Lesson 19. Mass Media in Our Life

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Цілі: вдосконалювати навички писемного мовлення й читання; формувати навички формулювання тез, аргументації та висновків; виховувати критичне ставлення до інформації; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів.

Turn Off the TV!

I sneak down after homework

and turn the set on low.

But when she sees me watching it,

my mother tells out, “No!”

Dad says, “If you don't turn it off,

I'll hang it from a tree!”

I rather doubt he'll do it,

'cause he watches more than me.

by Bruce Lansky

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Дата _______________________Клас _______________________Lesson 19. Mass Media in Our Life

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички писемного мовлення й читання; формувати навички формулювання тез, аргументації та висновків; виховувати критичне ставлення до інформації; розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів.


1. Warm-up The teacher writes two controversial statements on the board. Students work in pairs and agree or disagree with the statements, as well as provide reasons. For example: The Internet is the best modern source. The Internet can be harmful.

2. Reading Read the Victoria’s essay about the role of TV in her life. Find the answers to the questions from ex. 1, p. 82.

Watching TV has both positive and negative sides. Watching educational shows is beneficial, however watching cartoon and reality shows is mostly not. Heavy television usage is not helpful because you are wasting time while you can finish your work, do sports or read. I usually don’t watch TV during the school week because I get home late after classes and sports. To know the weather forecast or listen to favourite music I switch on the radio. At least I can get necessary information in the Internet. On weekends, I usually watch the entertainment show “Modern Family”. It’s really cool. My Mom likes serials and soap operas and Dad adores football matches. If my Dad watches TV it is difficult to tune out the sound. I don’t like reading newspapers because of their too big format, I’d rather read a book in my school bus. But I really think the Internet can replace TV, radio, newspapers in 50 or 80 years, not earlier. There are a lot of people who like to keep paper pages in their hands and listen to the information instead of surfing it by themselves.

** Beneficial — корисний

3. Writing Do ex. 1, p. 82. Write your own paragraph.

4. Reading Choose one of the descriptions of modern British TV shows. Read it and make a plan of description. Write down the key words and expressions for further work.

Game of Thrones

Country: United Kingdom

Theme: Medieval fantasy

Genres: Action, drama, intrigue

Game of Thrones is based a wonderful series of books called A Song of Ice and

Fire by George R. R. Martin.

  • This show and the book are great for anyone that likes action, passion, fantasy, history, and great plot twists something sudden and unexpected. Game of Thrones takes place in the land of Westeros in a medieval-like time. It follows the stories of many different fascinating characters and “the game”, that is, the fight for the throne — to be King or Queen of Westeros. Game of Thrones has an awesome plot–in my opinion one of the best of any book or show that’s been made — and it always leaves you wanting more (the episodes are each about an hour long, but you would never guess that!). If you have an active imagination and like movies/books like the Lord of the Rings then you’ll love Game of Thrones, but if you are more of a realist, then Game of Thrones might not be for you.

**Passion — пристрасть **Twist(-s) — несподіванка**Medieval-like — подібний до Середньовіччя


Country: United Kingdom

Theme: Mystery

Genre: Crime, drama

  • This show is a modern day twist on the old Sherlock Holmes stories. Holmes is a consulting detective who uses modern tech- nology to help him solve crimes with the help of his colleague Doctor John Watson, a former military doctor. Together, they work to solve London’s most complex crimes and defeat Holmes’ archenemies, Jim Moriarty, a criminal mastermind. If you’re a fan of mysteries, and you enjoy shows that keep you guessing. You never know what is going to happen. Then this is a great show for you to check out. This show requires you to dedicate a little more time (each episode is 90 minutes), but it’s definitely worth it.

**Twist — несподіванка**Former — колишній**Archenemies — заклятий ворог**Require — спонукати

5. Writing Use your plan and reconstruct the description.

6. Summary In pairs, choose your favourite show / programme, make notices and tell about it to your partner.

  • 7. Homework Do ex. 2, p. 82. Use your plan, reconstructed description and notices.
  • Appendix

    Turn Off the TV!

