Контрольна робота за темою "Їжа"

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Контрольна робота з теми "Їжа" за підручником Несвіт А. 7 клас. Мета даної роботи полягає в тому, щоб перевірити рівень мовної компетенції учнів, повторити лексичний та граматичний матеріал теми.

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  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct words from the box.

Ice cream, cheese, fish, bread, pizza, vegetables, meat, rice, chocolate, eggs.

  1. … is sweet and dark brown.
  2. Fresh green …. Are good for you.
  3. … lives in water.
  4. …. is small, white grains and you can eat it with meat or fish.
  5. … is very important in daily meals.
  6. …. Is yellow and it is made from milk.
  7. Hens lay them, they are called…
  8. What’s your favourite ….? Chocolate, vanilla or cherry?
  9. …. comes from Italy. It has tomato, sausage and cheese in it.
  10. You need … to make a sandwich.
  1. Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

Kitchen sink, dishwasher, wastebin, refrigerator, toaster, cutting board.

  • May I help you with the dinner, Mum?
  • Sure you may, Kate. Take some tomatoes and cucumbers from the _____________ and wash them in the ____________ .
  • The vegetables are ready, Mum. Shall I slice them?
  • Yes, please. We are going to have some vegetable salad.
  • What else shall I do?
  • Well, slice some bread and put it into the ____________ .  We will make toasts with butter and jam. And, Kate, put these dirty dishes into the ______________. We will need them clean.
  • Mum, can you pass me the ___________ to slice the bread on?
  • Here you are, dear. Don’t forget to empty the ___________ .
  • Don’t worry, mum. I have already made sandwiches.
  1. Put the sentences in the correct order to make up a recipe.

A – Cut the meat into pieces.

B – Add the potatoes to the pot.

C – Enjoy your meat and potatoes.

D – Heat the frying pan and pour some oil.

E – Put the meat and the vegetables into the pot and pour some boiled water.

F – Put the onions and carrots into the hot frying pan.

G – Chop the onions and carrots and cut the potatoes into the pieces.

1 -H – Peel some potatoes, a carrot and an onion.

I – Add some salt, pepper at the end.

J – Add the meat to the vegetables and cook them in the frying pan for some time.

K – Cook the meat and potatoes till they are ready.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect tense.
  1. When I opened the fridge, I saw that I ( eat\ already) all the meat.
  2. Mark wasn’t hungry. He ( have dinner\ already).
  3. They couldn’t find the knife that I (lend) them.
  4. I (make) ten sandwiches when my parents returned home.
  5. Frank took the apple which he (buy) himself.
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
22 листопада 2018
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