , a few

1. If I want to pass the exam, I need to study_____.

а) many  б) a lot  в) a lot of


2. There aren't_____ things to do in this village.

а) many  б) a lot   в) a lot of 


3. ______ sugar do you take in your tea?

а) How many  б) How much


4. There was ______ tension (напрягу) at the meeting (на зустрічі).

а) a few  б) many  в) a lot of


5. Dad, I need ______ money for school.

а) a little  б) a few   в) many 


6. I can help you; I have ____ time today.

а) a lot of  б) much  в) many 


7. ______ goals did they score?

а) How many  б) How much  в) How little


8. I eat _________ vegetables.

а) much  б) a lot of  в) many


9. This lemon drink is sour; if you put  lumps of sugar in it, it will be sweeter. 

A) a little  b) a few  c) much

10) There is too … salt in the soup.

 a) much  b) many  c) a few


11) There are … sky-scrapers in our city.

 a) much  b) a little  c) a few


12) I’ve got … albums of this singer.

a) much b) a little  c) a few

13) My job allows me to travel … .

  1. a lot b) many  c) a few

14) We’ve got … free time.

a) little  b) many  c) few

15) I have never seen so … stars in the sky.

 a) little  b) many  c) much


16) Anna spent … days in Rome.

 a) a little  b) a few  c) much


17. I’d like just … tea. 

a) a little  b) a few  c) much

18. There was very … rain last autumn. 

 a) little  b) few  c) many

19. I don’t drink ……… coffee.

 a) a lot of  b) many  c) much

20. There are …….. eggs in the fridge.

  1. a few  b) a little  c) much
  1. Write a recipe of mashed potatoes.


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 грудня 2021
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