I sneak down after homework

and turn the set on low.

But when she sees me watching it,

my mother yells out, “No!”

Dad says, “If you don’t turn it off,

I’ll hang it from a tree!”

I rather doubt he’ll do it,

’cause he watches more than me.

                   by Bruce Lansky



Дата _______________________Клас _______________________Lesson 20. Talk About Working Skills

Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички

читання, письма й усного монологічного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси

учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


1. Warm-up Do ex. 5 b, p. 87.

2. Vocabulary Vocabulary box, p. 84. Read the words and word expressions from the box and match them with their


  • people who have job (employed)2) to influence (to affect)3) an occupation by which a person earns a living (employment)4) a person’s progress or success through life in a profession, occupation (a career)5) definite or particular, sure to happen (certain)6) take after somebody; continue hereditary job of family (in smb’s footsteps)7) suitable or ready for use (available)8) ability (mostly special), talent (an aptitude)9) a person without a job, out of work (unemployed)10) to ask for something strongly (to require)

3. Reading Do ex. 1, p. 83–85 and answer the questions: 1. What idea has become old-fashioned? 2. Where will many people work in the future? 3. Which skills have become very important? 4. Explain the difference: a career, a job, a profession, an occupation.

4. Writing Do ex. 2, p. 85. Key: a) thinking about a future career, b) affect the jobs available, c) part-time jobs, regular jobs or odd jobs, d) become unemployed or have to look for new jobs, e) special training or good imagination or physical strength,

f) certain people or events… their teachers, parents, friends… in someone’s footsteps, g) your natural abilities or talents, h) the learnt capacities for doing something, i) up even more job opportunities.

5. Reading & Speaking Do ex. 4, p. 86. Key: a) job, b) profession, c) occupation, d) career.

6. Speaking What job would you like to do in the future?

Don’t forget to use: I want to become… I’d like to be…. I will be, I’d rather become…

7. Listening & speaking Listen to the text and answer the questions.

  • We are certainly living in the Digital Age and with this many opportunities came. We know a lot of jobs which have been before, so called “classical” jobs. Butтin many cases there are the jobs that were unheard of two decades ago: first of all,there are occupations connected with digital technologies, computers and ecology. These are completely new and they provide exciting new opportunities to all of us. We can now think faster, know faster, and do faster than ever before. We know nothing about jobs in some decades, so we can only think of them. But anyway, our world needs creative, high-skilled and talented people — now and in a century.

**Decade — 10 років

  • When do the new jobs appear?2. What areas are the new jobs connected with? Why?3. What are the advantages of new jobs?4. What qualities do the future jobs need from people?5. How do you understand the expression Digital Age?6. Do you think “classical” jobs will be necessary in a century?

8. Writing Do ex. 5 a, p. 87.

9. Summary Do ex. 6, p. 87. Read the definitions and name all the jobs in the serpentine.

  • 10. Homework Do ex. 3, p. 86.
  • Appendix : Read the five news items 1–5. Then read the news headlines a–f. Decide which headline a–f goes best with which news. You have one extra headline.

1. At least 100 Sussex people are thought to be suffering from food poisoning after a Christmas meal. Pupils and teachers were struck down after eating a turkey lunch. No one is thought to have been hospitalized.

2. Travellers flocked to Heathrow Airport yesterday at the start of its busiest ever fortnight. Two million people are expected to travel through the airport this weekend, thanks to the traditional Christmas holiday period.

3. Southend police used patrol cars to block the path of a runaway double-decker bus yesterday as it careered driverless towards a shopping area. Two men had just jumped from the vehicle. Two men in their thirties were arrested.

4. More road accidents are caused by drivers who fall asleep at the wheel than is generally recognized. Government has to help solve the problem.

a) Largest number of passengers b) Police arrest bus driver c) Tired drivers a danger on the road d) School dinner causes serious illness e) Shopping centre accident avoided     

              Key: 1 d, 2 a, 3 e, 4 c; b is an extra.


