Lesson plan. ESA model. Демонстрація використання методу на уроках англійської мови

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Розробка уроку з англійської мови у вигляді презентації - метод ESA Engage, Study, Activate (результат практичного завдання під час проходження курсів підвищення кваліфікації). З використанням інтерактичної дошки jamboard, аудіо-фрагментами та практичними вправами. Engage, Study, Activate (ESA) is a method of sequencing activities in your lessons and was first proposed by Jeremy Harmer in his book, ‘How to Teach English’. At first glance, ESA appears to be the same as PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production) or CAPE (Context, Analysis, Practice, Evaluation). Like PPP, there are three stages. Each stage of ESA roughly corresponds to PPP, but with ESA, the stages can be moved around or used more than once.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Lesson plan. ESA model. Group 4

Номер слайду 2

Aims • To develop students’ listening skills • To engage students in a classroom discussion • To encourage students to think about the cultural significance of names. Topic: All about me. Subtopic: Names. What’s your name? Learning outcome: By the end of the lesson pupils will distinguish male/female names; talk about popular names; discuss the origin/ meaning of the name. Age group: Teenagers and young adults Level: A2, B1, B

Номер слайду 3

Introduction For a listening lesson to be successful, the learners need to be engaged with the audio. It might not always be possible to motivate all the learners in the class to the same degree but the important thing is to use an audio which all of the learners, can, in some way, relate to. If you are in a position where you can choose an audio, ask yourself ‘Will each and every one of the learners recognize this? Will they be able to say something about it? Will they have an opinion about it?’ If the answer to most of those questions is affirmative, then there is a chance that the learners will also be interested in the topic and improve their listening skills in the lesson. This month’s lesson mainly focuses on developing listening skills but other skills are integrated too, with opportunities for speaking, reading and writing. The lesson is based around the topic of ‘names’. You can start like this: Everybody has a name and everybody knows other people with names. Names are linked to culture and tradition. They are important to people.

Номер слайду 4

Write some or all of these questions on the board/screen for learners to discuss in small groups or as a whole class. Is your name traditional or modern? Does your name have a translation in other languages? Does anyone in your family share your name? Do you know any famous people with the same name as you? How do people in your country usually choose a child’s name?I. Engage. Warmer (5–10 minutes)

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• Play the video and discuss with the students the funny and strange names in their lives. It's pretty hard to believe these were ACTUAL names people used in Victorian England!

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Tell learners they are going to listen to a radio programme about fashions in names in Britain and the US. Before they listen they guess the answer to 4 multiple-choice questions. They should do this in pairs, in small groups, sharing their ideas and giving reasons for their choices. Leaners then listen and check their answers. Give a copy of Names Worksheet to each student/group. II. Study Listening

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Номер слайду 8

Learners work in pairs. They make a list of all the names they remember from the audio. Elicit the names from around the class and write them on the board. ORYou can use the jamboard for online lesson as in the example (where everyone can write\draw the names)Choose an activity for learners to do with the list of names on the board: Classify the names into groups (learners choose the groups). Order the names from most common to most unusual. Translate the names into learners’ own language (for monolingual classes). Learners do an Internet search to find famous people with these names. III. Activate

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Learners listen for specific information. Play the audio again and ask learners to complete the gapfill exercise (worksheet below). Ask learners to compare their answers with a partner and then check the answers as a whole class. OR Use the interactive exercise online (smth like this)

Номер слайду 10

Give learners a choice of a homework task or suggest different tasks depending on learners’ levels, interests, etc. a) A True/False and a grouping activity on the original Teens site. http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/listening-skills-practice/whats- Lesson plan Lesson plan name#sthash.n. JC9b. Wcp.dpuf b) A related article ‘What’s in a name?’ with text, audio and activities https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine-articles/names c) Ask learners to find out the top ten boys’ names and top ten girls’ names at the moment. d) Writing task: ‘Five interesting facts about my name’ Also, you can use this activity, if you have an extra time on lesson.

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