Лексико-граматичний тест за темою "Do You Need a Book?" для 8 класу (за підручником Карп'юк О.)

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Лексико-граматичний тест з англійської мови за темою "Do You Need a Book?" для 8 класу (за підручником Карп'юк О.)

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8th form Test on UNIT 3. Do you need a book?


1. Translate the words into Ukrainian:                                      

1) fiction       

2) non-fiction

3) to consult

4) in general

5) emotional

6) a novelist

7) a pattern

8) an author


2. Translate the words into English:

1) каталог

2) назва

3) містити 

4) вигадані історії

5) забавний

6) драматург

7) поезія

8) жанр


3. Fill in the missing words.

* reader * author * genre * poetry * teach * published *

1) The _____ of the book is unknown.

2) When was the book first _____ ?

3) Books _____ us to understand people.

4) What is the _____ of the book?

5) The information is valuable for the _____.

6) I’m fond of the world of Ukrainian _____.


4. Write the verbs in the correct form.

1) The story __________ (write) by a famous author 100 years ago.

2) The  characters of this book __________ (describe) truthfully.

3) Two thousand copies of the book __________ (sell) this year.

4) These comics __________ (print) in Germany.

5) The library __________ (visit) by millions of readers every year.

6) A lot of e-books __________ (read) online.


8th form Test on UNIT 3. Do you need a book?


1. Translate the words into Ukrainian:                                      

1) an achievement       

2) an inspiration

3) noble

4) truthful

5) true-to-life

6) right after something

7) drama

8) a poet


2. Translate the words into English:

1) есе / твір

2) успіх

3) досягати 

4) завдяки чомусь

5) уява

6) тримати чиюсь увагу

7) роман

8) емоція


3. Fill in the missing words.

* reader * author * genre * poetry * teach * published *

1) The _____ of the book is unknown.

2) When was the book first _____ ?

3) Books _____ us to understand people.

4) What is the _____ of the book?

5) The information is valuable for the _____.

6) I’m fond of the world of Ukrainian _____.


4. Write the verbs in the correct form.

1) The story __________ (write) by a famous author 100 years ago.

2) The  characters of this book __________ (describe) truthfully.

3) Two thousand copies of the book __________ (sell) this year.

4) These comics __________ (print) in Germany.

5) The library __________ (visit) by millions of readers every year.

6) A lot of e-books __________ (read) online.






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