Дата _______________________ Клас _______________________ Lesson 21. Unusual Jobs or Unusual People

Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, письма й усного монологічного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


1. Warm-up Do ex. 1, p. 87. Imagine you are going to choose an unusual job. What it can be? Explain your

choice. Use the table.

I want to become…










…it’s quite…

I’d like to be…          … my parents / friends / teachers…

I will be…                 …I really…

I’d rather become… …I follow in my…

I’m going to become…           + Add your own idea!


2. Listening Do ex. 2, p. 88.

  • People often ask me why I chose such a strange job for a woman. They traditionally think there are “male” and “female” occupations. I fully disagree with this opinion. All this is very changeable. My Mom, for example, is the best barber in my native town, but a hundred years ago only men could be barbers. My Dad adored cars. He was one of the car mechanics who participated in the Paris — Dakar rally. His workshop was reputed far from our town. When I was a child and a scholar, I often went to his place of work. Dad’s workers laughed and called me a tomboy. But I enjoyed their occupation and wanted to know what they did and how it worked; so one day I bought a book on car repairs. I read it through! After leaving school I entered the specialized college and became a car and a truck mechanic. Unfortunately, Dad was seriously ill and we needed much money. So we were forced to sell the workshop. Maybe I’m not such a gifted mechanic as my Daddy was, but I really love what I do. I work hard and hopefully can buy my own workshop in a year.                            Key: a) T, b) T, c) F.
  • Do ex. 3, p. 88.

Key: 1. Ana repairs cars and trucks in a workshop. 2. She liked this job from her childhood 3. Because she wanted to know what and how the workers did. 4. Ana entered a specialized college and became a car and a truck mechanic. 5. She’s a successful mechanic because she loves her job and works hard.

3. Speaking In two groups, discuss the problem: There are male and female occupations. The first group has to give “for” arguments and the second group has to find “against” arguments. Then exchange your ideas and try to prove “your” point

of view.

4. Listening Do ex. 4, p. 88. Listen to the text and do the task.

Do you need some cash? It’s the permanent problem for young people. The best way to get money is to earn it. Then you are looking for work. Well, getting a job can be difficult, but it’s worth it especially if it is your first one. Let’s talk to Bruno Jemison, one of our readers, more about his summer experience.

I. Let’s start from the ordinary question, Bruno. How old are you?

B. I’m fourteen now.

I. Why are you looking for a job?

B. Oh, no, it wasn’t my idea! The matter is my family is very sporty and active but as for me personally I spend much time at school and at the computer. So, last summer my Mom decided I needed some more action.

I. Really? You started to work when you were 13 only? Is it too early?

B. Mom didn’t think so. In addition I wanted to get a new iPhone. Mom helped me to find my first job.

I. Well, what was your job? Was it hard for you?

B. First, as for hardness — it was difficult to get up early in the morning. I had to wake up at 6 a.m. And what about job… I’m a good communicator, I like to meet new people and I like cycling — so, in two weeks I liked my job. It was really nice time!

I. What did you do?

B. Very simply. I delivered newspapers, magazines and even letters and postcards. I worked at the local post-office.

I. Are you available to work this summer?

B. I myself decided to work these holidays. I’m going to work in a pizzeria.

I. Are you interested in this job?

B. I think it will be quite funny, moreover, my close friend is going to work as a delivery boy too.

I. Are you going to deliver pizza?

B. Yeah, this is much more interesting than staying in a pizzeria.

I. Do you have summer vacation plans?

B. Sure. First, I’m going to earn some money. Then, I’m going to visit my friend Anita in Sweden. She lives in Stockholm.

I. How will you get to Stockholm?

B. I’m going to take a bus to Immingham, then to Gothenburg by DFDS sea ferry and last — bus again. I’m going to stay in Stockholm most of the time. I’ve never seen this city before.

I. Thanks a lot! It was interesting and useful information. Bye!

B. Thank you for your invitation. I was glad to share with personal experience.


5. Grammar practice Do ex.5, p. 89.

6. Summary Do ex. 6, p. 89. Read the table and express your agreement or disagreement.

If you agree, say:


I agree that

I’m sure that

That’s right!







If you disagree, say:

I don’t agree that

I don’t think that

I wouldn’t say that

That’s silly

Absolutely not!





  • 7. Homework Do ex. 6, p.90


Дата _______________________Клас _______________________Lesson 22. What a Relative Noun!

Цілі: формувати навички вживання relative pronouns; вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


1. Warm-up Do you know what a cinquain is? It is a short five-line poem with no rhyme. Read the example and make up your own one:

  • School one noun as a title

Interesting, boring two adjectives describing the title

Teaching, raising, uniting three verbs giving information about the title

Do you like going there? four-words sentence describing your emotions about the title

Education one word, mostly the title synonym or a very similar word.

2. Grammar & Speaking Do ex. 1a, p. 90. State the rule of use of relative pronouns.

Note! 1. In writing, we don’t use commas in defining relative clauses. 2. Mostly “that” is interchangeable with either of relative pronouns and less formal. We can also leave out “that” or “which” in some relative clauses:

  • It reminded him the house [which / that] he used to rent in Oxford.
  • They’re the people [which / that] she met at Jon’s party.

3. Grammar & Writing Do ex. 1 b, p. 90.

  • We use the relative pronoun “who” for people.
  • We use the relative pronoun “which” for animals and things.
  • We use the relative pronoun “that” both for people and things.

4. Grammar practice Do ex. 2, p. 91.                        Key: 1 who, 2 which, 3 who, 4 which, 5 who, 6 which.

5. Writing Do ex. 3, p. 91. Work in pairs.

6. Grammar practice Choose the correct pronoun and explain your choice.

1. Yesterday he met his friend who/ which moved to India. 2. I lost the map who / which you gave me.  3. A student who / which doesn’t study hard enough cannot be successful.  4. Bruno likes the view who / which he gets from the log cabin up in the mountains.  5. We had a lovely meal at the place who / which Phil recommended   6. That is the swimming-pool who / which I used to go swimming.                                  Key: 1 who, 2 which, 3 who, 4 which, 5 which, 6 which.

7. Grammar Do ex. 4, p. 91.         State the rule of use of relative pronouns.

  • We use the relative pronoun “where” for place.
  • We use the relative pronoun “when” for a time.
  • We use the relative pronoun “whose” both for possessions.

8. Grammar practice Write down the sentences, fill in the gaps with the appropriate pronoun: when, where, whose.

1. She complained to the man … dog bit her. 2. We visited the house … our father lived in his childhood. 3. Christmas is a day … people are happy. 4. Paula and Bruno like a small town at the sea-side … they spend their summer vacation. 5. Run! That’s the guy … sister I was dating. 6. He started working … he was a student.

Key: 1 whose, 2 where, 3 when, 4 where, 5 whose, 6 when.

  • Complete the complex sentences with relative pronouns which, whose, who (whom), when, where, that. Some of them may be used twice or more. Somewhere two variants are possible.

1. Did you see the girl … was dressed up as a clown?                2. The apples … are lying on the table are bad.

3. This is the man … Barbara visited in Scotland.                      4. We are living next to a woman … dog barks all the time.

5. The year … you were born was memorable.                           6. Tomorrow we go to the zoo …our Dad works.

7. We will stay at a hotel … is not far from the beach.

Key: 1 who/that, 2 which/that, 3 whom/that, 4 whose, 5 when/that, 6 where,7 which/that.

9. Speaking Do ex. 5, p. 92.

  • 10. Summary Do ex. 7, p. 92.
  • 11. Homework Do ex. 6, p. 92.


Дата _______________________Клас _______________________Lesson 23. Time to Speak About Jobs

Цілі: формувати навички вживання в усному мовленні relative clauses; вдосконалювати

навички говоріння та письма; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати за-

цікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


  1. Warm-up Do you think you are a happy person? Choose the variant(-s) of your answer; add your own ones.

1. I can enjoy a joke when it is on me. 2. I am pleased when a friend receives praise in my presence. 3. I wish for many things.

4. I am overweight. 5. I think I am attractive. 6. I take criticism well. 7. Parents always make me go to bed early.


Start like this:


If you agree, say:





If you disagree, say:


I agree that…

I’m sure that…

That’s right!




I don’t agree that…

I don’t think that…

I wouldn’t say that…

That’s silly to think that…

Absolutely not!















2. Speaking Do ex. 1 a, p. 93. In groups, read and explain.

3. Writing Do ex. 1 b, p. 94. Rearrange the jobs names according to their characteristics.

4. Speaking practice Do ex. 3, p. 94. Do ex. 4, p. 94. In pairs, discuss the jobs and the qualities they need. Match them and explain your choice to other students.

5. Vocabulary Vocabulary box, p. 95. Read the words and word expressions. Find their definitions.

  • to take up a) to be enthusiastic about

2) babysitting b) to do your job willingly

3) to be excited about c) to ask for donations, usually of money, from a number of people

4) a campaign d) a person who works of his/her free will and without pay

5) to work hard e) looking after a child while his / her parents are busy or absent

6) a volunteer f) a special action / activity for a specific purpose                                  Key: 1 c, 2 e, 3 a, 4 f, 5 b, 6 d.

6. Reading & Speaking Do ex. 5, p. 95. Use the words and word expressions from the Vocabulary box, p. 95. Roleplay

the dialogue after reading.

7. Speaking Do ex. 7, p. 96.

  • An employer is a person or business firm that employs people for work and pays salary to them.
  • An employee is a person who works for another person or a business firm for pay.
  • Choose your role and make up a dialogue (One employer and three to four employees for a dialogue)
  • For employers For employees
  • Kind of part-time / summer job you can propose:

• Postman • Courier • Pizza delivery boy / girl • Car washer • Babysitter • Shepherd

  • Ready to answer the questions Five qualities your candidates need:

             • Honesty • Neatness • Kindnessт • Conversational cooperation • Special skills

  • 8. Summary Do ex. 8, p. 96.
  • 9. Homework Do ex. 2, p. 94, ex. 6, p. 96; write about you.


Дата _______________________Клас _______________________Lesson 24. It Ma kes Me Feel Better

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання лексичного та граматичного матеріалу підрозділу; вдосконалювати навички читання, письма й усного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


1. Warm-up Answer the questions briefly (not more than 3 answers in each category). Then compare your variants with other students.1. What jobs earn more than $100,000? 2. What jobs are dangerous? 3. What jobs do high school students usually do?

2. Writing Match the words in the table.

1) absent-minded                                        a) грубий

2) careful                                                     b) необережний

3) fair                                                          c) серйозно налаштований

4) rude                                                         d) справедливий

5) cheat                                                       e) розсіяний, неуважний

6) careless                                                   f) веселий, життєрадіснтй

7) attentive                                                  g) комунікабельний

8) serious                                                    h) добрий, привітний

9) communicative                                        i) брехун

10) kind                                                       j) уважний

11) cheerful                                                 k) активний

12) active                                                      l) турботливий         Key: 1 e, 2 l, 3 d, 4 a, 5 i, 6 b, 7 j, 8 c, 9 g, 10 h, 11 f, 12 k.

  • Do ex. 1 a, p. 97. Use the table and the list of part-time and summer jobs from the previous lesson. Use ex. 5, p.95 for interview questions.

3. Speaking Do ex. 1 b, p. 97.

4. Reading and speaking Read the first part of the text. Then, in groups of two or three, choose one of the responses, read it, express your opinion about summer jobs’ kinds, salary and teens’ attitude to it. Share with other groups. Compare your answers. Ah, summer. A time for sun, vacations, and… work. That first summer job is often a way to gain experience and earn some cash for a teen. It’s the signal that you’re on your way to adulthood, and it’s also a method for earning money to pay

for activities or interests. However, the type of summer job should be based upon a teen skill, career goals, thus proving that it’s never too early to start considering the future.  But they’re not always fun jobs — or good ones. So, how do teens look for

a summer job and how do they work? Take a look at responses:

  • “I’m actually getting a car when I turn 15 that was my brother’s, so I’ll have some gas money and money for a little extra stuff. But getting a job wasn’t easy for me. I applied at a diner, pizza place, and hairdressing salon — but

I wasn’t old enough to do some of the work. With my Mom’s help, I was able to land a job at an ice-cream bar for $11/hour”. Delaney Miller

  • “I’m 13 and my first job was selling newspaper subscriptions door to door. It was cool and quite pleasant. I cycled from house to house, dealt with people, and made good money as a teenager. Besides, I fed our neighbour’s two dogs,

and I did it without payment”. Hugh Taft

  • “I was 14 and worked as a dishwasher in our local Ponderosa steakhouse. The manager convinced my parents and me permitting him to pay me only $5/hour. After all he paid me $8.50/hour. Moreover, he had a mental block on

my name and called me Rosie. This was awful!” Mary Campbell

  • “Maybe, I had the worst job: I help to Mom at the stockroom in our local department store. It was dry and cold there and I thought about my classmates who can swim and sunbathe, cycle… Instead of it I had endless packets for sorting

of by size and color. But… $14/hour! Perhaps, it was worth it”. Daniel Lynn

  • “That summer I was waiting too late to get a job, so I had to work at McDonald’s. Hot, smelly, steamy. Ugly green and tangerine uniform. But absolute worst was the day my ex-boyfriend, who had got a job at a bank, came into that

McDonald’s for lunch wearing a suite while I was mopping the dining room floor. Fifteen-year-old girl’s worst nightmare!” Susan Wallis

  • “I worked Mon-Fri mornings babysitting four boys aged 5–10 whose mom could work at a real job. Because of my 15, she decided I was a good option for her 4 sons. I enjoy kids, I can resolve conflicts, and I’m a quite responsible person but these guys — it was something special! Job included waking and feeding, playing with them, retrieving the older twins off the roof of the house and younger kids — from their dog’s kennel, teaching their parakeet (папуга)

how to say “Hello, baby!” like a total jerk. And I made only $10/hour!” Kurt Schweitzer

  • “I’m a strong swimmer, so I decided to try myself as a life guard at a beach. Life guarding requires a high level of maturity and responsibility. I had the Guard courses certificate, good skills in swimming and I was 16 (they typically

limited to those who are less than 15). The job helped me to develop my decision- making skills and confidence while earning somewhere $16.90/hour”.

Andrew Smith



  • 5. Summary 1. How do you think do teenagers normally have a great choice of summer job? Why? 2. Is their job well-paid?
  • 6. Homework Do ex. 2, p. 97.


Дата _______________________Клас _______________________ Lesson 25. One More Time about TV

Цілі: повторити лексичні одиниці теми; вдосконалювати навички читання, письма й аудіювання; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати толерантне ставлення до інших людей.


1. Warm-up Write down 4 groups of the vocabulary words. Example

web-site password commercial documentary

chat room to blog to addict gossip

to chat to surf quiz / talk show expert

educational tools chatting TV guide to conduct a survey

native speaker network episode to roar

e-mail to connect to avoid cartoon

  • Put students into 4 groups and ask them to invent and write down a short story with certain vocabulary items. They may add other words if necessary. Then ask them to read their stories out and invite comments from the class.

2. Reading and speaking Do ex. 1, p. 98 in small groups.

3. Speaking & Writing Do ex. 2, p. 98. Write down your conclusion about the Internet role for you in 1 or 2 sentences. Share your idea with other students. Compare your results.

4. Listening Listen to the passage and do the task.

  • Watching TV is an interesting and fun activity. The word television is often shortened to TV or telly or tube. Looking back to the middle of the 20th century, we can say television has totally changed since then: the TV pictures were black and white only and there were only 1 to 5 channels. Nowadays TV can show lots of different programmes about a wide range of things. Some examples of them are news, current affairs, sitcoms, cartoons, dramas, sports, soap operas etc. TV guides normally tell us what programmes are shown on which channel, what day and time. In Great Britain, children watch an average of three to five hours of TV a day. While TV can entertain, inform and keep children inside, it also can affect them in different ways. Children can learn from TV both useful and incorrect information; they are influenced by thousands of commercials. How to make TV a friend?

1. Which of the words DO NOT USED as shortening for “television”?

a) telly b) teller c) tube

2. Television has changed a lot since

a) 1900-s b) 1970-s c) 1950-s

3. Which programmes can we watch on TV according to the text?

a) dramas, current affairs, cartoons, sports b) films, news, sitcoms, soap operas c) sitcoms, dramas, sports, films

4. British children watch an average of … of TV a day.

a) five hours b) four hours c) three hours

5. Which of watching TV effects DOESN’T MENTION in the text?

a) making vision worse b) entertaining c) informing

6. Answer the last question of the text. How do you see the ways of making TV a friend?               Key: 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 b, 5 a.

5. Speaking Do ex. 4, p. 99 in pairs.

6. Listening & Reading Do ex. 5, p. 99.               Key: 1 f, 2 c, 3 d, 4 b, 5 g, 6 h, 7 e, 8 i, 9 a.

7. Grammar practice Rewrite the sentences using the relative pronouns: who(-m), which, that, when, where, whose. Start your sentences from the certain words.

1. I am watching the new episode of my favourite serial at the moment. It is very interesting. — The new episode … . (Which / that)

2. Sue is going out with a boy. I don’t like him. — I don’t like … . (Who / whom)

3. The football match was very boring. My friend played in it. — The football match … . (Where)

4. I adore this showman. I always watch his programme. — I adore the showman … . (Whose)

5. We switched off the TV. It was late evening. — It was late evening … . (when)

6. The quiz show was exiting. I watched it yesterday. — The quiz show … . (Which / that)

+ Check you answer.

  • 8. Summary Do ex. 5 b, p. 100.
  • 9. Homework Do ex. 6, p. 100–101.


In the plan

To help you stand

Have good writing hand.

Clothes should be

Is one of the key,

Nice shirt’s no dirty

And something new


                        by Kurtis Scott


Дата _______________________Клас _______________________Lesson 26. TV, TV…

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички читання, письма й усного монологічного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань про освіту в інших країнах.


1. Warm-up Remember writing of a cinquain. It is a short five-line poem with no rhyme. Read the instruction and make up your own cinquain: 1 line one noun as a title 2 line two adjectives describing the title 3 line three verbs giving information about the title 4 line four-words sentence describing your emotions about the title 5 line one word, mostly the title synonym or very similar word

  • Example: 1. Television 2. Teaching, entertaining 3. Informs, scares, shows 4. Enjoy watching the screen 5. Tube

2. Grammar practice Make up complex sentences with relative clauses. Replace the sentences parts if necessary.

1. Trees and bushes are in blossom. Spring is a season. — (When)

2. Those books were mine. Those books had been lying on the table. — (Which / that)

3. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper. — (Who)

4. Lucy studies at the University. Lucy returns to Oxford. — (Where)

5. We broke the computer. The computer belongs to my father. — (Which / that)

6. A baby is sleeping in the next room. Don’t wake the baby. — (Who)

7. The film is about a king. His brother killed him. — (Whose)

8. They called a lawyer. The lawyer lived nearby. — (Who)

9. Do you remember the park (we first met there)? — (Where)

3. Reading & Speaking Do ex. 7 a, p. 101.    Key: 1 Broadcasting, 2 channel, 3 commercial, 4 owners, 5 television, 6 advertisements, 7 programmes, 8 commercials, 9 educational.

4. Speaking Do ex. 7 b, p. 102. Start like this:

  • As I know, the most common British programmes… And…

Do ex. 7 c, p. 102 in pairs.

6. Writing & Speaking Do ex. 8, p. 102 in groups of five. Fill in the questionnaire with programmes names and ask five students of the questions.


Hours you watch TV a week:

Time of your watching TV:

Your attitude to programmes:

The programme name I like it I don’t like it I don’t know it


Make a graph and comment it.

7. Reading & Speaking Do ex. 9, p. 103. Decide on the following questions, make your notes and prepare to the dialogue.

  • 8. Summary Roleplay the situation in pairs. Discuss your answers (ex. 9, p. 103).
  • 9. Homework Think and write down a letter to your friend about your own TV channel. Describe it briefly. Use your notes from the lesson.
  • Channel name
  • Difference between existing channels and your channel
  • Kinds of programmes (educational, entertaining, sports etc.)
  • Time of broadcasting (from …to…)
  • Prime-time programmes
  • Commercials and advertisements
  • Films


Дата _______________________Клас _______________________Lesson 27. The World of Jobs and Pro fessions

Цілі: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички читання, письма, усного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань про працю в інших країнах.


1. Warm-up Game “Give me a sentence, please!” Students have to write 3 words — a noun, a verb and an adjective — on the topic. Then, in pairs, students exchange their words and make up a sentence using all the three ones.

For example:

S t u d e n t 1 . Babysitter, certain, to earn.

S t u d e n t 2. To earn some money I look for a certain job such as a babysitter.

S t u d e n t 2 . To require, cleaning, successful.

S t u d e n t 1. Office cleaning doesn’t require specialized skills and isn’t successful way of life for me.

2. Reading & Speaking Do ex. 10, p. 103. Key: a) lawyer, b) real estate agent / realtor, c) social worker / caseworker, d) receptionist, e) vet, f) electrician, g) editor, h) chemist, i) druggist / chemist / pharmacist, j) travel agent.

3. Writing Do ex. 11, p. 104. Explain your choice.

Key: 1) exhausting … tiring / tiring … exhausting 2) creative 3) rewarding … interesting 4) skilful 5) exciting 6) pleasant

         7) dangerous 8) popular 9) monotonous

4. Reading Do ex. 12 a, p. 104–105.

5. Writing Do ex. 12 b, p. 105.

Key: 1) …in school or counseling centre. 2) …are certainly changing. 3) …advertising, computer industry or unusual jobs like car mechanics. 4) …in housekeeping. 5) …how a person does it, not by what sex a person is. 6) …home. 7) …more open to different careers and jobs.

6. Reading & Speaking Do ex. 13 a, p. 105–107 in four groups. Each group read the certain letter. Then students exchange their information.

  • 7. Writing Do ex. 13 b, p. 107 in pairs.
  • 8. Summary Do ex. 15, p. 107.

9. Homework Write an essay using ex. 14, p. 107 as the plan.

  • Appendix                Jobs Crossword

1. Someone who builds houses.                                          2. A person who does experiments and discover something new.

3. A person who protects a country.                                   4. Someone who stars in a movie.

5. Somebody who flies airplanes.                                       6. Someone who cleans buildings.

7. A person who can make computer games.                      8. Someone who digs for ore in the ground.

9. Someone who is a face of TV channel.                           10. Somebody who helps sick animals.

11. Someone who shot a TV programme by TV camera.   12. Somebody who fixes teeth.

13. A person who search the news for a TV channel .       14. A person who serves food.

15. A person who goes to outer space.                               16. Someone who fixes cars. 

17. Someone who serves people on airplanes.                     18. Somebody who plays an instrument.

19. Someone who grows wheat or domestic animals or something else. 20. Someone who is responsible for a TV programme.

Key: 1 architect, 2 scientist, 3 soldier, 4 actor, 5 pilot, 6 janitor, 7 programmer, 8 miner, 9 announcer, 10 vet, 11 camera operator, 12 dentist, 13 reporter, 14 waiter, 15 astronaut



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